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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo


    Maybe they took shots from Savage/Warrior WM 7, with the crying crowd, and edited them in with the interview.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Update!

    I was just about to post that Ok. FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK FUCKING FUCK!! I really wanted to see Fedor vs. Cro Cop. I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY PLEASE-DADDY-CAN-WE-GO-TO-DISNEY-WORLD-AGAIN-PLEASE REALLY REALLY wanted to see that fight. Though, Nog vs. Cro Cop is what I originally wanted to see at this show - since Cro Cop needs to beat someone in the Top 5 to enter the top 5. I don't like this 'interim' business, it should be #1 contender. Sakuraba always provides a good show. Hopefully it will be against someone his size (a Newton rematch, maybe, YEAH!). This looks to be another amazing card from Pride.
  3. RavishingRickRudo


    The WWE is in some dire need of character development though - most of the wrestlers are 1 layered, if that. With all the hotshot hollywood C-level writers, with their Degree's and whatnot, you'd think that they'd be able to give character motivation and depth. Yet the ones who get the big monologues are the McMahon's... it's bullshit. So why even hire these fancy writing type if they can't do anything??
  4. RavishingRickRudo


    Imagine how that time could have been used developing an actual character on the show...
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    New Edge Commentary

    Then you discover that Canadian Chick is a robot made by Edge Industries for the sole purpose of spreading Edge Propaganda. "Love...Edge...Love... I... I-I-I..Think...I...know...y...y...y...you.."
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    How would a crowd react to a move for move redo

    No, because the context would be different. Besides, those matches sucked. Ok, they didn't suck, but there are better matches to re-enact.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    BloodBath - The Steel Cage DVD gets a name

    benoit vs. angle wasn't very long IIRC, how can it be clipped?
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    BloodBath - The Steel Cage DVD gets a name

    Stan Hansen, not Akiyama...
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    BloodBath - The Steel Cage DVD gets a name

    Oh, and I'll point this out again... THIS GUY is on a WWE DVD.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    BloodBath - The Steel Cage DVD gets a name

    You know, up until Austin/Hart right... ? I'm actually kinda hyped for this DVD... Shit.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    New Edge Commentary

    You're smooth, slick, very smooth.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    The Good.. Blondie. Yeah, horrible acting and stuff, but some really, really, nice eye candy... good lord some very nice eye candy. Boy was it cold in one scene I'd tap it. "What are you, like some sort of Frankenstein" "What?... No" Fred talking to Blondie about her 5 year stay, I liked it cause I was thinkin about it at the same time. That was pretty funny as well, cause it's so over-the-top, as well as "Angel with a soul" deal. But then she didn't continue along the same thought-process of her blocking herself away from the world, and how that only hurt her.. and how she knew what isolation was like. Spike's "history" with Wes. They should have him try that with everyone and have everyone call his bullshit. The Doctor-dude... that doctor-dude is the doctor-dude on Star Trek: Enterprise!! YEAH! DADDY! I was comparing Buffy with Star Trek like a week or two ago! YEAH! I don't watch Enterprise so I didn't really MARK OUT like I should have, but I still kinda did!! YEAH! I'm kinda sad to see him go. And that "Oh, he took the juice" bit, fuck that. I ain't havin that. They shouldn't mess with Lornes readings; they did last year and it sucked. Fuck Cordy. The Bad This doesn't feel like Angel anymore. The end, with the fucking david gray-esque music (or it was, infact, david gray) had a whole After-School Special feel to it that made me want to puke. I thought it might be a dream, or just fucking with us, and the real ended had the warewolf fucking everything up proper, but it was just fucking hugs and chinese food... what the fuck? There's not really enough pressure on the season, I miss the big bads. I miss the giganto story-arcs. This is so fucking season one, and I already seen Season 1... Season 5 of Buffy had all the kinks worked out, all the characters established, and then played with it. Now we're getting all this new shit. Fuck that shit.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    MMA Update!

    Mir vs. Ricco is rumoured to be the Main Event at UFC 45 and it would be for the title. Mir was supposed to fight Sylvia at the show, and Ricco never got a rematch, so they would be the 2 logical contenders for the belt. I say put Arlovski vs. McGee out there, it's a bit risky, but McGee's standup was particularly pathetic against Sylvia, and Arlovski is a pretty darn good striker. Not exactly the most robust division on the planet...
  14. RavishingRickRudo


    Ok, by "lately" you mean "for the past 3 years" right?
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    What WWE Pay Per Views have you Skipped?

    Last WWE PPV: No Mercy 01. However, I have seen Pride 25, 26, GP, and UFC 42, 43, 44... and actually purchased 3 of them... In otherwords, there are better things on PPV in 03 than the WWE.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    PPV win loss records

    Missing a PPV when you're healthy is almost as bad (if not worse) than losing on PPV. That should have been taken into consideration.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    New Edge Commentary

    Edge has been jippin us on the past 2 Edgucations. I feel unedgucated.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    I just swept aside the Austin/Hart comment, why the hell do most people not do the same ? I want my 10 points dammit! (Refer to Page 3 for point system)
  19. RavishingRickRudo


    Meltzer also calls Kurt Angle "The Next Ric Flair"
  20. RavishingRickRudo


    Hmm, funny that you mention that... real funny.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    What's Next for the DVD line?

    The WWE should just offer to donate X million dollars to the WWFund in exchange for the right to use the old footage. I'm sure the WWE's lawyers could work something out.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    What's Next for the DVD line?

    Because the WWE at the time had their logo elsewhere... on the apron, on shirts, etc. etc. WWE released "Cause Stone Cold Said So" back in what, 1997?
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Oh shit, how did I end up in this thread?? The show opened with John Cena's music hitting, and Kurt Angle coming to the ring dressed as Cena (complete with homeboy visor and Jacksonville Jaguars jersey). Angle "rapped" about how he (calling himself Cena) was so tough. This was entertaining and I won't spoil all the good lines he had. Then Kurt Angle's music hit, and a midget dressed as Angle came out. Some funny back and forth between the two took place. The midget scared off "Cena" eventually, then "Cena" tried to attack him, but was taken down. The midget then put "Cena" in the ankle lock, which made him tap out immediately. This brought out the real John Cena, and he and Angle exchanged words briefly before the midget Angle gave Cena a low blow. Some more back and forth, and finally officials separated the two men. Oh shit, how did I post this? RRR: Very confused right now.
  24. RavishingRickRudo


    Stephanie cried (literally) over what her father has done to her, then said she hated him, and later said she loved him, then talked about how she would never forgive him and wouldn't let him walk her down the aisle should she ever get married "again," would never allow him to see any future grandkids, etc. I give that about 3 months.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    New Edge Commentary

    "I actually threw two hiptosses last week" *Bites lip* That's our Edge.