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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo
Am I the only one who doesn't care about game modes, career modes, and customized music?? My main problem with Raw 1 was that the game engine SUCKED ASS. Who cares about TLC's, or Careers or how you come down to the ring if what you do in the ring is just plain bad?? If Smackdown has a better grappling engine, there is no hope for Raw 2. If you can just "keep hitting Triple H with a powerful clothesline until he’s worn down enough to be pinned" and if there's the "hit you from anywhere" option, then I gotta get a new fucking system, cause Xbox has shit for wrestling games... in fact, the only good system for wrestling games is N6fuckin4.
So would they be called "Extremely Bland"?
LOL I was thinking the exact same thing
It's amazing how out of both those replies, no answer was given. Did the point go over everyones head???
Well it's pretty obvious what they're going to do... *Wealthy-Industrialist-turned-Professional-Wrestler Paul London steps out of his limo and enters the arena* JR: Oh bah gawd that's the newest Raw Superstar Paul London.. King: You mean the wealthy industrialist BILLIONAIRE Paul London! This guy is worth millions! He could do whatever he wants, he doesn't have to work a day in his life, and he's HERE on RAW! JR: He will be a welcomed edition indeed, king! *Paul London enters locker room and all the heels line up to kiss his ass. Rosie and Hurricane are off in a corner* Rosie: WOW! Paul London is here! He's rich! Let's go over and talk to him, maybe he can help fund our Superhero Team, after-all, the Hurricave is in some need of renovations and the Hurri-cycle does need repairs after I... uh... Hurricane: We don't need anything from that profiteer Paul London! He is villian, indeed! Stealing from the poor to suit his greedy needs, oh he is a bad one! *Paul London walks over to introduce himself* London: Hello, I'm Paul London, esquire. I believe you are Rosie the SuperHero In Training - very good work my large friend, and you must be the infamous Hurricane. Oh, I've heard a lot about you... Hurricane: Don't expect me to kiss your ass like all the other guys here PAUL, I don't kiss ass, I KICK it, and you better watch yourself because I have heard a lot about you too, and if you make one wrong move here, I'll be all over you like a..a.. London: A Hurricane? Hurricane: THAT'S RIGHT! Let's go Rosevelt. *Hurricane and Rosie leave as the camera gets a close-up of an scowling Paul London* This, of course, all leads up to Paul London hiring both THE STORM MASTER and THE WORM to help dispose of the Hurricane as he makes his own lil Evil Band of Nasties out of his secret evil lair, "Tower of London".
That would be a horrible stable.
I'm not going go into a huge rant against the "entertainment value" of matches, but what exactly is the difference between the entertainment value of wrestling and the entertainment value of say, Friends? Or The Simpsons? Or any other form or "entertainment"??? I mean, it's you being entertained and that's all that matters, right? So what does it matter if it's wrestling? Anyone seeing my point here? How about this... what's more entertaining.... A Benoit/Angle match with you alone in a darkened, smelly, room with two people talking very loudly in the next room - or a Nash/Hogan match with you getting a blow-job while watching it?
Sure, why not.
I agree with everything you said after the first paragraph (and most of the things said in the first paragraph) - well said. The only problem is with the "did it draw me in" part - there are external factors which effects whether or not you get drawn into the match. Ratings should be as objective as possible and if you have someone beside you talking your ear off I bet it's pretty hard to get into a match - so should the rating suffer because of that? Yes, personal enjoyment is very important, but in terms of assessing a matches worth, it shouldn't really play a big role... or any.
I base my ratings on Technical Merit and Artistic Merit... Kinda like Figure Skating. There should be a variety of moves, and if there isn't then the moves performed should be performed well. There should be a story and it should be presented clearly and effectively. The degree of difficulty for each (technical and artistic) is taken into consideration as is general atmosphere... actually, I'm bullshitting here since I don't often rate matches, but if I were to evaluate and analyze a match it would be under this system. "The Canadian Judge just gave Bret Hart and Steve Austin an 8.3 for Technical and a 9.8 for Artistic" I like Star Ratings, mainly because I like visual aids and physical represenations. If I want to know how good a match is quick and sweet, boom ****. Of course, not all stars are created equal. I can tell you this, I would never want a recommendation from some people in this thread given their method(s) of evaluation. "It was good cause I liked it and stuff. It made me feel all warm inside, or was that the beer?? Aniwayz *****1/2"
Amateur Wrestlers call it Sooplay too... well, at least Jeff Blatnick did during the UFC PPV's when Severn delivered two german sooplays.
