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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    Of course they are capable of it. Both are athletic freaks with workrate out the ying-yang, but it would take years of experience in several different promotions and styles for them to successfully pull it off. I mean, Angle has been wrestling for 5 years, Brock for maybe 3 - 8 years experience with just one style and just one way of working between them and giving them 1 hour in the ring? Now, I'm no big shot professional wrestler and am in no way associated with the business other than being a fan of it, but that's not exactly the 'right' combination of guys I'd have in there.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    HHH wasn't a product of the WWE style. He wrestled the WWE style, yes, but he wasn't bred under the hip-toss/dropkick WWE style like Angle and Lesnar. Besides, I'm not a big fan of that Ironman either.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    It wasn't an off night, they just aren't good enough to pull it off. They do have limitations. The WWE style has limitations, it is a style which mainly relies on spots and formula. 60 minutes tends to over-extend the formula and spots and brawling alone cannot carry the match. Angle and Lesnar are both products of the WWE style - it's all they know, it's all they're told - so it naturally suffered.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    On Space, 11 pm (after Buffy, before ST: Voyager... mmm geeky). I was watching the second-last Season 4 eps (the one where Jasmine dies), and that was awesome. The whole season was awesome in retrospect (cept for Cordy... she sucked) and suffered from over-booking.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Thoughts on the Iron Man Match

    1) Albert right now is Albert 2003, not Vader 2003. Albert in 2001 was Vader 2001 because he was clearly lifting his style from Vader (and someone, cough, was diggin it) - but now Alberts moveset is way cooler than Vaders. If anyone right now is Vader 2003 it's Taker. 2)I'm watching the Ironman match right now, and I am not... Na'mean? I wasn't looking forward to it and I would say it's a disappointment if I wasn't already severely disappointed by their WM match. 3)Cole is pissing me off with his Hero-worshop of Kurt Angle. I don't think they have done nearly enough to build Kurt into a convincing uberhero - I must have missed the memo. 4)Tazz is disappointing me. It must be all the brawling, or he is pacing himself both mentally and vocally. 5)Taker vs. Angle is still my TV MOTY so far. Seconded by Eddie/Tajiri vs Team Angle 6)I appreciate the effort made by the WWE by giving us this Ironman match - this is one of those rare ol times where I'll say that. I just think they made the wrong call on the wrestlers involved... and the commercials really hurt the match. 2 commercials max for TV guys.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    What exactly is there to appreciate about the WM 12 Ironman match?
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Smackdown! Thread

    If this match is anything like the WM 12 Ironman match, the fans watching are in for an amazing sleep.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Bushido! (Press Release)

    Ok, I know it airs in Dec (better than not at all which was originally planned) but at that Price it looks - on paper - to be definitely worth it. I look forward to seeing Hamanaka and Namamura fight again (esp Nakamura). Newton vs. Renzo should be an awesome match - as are all Newton matches
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I agree, I am not offended by the joke but am surprised at the lack of basic humanity when these jokes are made... especially on a national level. It completely dehumanizes and objectifies death.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    In Canada they are
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Why Should I hate Bill Goldberg?

    Baaaasssberg, Baaaasssberg, Baaaasssberg I don't really get the Goldberg hate. I mean, I get it, but I don't get why it's blown up to "fuck Goldberg" levels. He doesn't respect the business, he doesn't improve or want to improve, and doesn't work house shows. Ok, got it. That's bad. But in terms of performance, he's not bad at all. He does his thing, he does his thing very well. He doesn't take up much time, and the time he does take up the fans tend to really enjoy it. Plus, he's a Pride fan - how could you be hating?? I hope Goldberg wins at Unforgiven and has a successful feud with Kane. I hope all this negativity can get taken off him and gets put where it belongs... on the McMahons and HHH. Anyone who picks HHH over Goldberg is either a damned fool or a HHH mark... I mean, is just a HHH mark.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I'm looking forward to the tale of the tape and tazz's keys to victory more than the actual match...
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    The One & Only RAW 2 Thread!

    I don't see the point in career modes anyways. The real replay value comes in the matches and the create a wrestlers.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Matt Hume's Explanation of the Nog-Ricco Fight

    Damon Perry is the new guys name. I dunno if Cro Cop could beat Coleman. He hasn't faced a wrestler with nearly the ability that Mark has and I doubt Mark would even think about playing the standup game with Mirko and would be more than satified with Laying and Praying for the decision.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only Angel Season 5 Thread

    I'm watching Season 1 Angel reruns and I have to say... Kate is really fucking hot. I dunno whether it's my tastes that have changed or they digitally remastered the show with Foxtravision, but gotdamn, when did Kate get so hot and where was the Lilah/Kate GonG action?!
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Jericho is Back....

