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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    You can get 25 points if you are right... We only get 10
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 44: Undisputed

    The show should be very exciting... it's just, when I "give love" to a show, it should really deserve it (IE: Pride Gp). Any one of those matches would have been a main event... this is JUST a main event. UFC and Zuffa are clueless as to how to run a promotion - they didn't capitalize on the draw that UFC 40 was (look at the numbers, they had the audience at UFC 41 and totally dropped the ball) and they stacked this card with a bunch of guys no one except the hardcore of hardcore fans know. They have to earn the love - and yes, Couture vs. Tito is a great match, and yes they do have some exciting fighters on the card - but they spent their money on getting a infomercial on at 4 in the moring rather than paying for first-class fighters like PRIDE does. This is not the card I would use to hook someone on MMA, so that's why I didn't put the same effort as I did the previous MMA cards... that, and I too don't know half the guys on this card.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    "The Name Game"

    You all suck for ruining my beautiful post.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Jimmy Yang Signs With WWE!

    Ok, time for the Cruiserweight Albertross pool... 2 months.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    The crowd is still hot for Eddie, but they weren't as hot for him as they were, say, 4 months ago. THAT was the time to strike... but oh no, this is like Global Warming: "It needs more study".
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    It's "Pound and Ground" for crying out loud! (In other words, he punches and kicks until they are down, then he continues to punch and kick... Ground and Pound actually involves a wrestling move) - It's almost as asinine as "American Strong Style". Plus, it'll be fun to prove you all wrong. We seriously need a point system on this board. You know, for "calling it"...
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    What NEW shows...

    There's new shows???
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Flair had a consistant run on top in the 80's - that momentum carried over into the late 90's when he was wrestling for the US title w/ Eddie. Angle has had no period of stability. Bret had a sustained period on top as did Shawn. Even if it was for a year. With Angle we're talking about a few months on top, a few months in the midcard for his whole career. Taker is always the exception to every rule.
  9. RavishingRickRudo


    With the way the WWE is booked today, the miscarage would happen but the doctor would be knocked out, so another doctor runs in and is about to make a diagnosis and changes the decision to a healthy baby boy.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Angle has never been the anchor of the promotion. He has never been at the Rock/Austin/HHH level. He has periodical stints in the main event and goes back down to the midcard. You don't see the real main eventers do that. They keep their spot at the top, even if they lose the belt.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Angle needs a consistant run at the top to become a truly established Main Eventer. This up-and-down shit doesn't help.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    That's my pick-up line in bars, and it just doesn't work.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    I didn't know that it was only "Smart Purists" who want to see good wrestling.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Because they clearly do not have "Wrestlemania Main Event Potential"...
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Is there any real reason for this feud?
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Another positive: At least he's not facing Benoit. RRR: Clamoring for the "Boston Bad Boyz" (Cena and Albert) vs. Angle/Benoit... Oh you know it will happen.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Deja vu on Smackdown!...

    Ok, then look at it like Austin is that good in the ring. ...and Cena still sucks.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs. Cena

    Yes. When it's over, all the Cena marks won't be clamoring for this feud anymore.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Deja vu on Smackdown!...

    Austin as a cripple is 1000x's better than Cena 100% healthy
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Deja vu on Smackdown!...

    Cept, you know, both Austin and Bret were, you know, good.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Bushido! (Press Release)

    Cro Cop will be taking on a Japanese fighter. I'm not expecting the same sort of fury out of Alexandre that Fedor has. He is a pretty scary lookin bastard though.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Deja vu on Smackdown!...

    Comparing Cena to Austin....
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I think the reason no one is talking about Angel heading up Wolfram and Heart is because we simply don't know what to think of it yet.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    We have been getting Angel Season 1 Re-runs for about a month now and are on from Monday-Fri at 11 pm on Space. New eps. will air on Thursday's at 9 pm - so since there haven't been any new eps. lately, they've been re-running the last season (well, part of it)
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    Last time WWE had a **** match?

    Shhhh, you can't say that there is wrestling beyond the WWE - then you're an elitist puro snob