... AKA "G-Lo".
The Cruiserweight Albertross has begun for young Paul London..
I wouldn't say that Eddie is "several streets" above Benoit right now. If this were the spring when Eddie was ruling the tag matches and Benoit was getting buried then I'd agree. Or even if this was last year when Eddie and Edge were going at it and Eddie was seemingly peaking (though Benoit was good as well at that time). But now? Benoits match with Rhyno last night completely changed things. I have a question... should the Parking Lot Brawl been "fun"?
Seriously though, if it took you the ParkingLot Brawl to see Eddie's entertainment value, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN WATCHING BEFORE??
Who I'm diggin right now. Benoit Taker Tajiri Eddie
Benoit's not boring, that's probably why. He's just not ~DYNAMIC~ and ~XXXCITING~... nor does he need to be.
Maybe it's because I've seen too many late-90's hardcore matches, but I didn't think the parkinglot brawl was anything special. It needed more blood or something. It wasn't very violent and I mean that in the malicious sense - the cerebral sense. It wasn't intense enough. Benoit/Sullivan was a perfect example of that and it was "tame" in terms of plunder and gimmicks. You gotta feel the hate between the two to make a match like that work, and I didn't feel it. Maybe it's me, but the only time I felt it was when Cena was kicking in the door and Eddie just escaped. They should have bladed on the lawnmower (turned off, of course) and maybe referenced Eddies autoaccident of a few years ago to bring more significance to the brawl.
I don't know any more. I thought their match at Mania would have been better structured than it was, and their Slam match didn't have the neat twist that Brock vs. Rock had either. I think McMahon is putting his grubby hands on it.
But Dragon hasn't jobbed to Ohaire or Cena or the Bashams for absolutely no reason yet, a more horrible fate than Velocity. It's the bashams fer cryin out loud! So by that logic (the one of "it never gets mentioned again so no one remembers it so its ok) they can do ANYTHING THEY WANT, right? I mean, 5 months down the road it won't even be brought up, so let's job out everyone and have em all fuck dead chicks... time is not expendible. They should be held accountable to every decision they make. It was within recent memory and they can't just fix it with two wins over two lower-mid card workers. But hey, they SAY he's on a roll so it must be true just like how they don't say he lost to Cena, Ohaire, Bashams so it's not true... God I love that logik. The notion of Benoit being "protected" is laughable. HHH is protected. Taker is protected. Benoit gets squashed to put them over. *At the time* It was a bad idea. Nevermind this "looking back" crap. To have him go in cold is just looking to sabotage him. Treats him like just-another-wrestler. Then to turn him in his hometown where the first reaction to his new found heel character will be a mixed reaction just seals the deal. No Way Out, Wrestlemania... off of backlash. 2 ppvs later. Of course, he was on a throw-away team in a throw-away match on the WM card too.
After watching Angle/Lesnar from SS tonight and having seen their WM match, I have absolutely no desire to see their Ironman match next week. On-paper they were such a good match, but the execution thus far has been horrible (and by horrible I mean - utterly disappointing). Taker has had better matches with Angle and Lesnar than either guy has had with each other. Simply put, they're both too young and inexperienced (yes, including Kurt "The next Ric Flair" Angle) to be pulling off long matches and I can't see how they could pull off 60 minutes (of course, it will be overbooked like a motherfucker and most will say _that_ took away from the match, when in reality it probably saved it from itself.)
Like, 5 months ago? When did this "If it didn't happen within 3 weeks it never happened" rule come into effect? Benoit was protected when they returned him with no fanfare, hype, build, and then turned him in his hometown?? Right. He was protected after his big title match with Angle where 2 ppvs later he was completely off the card? Must be a pretty small degree... right between protecting Scott Steiner and protecting Ultimo Dragon.
Yeah, the "on the roll" comment raised an eyebrow. Of course, beating Albert and Rhyno isn't exactly the best of ways of rolling given that he has lost to Cena, Ohaire, and the Bashams. *shrugs*, must mean he's gettin to put over Taker~! Cole and Tazz must have been mistaken, _Eddie_ said he was tired of living in Benoits shadow... or is Benoits shadow THAT big?? *groan*
When did he say that?
But why did Rhyno turn on Benoit??