    Why do people insist on taking the blame off Jericho? Seriously, it was cute the first thousand times someone said "he was working us" but now I'm starting to get the feeling that people actually believe that bullshit. And what "critical drubbing" ?? The match was praised by 99.999% of the IWC at the time. Jericho just decided to use that 0.001% to represent the whole. The reason that match isn't praised today is because of Jericho's comments afterwards and his dubbing it a MOTYC. But what does it all matter, HE WAS WORKIN US!
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    From TOA This match flat out sucked. Big time. It was basically a squash for 54 minutes. Kurt's first fall? A DQ by Lesnar for beating his ass with a chair. Lesnar followed that up with two quick falls and never looked back. He dominated Angle, allowing him to get in a few spurts of offense before killing him some more. They killed the crowd early on with a ton of stalling by Lesnar, which has its place, but this was overkill, IMO. I'm no wrestling psych expert, but Angle kept going for the ankle lock, only to have Brock almost always reverse it the same way. Same with the angle slam, he might have hit it once, maybe twice. Lots of rope running, LOTS of German, belly to belly, and vertical suplexes. Other than that, not a whole lot. Towards the end, Angle made the obligatory come back, after maybe not even getting his first real fall until the second half. For his comeback, Angle starts to work Brock's knee, softening him up for the big submission, right? What does he do? Half crab and another ankle lock. Hey, he's holding the leg, so that MUST be what it's hurting, right? The only two remotely cool spots for me was an F5 by Angle that sent Lesnar's leg into the ringpost, and Angle busting out the Regal Stretch at one point. Sue me, I'm a Regal mark. Angle brings it to 5-4 by getting Lesnar to tap with a few minutes left. Hmmmmm....Lesnar taps again and it isn't the big final spot. Wonder who's gonna win. As the clock runs out, Angle has Lesnar in a modified ankle lock, where Angle is lying on the ground, maybe in some sort of leg grapevine too, I couldn't see that part well. The big non-televised send 'em home happy? Lesnar walks out, Angle poses. The storyline of the match was basically this: Lesnar beats Angle's ass, Angle tries to make the big comeback and fails. The only possible saving grace for Angle is that at some point near the middle of the match the ref is knocked down and Angle has Lesnar pinned. Granted, immediately after this, Lesnar gets up, squashes Angle, picks the ref up and throws him down by Angle and picks up another pin. As for consistancy within the match, Lesnar scored a fall by beating a 10 count into the ring. Later in the match, Angle slides into the ring just before the ref counts 10, and it only breaks up the count. WTF? Would it be too much to ask to have some consistancy in the same fucking match? : Also, for our viewing pleasure, Eddy and Chavo won the Tag Titles from Benjamin & Hass. A really fun match that seemed like it was given some decent time. I was waiting for the setup for a Chavo turn, so I was surprised when they won. Especially since in the pre-match interview, Chavo kinda stressed he was only thinking about Eddy and getting Eddy "Double Gold" ( © Edge & Christian). Show opened with Rey & Benoit v. Rhyno & Tajiri. Really short match with nothing special. Also had a(nother) 2 on 1 women's match, this time Shaniqua vs. Torrie and Nidia. No, Lita did not make the save for Shaniqua in this one. Nothing special, as I actually forgot all about this match until a few minutes ago. I want to say there was another match, but if there was, I'm blanking out. There was a "skit" that showed the faces and heels in separate rooms/aPa office to watch the iron match and placing bets. Bradshaw has some stupid dX type bit, and then tells either Ultimo or Funaki to shut up and learn some English, then turns to Rey and says he doesn't trust anyone in a mask. It wasn't really clear if he was saying he didn't trust Rey, or if he was trying to be ironic by telling Rey he didn't trust Ultimo. Given the shitty writing and parties involved, I refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt. Speaking of which, why the hell did they tease us by signing Ultimo and then proceeding to fucking waste him? Was he on the verge of signing with TNA or something. I've heard the rumors that Vince didn't like the way he worked or something, but come on, are you telling me they sign him, have him work dark shows, put all that time and energy into hyping his debut, have Rey do commentary for his opener, and Vince doesn't get around to watching the guy work until AFTER all that occurs? I mean, have things really gotten that bad yet? I didn't see the dark matches or all of velocity, but I don't think Matt Hardy made any sort of appearance, other than sitting quietly in the heel locker room. John Cena just had a vignette/rap from the roof of the arena. Even it sucked. Best of all, Undertaker makes one appearance, at the beginning, to tell Vince that he won't be interfering tonight because, now get this, he respects the title too much to ruin the match. A) He must have gained more respect for the title since the Rock/HHH iron man match, and B}He must not respect the title enough to not ruin a title match by actually wrestling in one. : On the injury front, Keller says that Brock's injury is "feared to be a serious ACL tear". Brock's knee seemed to be bothering him at various points, but he was usually either playing possum or Angle had been working on it. Also in the tag match, Benjamin appeared to have messed up his ankle, "potentially serious", while Haas got a head injury that may have been a concussion. Ouch. Didn't notice anything weird about Benjamin, but Haas did need a little help walking to the back. jason w
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Question about SK Raw Rant

    *wipes tear from eye* Thank you
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H pins first film roles

    Pizza fuckin Potato Skizzins?! I'm done class at 11, but will probably take a nap when I get home cause I'm pullin an all-nighter. Gimmie a call whenever though, I should be good to go.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Question about SK Raw Rant

    Yeah, I know. I was referring to his "goldberg makes microphones" comment. RRR: Disappointed "beaten to death" line wasn't picked up on. RRR: Unsung Genius
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    The Joe Schmo Show

    Dr. Pat is next. It's pretty obvious who they want to keep around and who are just bit players.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    The chases are long???
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I always get the feeling that Angle is holding the title for someone else.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    Where does this "Eddie for the Title" business come from?
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown Spoilers

    I have a night-class on Mondays so I get home at about 10-10:30, so I miss a good deal of Raw - I now basically go on-line to see if anything is worth watching on the TSN Replay at 12 (luckily, no classes on Tues). So really, I get spoilers for both shows