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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Does any one go to wrestling shows alone?

    You have to share the experience. Who else would you talk to it about and say "remember that?" ??
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    I'm real, real, sorry for that... RRR: Creator of Horrible Mental Images, Destroyer of Fragile Minds.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    The following contains Mature Themes, Reader Discretion is advised... *Brock with Mrs. Gowen at the hospital visiting Zach* Zach: Mom, what are you doing with HIM! Mrs Gowen: Well Zachy, Brock and I had a long talk about his actions over the past few weeks and he's learned the error of his ways. He's really a good man Zach. Zach: NO! He's a MONSTER! Mrs Gowen: Come now Zachary, that's no way to talk to my new boyfriend. Zach: WHA?? NOOOO! You can't love that sonnofabitch! Mrs Gowen: ZACHARY!! I should wash your mouth out with soap! The mouth on you young man... Brock: Wait, lemme talk to him alone, man-to-man, heart-to-heart, he needs to see the new man I have become. *Mrs Gowen leaves* *Brock alone with Zach* Brock: Well, that's a real fine woman right there Zachy-boy, real fine! Zach: Don't you dare! Brock: Dare what? Zach: Don't you touch her! Brock: Oh too late Zach, I already did, I touched her up and down and she touched me too, hahaha! Zach: NO! NO! NO! Brock: Wrong again! She was cryin YES YES YES after I gave her the dickin of a lifetime! HAHAHA, I dicked her up in ways your old man never could! Zach: NO! Brock: YES, and now I'm gonna be your new daddy, hows ya gonna like that Son! I'm gonna beat you like a red-headed stepchild you lil cripple! I'm gonna beat that other leg right off! HAHAHA!
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    Taker with his workin boots on now-a-days is the best I've seen of him. Which isn't really saying much since for a good decade he's sucked, but at least it's sayin something. Underfedor normally is a guilty pleasure, but with Angle tonight it was a straight-up delight.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Brock Zach segment

    Isn't the next logical step to have Brock marry Zach's mom?
  6. RavishingRickRudo


    Taker so needs to go into Vader UWF-i mode now with the slow paced/very respectful/like he's talking to a retarded old man promos, "Kurt Angle is a very STRONG competitor with lots of HEART. I have come to the WWE for ONE reason and that is to become the CHAMPION and to wrestle for the American FANS - fore they are the best fans in the world and I am a champion of the world. 4 TIME WWE champion. Kurt Angle, I respect you, but I respect that title MORE." and then proceed to throw a ton of soupbombs and sell the leg and finish it off with a powerbomb or a chokeslam... in fact, Taker IS in Vader mode... only quicker... did I say that?
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    The Ironman match has me mixed. 1)The Feud doesn't call for it (2/3 falls first!) 2)Can both men pull it off?? 3)Can the announcers pull it off? 3)That's like 8 commercial breaks. 4)There's going to be a ton of overbooking w/ Big Show run ins and Lesnar run ins and a Gowen run in and a Vince run in, which may break up the monotony, but it will hurt the match. 5)Did I mention it's way too fucking early??
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    So Eddie slammed Tajiri through a car window and now TAJIRI is the heel?? "Well we had to turn somebody!" - Vince McRusso Why don't they just bring in a Cruiserweight and build him up as a huge heel? Not like Knoble or Nunzio or Moore, but a legit cruiserweight badass (is that an oxymoron??). A fresh face, good look, with intensity coming out the yin-yang and some killer moves and have him destroy everyone leading up to a big bout with Mysterio (have him kick some heavyweight ass once in a while too )
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    The Joe Schmo Show

    I'm expecting Joe to be in on it and the real reality show is on the actors playing it. Something stupid, ya know?
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    Top 30 Pride Matches of All Time

