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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    and Angle vs. Brock from Summerslam sucked...
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    The 9/11 SmackMullet! Thread

    Rhyno vs. Benoit was particularly good, with both guys beating the living piss out of each other, but it would have been better had they given a reason why Benoit and Rhyno are fighting...
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    TNA fails to impress

    Oh, so you didn't read the part where I said "have Mike Tenay do a voice over" or "Chronological Order" or "Do profiles on stand-outs in the X-division" or "Change the camera/film" or where I kinda said "Don't loop the footage"... ????
  4. RavishingRickRudo


    Was it all those blown spots? The fact that the match totally broke down in the end and completely ignored the tag rules? The lack of transitions and reliance on spots?
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    TNA fails to impress

    TNA wanted us to "give them a chance" to show what they've got. This was NOT a "gift" from them to us, this was OUR gift to them. So let's not be mistakened here. THEY wanted us to watch, THEY put THEIR BEST to impress US. We *gave* them OUR TIME and OUR ATTENTION - so it's a lil bit more than "just a penny". We have a right to complain just as we have a right to complain about the "free" RAWs and Smackdowns (really, last weeks SMACKDOWN w/ Angle/Taker and Rey/Tajiri was pretty much well equal to the 0.01 PPV... if not better - that Tag Cage match would be disappointing if I hadn't expected to be disappointed) I've seen one TNA ppv from about this time last year, I gave them a chance to impress and they didn't. They did a good job trying to familiarize consumers to their product (which is extremely important), but they didn't really do a good job to convince those consumers to buy the product. I don't get why they didn't do the show in Chronological Order, because when they were reviewing the feuds they overlapped and featured out-dated storylines. IMO they should have at least had Mike Tenay talk over parts of the clips explaining what they were about, rather than letting us, the viewer, try to fill in the blanks. The Production wasn't good. This is where the WWE excells so it's hard to even come close - which they didn't. It looked amateurish. They should use different cameras or film or something. The X-division video package was just plain bad and they could have used that time profiling stand-outs in the division rather than just looping spots. The first time around they were impressive, the second time around they were just moves, the third time around it became annoying. My main problem is that *I* could have done it better. That's my measuring stick. If I can do it better, I tend not to like it. I expect a promotion (or anything, really) to do a better job than I could - because after all, I don't do what they do. They are the professionals. They are the ones who want my time and my money. ...and Don West still sucks. WWWOOOOWWWW I've never seen ANYTHING like THAT before!!!!!! - Don West after a hiptoss... it's just insulting.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Shopzone Galore

    And we all know to be REALLY ghetto you have to play that rap music louder so people in a 3 mile radius can hear. Can I get a bling-bling??
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Shopzone Galore

    Are you supposed to be ghetto w/ John Cena merch on???
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Angel is being rerun on SPACE up here; I can't wait as it has been a while since I've seen the early eps and it will be nifty to see all the changes the show has made.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Shopzone Galore

    But you don't find "word life" on every lock, now do you??
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    Shopzone Galore

    http://www.so-net.ne.jp/pride/cshop/shop_main.html WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better stuff. Some of it's cool. Some of it's down right bizarre. And some of it is off-the-wall-fucked-up... and I'd buy each fuckin item if I could... ...yes, even the Nachatte Body Attack shirt...
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    My Life Is Fucked Up.

    So is this a mid-mid life crisis?? 32K a year? I just can't wrap my mind around that. 'Tis a fine site though. The only word of advice I can give you is you can always go into business for yourself. Take that in anyway you want.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

    ..and Chuck Barris' ass.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    I marked out for the "StormTroopers" comment.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    "I'll fuck you in the asshole you punk ass French white boy. I'll fuck you in the ass you French coward, you French bitch. You fucking French faggot! You're just scared like a little white French pussy. I'll fuck you till you love me, you French faggot!" - "Iron" John Bradshaw. (Taken from Mike Tyson, so no hate crimes by me)
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

  16. RavishingRickRudo

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    Bradshaw has a very nice benoit-ish powerbomb. I was thinking about it after I made the previous post.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Unforgiven 2003: early contender for...

    This sort of post comes up around every PPV - but it's pretty warranted here.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    Bradshaw at least has the Lariat and is a pretty entertaining guy when not doing his schtick.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    My thoughts on RAW, 9/8/2003...

    It's not really a "simple" spot as there is a high degree of risk associated with it. Not that I am defending La Rez - they suck and Bradshaw should move back to Raw to learn them up good.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    Man, it's getting catty in here. Cool off guys, take a break, it's just a message board.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    The WWE knows that their success relies on creating new stars? OOOOOOOOOK.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Confessions of A Dangerous Mind

    ..Confessions of a Dangerous Ass.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    I think its time for another anime thread

    The newest Anime that I have seen is Metropolis. I really enjoyed it, and even as a lightweight anime fan was able to pick out certain influences in it.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Has anyone ever been carried

