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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Velocidential, don't be frontin' me.

    Please, nobody watch this. It should never be spoken of. EVER.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    a short explaination to the Kane angle

    Damn that Wizard.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 44: Undisputed

    vs. The Epic Struggle continues...
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Well it's pretty simple: Connor = No Humour No Connor = More Humour
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    What does that have to do with anything?
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Pray for Me

    You need a sign that says "I want my money back"
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    Yes, like those increases in... House Show Attendance? Buyrates? Merch? Revenue? James, you're clearly in denial. Accept who you are and be the best damned James you can be.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Top 30 Pride Matches of All Time

    But, But, But, But.. IT'S NOG VS. FEDOR!
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Top 30 Pride Matches of All Time

    I just watched it again, all 3 rounds (I usually get drained after the first and stop watching), and I gotta move it up into the top ten. 10. Fedor vs. Nog Pride 25 11. Henderson vs. Arona Pride 20 ...I'm gonna have to write a review for this cause it wasn't even on your list and should get more love.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    UFC 44: Undisputed

    I wouldn't say that as UFC 45 will probably have a bunch of throwback fighters on it since it's the 10th ani show. I believe Tank vs. Cabbage will be on it.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    Totally agree James. The way I watch Raw is if they don't hook me in the first 15 minutes I stop watching. The first segments dictates the pace of the show and the priority of the WWE - if they don't put effort in hooking me, why should I continue to watch??
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    Well that's better than my assumption of Rhyno being jealous of the length of Benoits arms.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    Vince "ordered Zach to show up to the show" and we can draw our own conclusions from there. RRR: Still waiting for Rhyno to explain why he turned on Benoit.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    But the tormenting has already been established previously (where Brock initially beat up Zach infront of his mother)and the simple act of bothering Zach is prolonging the pain (as well as the notion of Brock beating up Zach in Stephs office - BTW, where is Stephanie "Zach Gowen can save my soul" McMahon during all of this?? So the time spent here was just reinforcing what we already know: Brock is Bad. Which is why I would have liked to have seen Brock break down and cry for a second so another layer could be added.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    The in-ring interview/promo/whatever...

    Last. Case in Point: Raw beings with a Promo. I turn Raw off for the rest of the night. Smackdown ends with a Promo, I tend to only not watch that.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Semi Confirmed Flair DVD Matches

    Ok, then have HHH's title wins on screen with a lil box in the bottom left hand corner of Flair winning his, and replace the belt with a canned ham.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    So should he be Spike Gowen or Zach Dudley?? Or maybe Spach Gowley or Zike Dudlen... ???
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    Of course you did. (We've all been there are one time or another in our lives, posting an a shitty board for no real reason other than to feel mentally superior to all those around you... *looks around* But if you stay too long you're just going to get dumber...) The less time Brock spends on the mic, the better. I think the WWE found confidence in him from his last promo and decided to go futher and it was too much for Brock to handle. He was unintentionally off tonight and didn't help the monster bullying.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Semi Confirmed Flair DVD Matches

    They should split screen every Flair title win with every HHH title win.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    Seriously, who the fuck goes to GameFaq's for wrestling??
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    I guess... It just seems kinda useless. Mission: To establish that Brock is bad and that Vince may not be able to control him. There are shorter ways of doing this.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Dangerous A's welcome back party

    You were gone???
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    The segment went on waaaaaaaaaay too long to accomplish what could have took about 2 minutes to do (have brock threaten zach, have mcmahon get scared, have brock choke zach, and have brock throw zach). It took like 10.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Bret Hart or HBK who would you pick?

    Can we limit the HBK discussions to two times a year?
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    Semi Confirmed Flair DVD Matches

    It's amazing how half of his matches belongs in a company inwhich he wrestled only, maybe, 1/6th of it in.