    1. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Royce Gracie (GP Finals) 2. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Dan Henderson (Pride 24) 3. Mario Sperry vs. Murillo Ninja (Pride 20) 4. Bob Sapp vs. Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera (Pride Shockwave) 5. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Vernon White (Pride 2) 6. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Carlos Newton (Pride 3). 7. Carlos Newton vs. Jose Pele Landis-Jons (Pride 19) 8. Don Frye vs. Yoshihiro Takayama (Pride 21) 9. Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera vs. Heath Herring (Pride 17) 10. Dan Henderson vs. Ricardo Arona (Pride 20) 11. Fedor Emilianenko vs. Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera (Pride 25) 12. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson (Pride 15) 13. Fedor Emilianenko vs. Heath Herring (Pride 23) 14. Wanderlei Silva vs. Guy Metzger (Pride 10) 15. Igor Vovchanchyn vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson (Pride 22) Ok, this changes every 10 minutes and I should really go back and watch all the Pride's again to get a refresher (it's been a month for crying out loud!)
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    How did I miss the Sapp/Hogan part?? Sapp is over in Japan because of a)His match with Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera which is considered to be one of the top 10 mma fights of all time, b) His win(s) over Ernesto Hoost, a man whom many consider to be the greatest kickboxer ever, and c) His size and persona (and some say his colour). The Japanese are like Americans in that they love the freak show - the charismatic big guys. They appreciate the work but they also appreciate the specticle. I bet you that per capita, the men botch MUCH less spots than the women.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only Smackdown Thread

    I missed the first half-hour or so, and I turned on just when Taker was giving that awesome promo (he's gonna throw BOMBS~!). The match was excellent. The only two things keeping it away from a WWE MOTYC is the arm work and the ankle work not being sold through moves that need arm/leg strength to pull over - and the finish. That, and Undertauro's triangle. It was better than most wrestlers' triangles because he kept trying to get his foot under his knee whereas most just ignore that touch, but his thrusting didn't help the move and neither did the positioning (should have turned him over on his side ala Nogueira/Inoue), plus you could see a big gap of space which totally killed the realism of the move... though I did appreciate the effort. So that's really like 4 things holding it back...The story was solid and out-of-the-ordinary for usual WWE matches and they threw in some nice touches w/ Taker "fooling" Angle with the mat work and then decking him with a Soup Bomb, and Angles transitions into the Ankle lock. The announcing was Grade A, top shelf with Tazz proving he's the best in the business right now and Cole not fucking up or sounding like a tool too much to hold Tazz back. The promos before the match treating it like it's a real fight and giving their strategies and motivation was awesome (though I hate the "look off into person not there" angle). All-around wicked stuff done by the WWE tonight with this match (cept for the finish, but somethings you can't help). The Tajiri/Rey match was also really good with the story of the match being Tajiris kicks and whacky submissions/pins vs. Rey's highflying. Didn't really like the post-match stuff though, Spoiler (Highlight to Read): They've turned Tajiri too much and he's a proven crowd favourite. He can't speak english, so what? His wrestling speaks for him and the crowd loves it. The Brock stuff at the end was kinda cool, but I would have liked to have seen Brock start to cry and then shake it off - reflecting his unstability, mental state, and pathos a lil bit more.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Top 30 Pride Matches of All Time

    27. Dan Henderson vs. Ricardo Arona (Pride 20) COME ON! 27???! This match ruled. Top 15 AT LEAST. 22. Igor Vovchanchyn vs. Masaaki Satake (Pride 15) Shouldn't be on the list. 19. Vanderlei Silva vs. Mirko Cro Cop (Pride 20) Shouldn't be on the list. Historically significant, but it's a 3 kick match. 17. Don Frye vs. Ken Shamrock (Pride 19) Eugh, I don't really like this match. Not top 20 material IMO. 13. Vanderlei Silva vs. Kazushi Sakuraba (Pride 13 & 17) No way. Another historically significant match, and P13 was a brutal beating -17 was nothing- not in the top 15. Maybe Top 25. 12. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. Enson Inoue (Pride 19) Maybe Top 30... MAYBE. And that's simply due to Nog's amazing technique setting up the Triangle. 10. Don Frye vs. Yoshihiro Takayama (Pride 21) C'mon! I wouldn't say Top 5, but I would say lower than this. 9. Vanderlei Silva vs. Guy Mezger (Pride 10) No way. Very action-packed, top 15, but not top 10. 7. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Renzo Gracie (Pride 10) C'mon! Nog vs. Hendo was mucho better than this. This shouldn't be top 10. Sakurabas fight with Vern topped this. 2. Carlos Newton vs. Pele I love this match. IMO definite Top Ten, maybe #5, but the two matches above were better 1. Kazushi Sakuraba vs. Royce Gracie Naturally.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    It's not a surprise, I understand why women are pushed, I just don't agree with it nor do I like it. I don't think it's very fair to say Trish is more over than the cruiserweights simply because Cruiserweights don't get nearly the time in the spotlight as Trish does. They don't get the magazine coverage, they don't get their own DVD's (Divas), and their appearances on PPV are hit and miss (usually miss). Tajiri was very popular when he debuted as was Rey, they got over on their ability and I'd say at their respective peak they were as over as Trish was at her peak (Trish wasn't even over when she debuted).
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    The Joe Schmo Show