    The Kawawa/Albright match is the best carry-job I've seen. You can see Kawada leave something open for Gary to take, Gary doesn't take it, and in that split-second Kawada does something else. Brilliant work by a guy who "can't work" according to Lance Uber Worker Storm. But that match is not *****. Very few (and theoretically only one) are.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    Possibly, but there was no need to. Yes, he was over, but what had he done in the past year that would make fans accept him in a World title situation? Never said "World Title", I said "above the mid-card". Which means a high-profile feud setting up a world title feud - a transition period of 3-6 months. Great matches, yes, but the majority of them were tag matches. Putting the U.S. belt on him was a good move IMO, because it allows Eddie to re-establish himself as a credible singles competitor and warm fans up to the idea of Eddie as a champion. Eddie is above that belt, so all it really did was establish him as a midcard player - what he has been since he arrived in the WWE. And, for the sake of argument, suppose the WWE just decided to give Eddie the God push as soon as he and Tajiri lost the tag belts. Then what? The world title scene was pretty much locked. There really weren't a whole lot of options for Eddie at the time, and knowing the wonderful writers in WWE, he'd most likely have been lost in the shuffle, his heat would die and we'd have something legitimate to bitch about. I'd rather have them put Eddie in a midcard program with some actually structure to it than have him wandering about aimlessly in the upper card. So you'd rather them do nothing with the *mega heat* he has gotten (which doesn't come along that often) than put him up with the players to see if he could make some money?? Sure, the WWE braintrusts would fuck it up, but they already have a bunch of times in the last 4 months. That's what they do. Eddie is better than the mid-card act he is right now, he's better than the US title and he's much better than Cena. Don't put words in my mouth. Am I saying Eddie's gonna be World Champion? Hell no. You said "don't jump to conclusions". You said that they'd make "something" of Eddies push - what something would that exactly be? Is nothing something?? I'm not even saying this feud between he and Cena will be remotely good. All I'm saying is so far, as it relates to Eddie and Cena, they really haven't done anything wrong...nothing they deserve to be crucified over anyway. 1)The focus is on a car rather than the title - this is WRONG. 2)Rather than giving something back to the Latino Population, they had Cena punk Eddie in his hometown (typical WWE crap, don't give me this "putting heat on a feud" cause when Cena beats Eddie (and he will, he's a jacked up white boy from Ohio - Vince's ideal Sports Entertainer) then that's not putting heat on a feud, that's stealing heat from Eddie. That's wrong too. RRR: Not a Roman. There's no real reason to complain about the feud yet. Cept for the fact that it's based on a car. Which it is. The car itself was really only the focal point of one major segment. Not enough time to label it a feud about a car. Let's see -Eddie gets upset cause someone stole his wheel -Cena denies stealing the wheel -Cena beats up Eddie with the wheel That's 3 segments, in one night, right there about the car. To be fair, the title itself was really only focused on during that opening promo from last week, so you can't really label it a "title feud" either, but the fact remains that Cena's interest in the title, not the car, is what sparked the feud. And the focus of the feud is not the title or Cenas desire for it, it's about Eddies car. Don't forget about how Savage was SO mad at Flair for the doctored pictures of he and Liz...or how he was SO mad at Jake for crashing his wedding reception and fucking with his wife. CURSE THOSE BLASTED WRITERS! The Jake angle was retarded, the Flair angle worked because of Flair. Cena is nowhere near Flair standards and this car angle is nowhere near the Liz/Randy relationship which had been established for YEARS rather than months. I'm not saying this current feud is brilliant storytelling, but it certainly isn't on the level of the bullshit you're comparing it to because once again, the car wasn't the main reason they began fighting in the first place... I said "step above" the shampoo angle, to be fair. Of course it's a "step below" any good angle... actually, a few steps below. It's still bullshit. it was a Title match. Two, unlike the shampoo, the coffee, Lucy the dog or whatever other bullshit the WWE has cooked up, the low rider has been a part of Eddie's character. We've seen him go crazy when guys like Benoit messed with his car...we've seen him turn on Tajiri for messing up his car, and as stupid as that was, it establishes that Eddie's car means a lot to him, so when John Cena suddenly gets up and decides to steal it, it should register more with the fans. This is all well and good, but it still doesn't justify putting the CAR at the centre of the feud. The CAR does not make money, the CAR does not draw fans, the CAR does not work house shows. There is no reason for the car to take the central role in this feud with the TITLE is around Eddies waist. The TITLE actually has value (or at least, SHOULD HAVE value - which this feud does absolutely no favours for) And you can go a few different directions from here. They could play up Cena beating Eddie at his own game, and each week have him out-lie, out-cheat and out-steal Eddie. They could play it up as a respect issue...Eddie was publicly disrespected twice by Cena, once in front of his family, and feels he has to beat him in order to redeem himself, which they could always play up if Cena wins and they end up meeting for the World Title down the line. Or, you could simply look at it as Cena getting under Eddie's skin, making him prone to a mistake in an eventual title match. Is it the greatest angle ever written? No...but it's certainly hasn't been a bad one up to this point But Cena hasn't beaten Eddie at his own game - he cheated in their title match BUT he didn't WIN. The only respect issue involved is the typical "Cena respects nobody" issue carried over from his Taker feud - really, that's it. This is about the continuation of the Cena character, not Eddies. The other psychological elements you mentioned won't hold up because the WWE doesn't work like that. Character and in-ring Motivation is not their biggest strength.