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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    If Vince was on commentary?

    Yes, Yes, Yes, I want him back... oh wait, no. No I don't. Though the concept is nifty.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Coach's Heel Turn:

    I recently conducted an interview with "The Coach" here is it: : So how long have you been following Pro Wrestling? Coach: What the fuck is Pro Wrestling?
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Respect Women Wrestling

    Weak forearms, always looking for the next spot, completely unnatural movement, overrated matches... ..Of course Lance Storm would like them.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    That was roughly the same time period as the U.S. Title reintroduction. There was enough time to capitalize on it and elevate him above the mid-card with it. They chose not to because they didn't want to believe that someone like Eddie could be that over. Eddie doesn't fit those standards, because quite frankly there's never been anyone that was small, that had success in other federations, was talented and was a minority that was as over as Eddie is now. You're acting like Vince listens to his fans. No, he listens to his own instincts, and his instincts are telling him "small, talented, minority, wcw, ecw, japan... BAAAAD~!" Vince cares most about making money, and the reactions Eddie's been getting lately probably have the little cash registers ringing in Vince's head. BWAAAAAHAHHAHAHA!!! Next you'll be saying "Vince runs things, he cannot be influenced by any person below him" and other fucking retarded things that give Vince way more credit than he deserves. If Vince cared about making $$$ then why is HHH still champ? Why didn't they push RVD? Why did the Invasion angle - the angle that he decided to put his family at the forefront of - fail? Vince cares about making money, but he only knows a few ways to make it and will only follow those few ways... Eddie Guerrero, a Luchadore, isn't one of them. If he's got any sense left in him (debatable...I know), he'll try to make SOMETHING of Eddie's push. Just don't go jumping to conclusions before they actually bury him. Ok, so what you're telling me to do is completely go against everything the WWE has done in their history because "this time will be different". And you're not an apologist?? I think I have earned the right to count chickens before they hatch. And you would highlight the most meaningless aspect of the feud. By "meaningless" you mean "the focus of the past few weeks of television". Obviously, the feud is about more than a car, because it started with a challenge for a U.S. Title. Yes...a feud about a title in 2003...I know it's a foreign concept, but try to keep with me here. Has the title even been mentioned as of late? No, it's been "John Cena has stolen the wheel off of Eddies car" "John Cena has stolen Eddies car" "Oh you don't mess with Eddies ride, bruddah". The only mention of the US title has been "The US Champion Eddie Guerrero wants John Cena cause Cena messed up Eddies car!". But you're right, this is a TITLE-centric feud, hence the parkinglot brawl next week... oh, that's a classic title match. I remember Lou Thesz and Pat O'Connor's epic Parking Lot Brawl in St Louis back in 19dickity5. Aside from that, you've got the fact that Cena embarrassed Eddie in his own hometown, and Eddie wants payback. Cena's stealing the car just adds another dimension to the feud, because he's beating Eddie at his own game. Kinda like how Booker T was so mad at Edge for getting the shampoo commercial. Or Kane being so mad at Jericho for spilling coffee on him. BRILLIANT storytelling that has nothing to do with anything in terms of wrestling. But as long as it "adds another dimension" to the feud. If you don't like the feud, I won't try to force you to, but writing it off because it's "about a car"...? Come on. But it is about a car. Have you been watching Smackdown?
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    WWE fights are supposed to look more realistic? So the Widows Peak is realistic? The Molly-go-Round is realistic? The Stratusphere is realistic? You can't just pick and choose when to be "real", you either do it all or do none of it. So yes, you are protecting the womens mistakes. If I wanted real I'd watch MMA, which I do. Wrestling is an extention of the real - where one suspends disbelief to become invested into the story of the match. The women break that suspension almost every time they do a move by setting up their shots too long in advance or by botching a spot and ruining whatever rhythm or pace they had going for them. What does Manami Toyota have to do with anything?
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    How do you ever make another Austin?