    I really like the concept of the show, but the execution is missing something. It's way too "smooth". It doesn't feel real; even though that's the point, but it makes it seem like Joe doesn't seem real either. They spent way too much time pushing the concept in our face; every other second they were saying "this isn't real! he thinks it is!". Hopefully that was just for the premiere.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Chyna wasn't popular? Ok, won't argue against that
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Besides, at one point in time Sable and Lita were probably the top 3/5 faces in the company (and to a lesser extent, Chyna) and they could do maybe 3 moves. It's amazing what low expectations can do.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Interesting RAW Dark Match

    I loved when Yang was totally ripping Cima in his matches - from the Iconoclasm to the Perfect Driver - it, along with Jamie Knoble channeling Benoit and Kaz being quite Ohtani-like, made for a very entertaining Cruiserweight Countdown. Kaz/Yang vs. Styles/Paris was a kickass match on the last thunder too *kisses "Air Raid" tattoo*
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Trouble with Lesnar & Brock's Match

    Wouldn't it be amazing if Vince is looking at the past few Raws and is thinking "homerun" while pretty much well everyone else is thinking "run home"?
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    News From The 9/6 Torch

    As long as the cat dances and then does the James Brown schtick with the coat... ... I'll be happy.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    News From The 9/6 Torch

    If Ross is the measuring stick...
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    The No Mercy 2003 Promo Poster

    That's fucking horrible.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Coach vs JR at the ppv

    Maybe they should put a headset on both JR and Coach so they can commentate during their own match. JR: OH BAH GAWD! DAMN THAT COACH! HE HAS ME IN QUITE THE PREDICAMENT. Coach: Oh that's right JR. Coach in da haaawse. I got this headlock on TIIIIIGHT!
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    So what exactly is the statute of limitations on this, cause I would have thought less-than-a-year would be ok to bring up in terms of evidence in showing that the women get way too much television time that could have gone to better (or actual) wrestlers. But it seems like only things in a 3 month period are valid here... Excuse me while I roll my eyes. (What do you consider "quite a while") Torries "month long feud" with Sable then transitioned into another "month long feud" between Sable and Steph. And inbetween all of this we had craptacular Nidia vs. Torrie matches. What does all this mean? Nothing. How much money did this make? None. What's the point of it? I have no idea. But hey, they got more time than the cruiserweight division who'd at least give entertaining matches, but who cares?? RIGHT? Wrestlemania 19 (biggest show of the year) -WWE Cruiserweight Champ Matt Hardy pinned Rey Mysterio (5:39) -Trish Stratus beat Victoria and Jazz (7:17) in a "triple threat" match to win the WWE Women's Title when she pinned Victoria. Judgement Day: -Torrie Wilson beat Sable in a "bikini contest." -WWE Women's Champ Jazz beat Trish Stratus, Jacquelyn, & Victoria (4:48) in a "fatal four-way" match when she pinned Jacqueline. -Amount of Cruiserweight matches = 0 But Womens matches don't effect cruiserweight matches silly! I will "take into consideration" who are in these matches... WWE wrestlers. I don't care if they're women or men, if they suck they suck. WWE is the big leagues, not amateur night. At this level I want to see the top performers in the industry, because this is the top of the industry. Believe me, that is taken into consideration when WWE womens matches are on. *I* can wrestle a match better than the best Jazz/Trish match. Hell, I can do a one-man show doing the Jazz/Trish match better than Jazz and Trish. "I'm the bitch baby! The bitch is back!" *does a scoop slam motion* "The bitch is back baby!" *lays on the canvas biting teeth REAL hard and slowly gets up and throws crappy forearm and then does an irish whip motion.. continues to bite teeth and then motions a hip toss and flings back hair and points to the crowd* ...hell, this is much better... When matches get so bad you just shouldn't even rank them. They all are below the "shit" line and are all equal under said line. Besides, it's very rare that the best match on Raw is a womens match - this is just something dolts say when a womens matches doesn't have a botched spot and they do one or two overly contrived moves and have a competant finish. That, and them "considering who is involved", get's the matches overrated and overblown.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    Interesting RAW Dark Match

    Yang went to HWA and then was released.