    While you can't "make" another Austin, you can nurture it once it is made by using the typical face/hero formula.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    Eddie was getting over huge when he feuded with Team Angle. Then they "turned" him "heel", or tried to... Eddie is small, he's talented, he's a minority, and he had success in other promotions - there is no way he'd get beyond upper mid-card. RRR: Doesn't find Eddie vs. Cena in any way interesting. Oooh, they're feuding over a car. That's a step up from the epic Edge/Booker shampoo wars.
  8. RavishingRickRudo


    But, having said that, Lawler would be 100x's more enjoyable if he started to draw on the replays like he did when he started. What was that thing called again??
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    Speaking of Tajiri, any bets on Dragons heel turn and subsequent Fan Apathy
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    Good Column AS, but I can't help shake the feeling that this is just a glorified MB Post. There's nothing from your style that elevates it from just a fluff piece or you "speaking your mind" - which is, of course, the intent but it doesn't make what you're saying or what's on your mind to be anything that couldn't be found elsewhere... or on here.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    I kinda figured him wrestling Shannon Moore for his debut was a tell-tale sign of a burial. The fact that he wasn't on the week after sealed the deal.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    No, it means that you completely ignored my point. Men have a lot more matches than women, law of averages states that there's going to be mistakes once and a while. With the Women there's a higher degree of failure as it seems almost every match they have there's a botched spot or mistimed move. Are there plenty of bad male wrestlers on the roster? Of course, I can't stand La Rez - they're horrible. But the thing is, they -the worst male wrestlers- are just as good as the best womens wrestler in the WWE. THIS is "protecting": "Botched spots are supposed to happen in real fights, or simulations of them" I have a standard - it's actually a pretty low standard when compared to what it could be - the women do not live up to that standard. When I watch womens matches (which I can't any more) I see the business being exposed in almost every single move. At least the greenbeans from Ohio have their Hiptoss, Armdrag, Body Slam, Dropkick down. Besides, I'm hard on the guys all the time it just so happens that in this thread (about Trish and womens wrestling) I am hard on the women... cough.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    We all lost on that one Mully, we all lost on that one... I gave the WWE 3 months to bury Dragon... that's what I get for seeing the glass half empty, when in reality, there was no water at all.
  14. RavishingRickRudo


    I don't remember many from this board wanting Lawler back.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    "Moving Left Along" Feedback

    My main issue was with the "Apologist" line. People who enjoy the show aren't apologists, people who stand up for the WWE when Shawn Michaels beats Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 19 and say things like "The feud isn't over" and "Jericho wanted to lose" are apologists. Basically, anyone who says "Give them a chance" is an apologist, cause they do 99 out of 100 things wrong and there's no good reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. ..and I don't see this "unbelievable resurgence of the The Big Show". He got tossed around by Brock, that's it. He's the same blackhole of wrestling he's always been.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    The NWO in 2002

    NWO was DOA. And I don't mean THAT DOA.
  17. RavishingRickRudo


    JR and the King have been playing "JR and the King for way too long". They have become shells of shells. JR sounds like the worlds worst used car salesman.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    It warms my heart to see the vets so active in establishing a star as one of their own... a man at their level.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    Well as long as they weren't punking him out
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Austin / Flair in 2002

    Didn't HHH and Taker both punk Brock out the night after Summerslam??
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    Free Agency idea

    It's a good idea, but shouldn't happen for a while. They have just started the split-brand PPV's and fans need to become adjusted to that so once they feel totally comfortable with it and accept the shows as totally separate, THEN you can bring up the notion of trades and contracts.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Most Disgusting Personality

    Anyone who uses "Roxors" or the like. That scares me. I don't understand it. I fear what I don't know, and I hate what I fear. That, and this, what the fuck is this??
  23. RavishingRickRudo


    Yeah, those guys have turned me off my next ROH purchase. That, and the clueless wrestlers.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Velocidential, don't be frontin' me.

    They are Dragonkai~!
  25. RavishingRickRudo


    Who announced the All-Star Extravaganza show?? They really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucking sucked. If you want to hear great announcing watch Pride 25 - Stephen Quadros and Bas Rutten put everyone to shame. But since Pride fired Quadros, Tazz and Cole are the best team goin.