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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Did the NWO get

    I hated when they made "WCW/NWO" ppvs.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Jay Bower names Test

    How long has this feud been going on for? 6 months???
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Oh Please, Torrie Wilson is promoted more-often-than-not as the #3 babyface on Smackdown and Steph is #2. Torrie/Sable/Steph took A TON of time away from potential matches. Then there was Dawn Marie/Torrie with went on for 4 months, at it's peak had something around 6 segments per show, and blew off in a throw-away match at the Rumble and then the main event on Velocity. Countless time spent on these angles - total amount of money made from them??? 0??? Again, it all adds up. You're not looking at the big picture. The womens matches suck. Ok. The pacing is all over the place, the moves are contrived, they set up their shots like they're building a house of cards and they're nearing the top -gotta be careful, don't want to make it look natural!- the crowd, aside from the "we want puppies" chant and the hootin and hollerin, is usually dead during these matches and don't really care about who wins or not, the selling generally consists of biting down and showing your teeth while looking constipated. The Amount of Good Womens matches - none of this "oh they try real hard" bullshit where standards are so fucking low that successfully entering the ring gets an automatic ** and then botching no spots gets a bonus *** - the amount of truly good womens matches, I can count on one hand. And you know what? THE BEST of those womens matches is NOWHERE NEAR as good as the best cruiserweight match, or even the worst cruiserweight match. I'm tired of this "best match on Raw", they're not the best match on Raw. If the mens' matches are that bad then they all suck so badly that it's ruled a no contest and no match is the "best match".
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    The Women usually get a PPV match as well. It all add's up after a while. Not to mention women get featured on both Raw and Smackdown while Cruiserweights (barely) get featured on Smackdown. Sure, there are other things to complain about - but that doesn't make this complaint any less valid. Can someone tell me when the women are not blowing spots or using overly contrived moves or setting up their shots 5 seconds in advance, where these "best matches on Raw" are coming from???
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Matchstick Men: Is Nicolas Cage back for good?

    I'm still waiting for Con Air 2.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    From City To City, Looking at WWE Fans

    I don't quite get the analogy? Is being like ROH a good thing??
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I'll tell you what to think. "The Gift fucking owns me" -The Buffy Bot -The Dagansphere and Troll Hammer -Tara's insanity and Willows witchcraft -Buffy's unwillingness to kill an innocent and Giles' duty to do so -Xander's constructions skills -Buffy "letting Spike in" the house -The emotional impact of Buffys mom dying -Ben and Dawn (which is an understated theme for Season 5) -Doc and Spike -And of course, Death is my Gift and the blood relation All are things that were in prior Season 5 eps. and used in "The Gift". Add this to some great one-liners, some great scenes, and Buffy's ultimate death - and you've gotcherself a fantastic finale.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Jay Bower names Test

    The second coming of Mike Sanders?
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Dragon gets no TV time. The women do. It's all WWE, the same wrestlers are contracted, so the time given to one is taken away from another no matter what show it is on. The women are horrid. You can see their spots coming from a mile away and their wrestling is not natural at all. It's amateurish and the only reason they are out there is because of their looks. Meanwhile, competant wrestlers get shortchanged. But hey, as long as "they're putting out the best matches on Raw" and are "better than La Resistance", who am I to argue with such lofty standards??
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    worst angles ever

    KANE In general. From the Lightning to the Vickening to the trash going on right now. Al Wilson went on from Late Sept to Early Jan. That's about 4 months. At it's peak, they did like 6 segments per show. Completely worthless.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    It's all about perspective, really.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    And I would take a Ultimo Dragon match over a Womens match any day. But I'm kinda whacky like that with my good-wrestlin-lovin.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    How will it get the buyrate that a regular Goldberg vs. HHH match wouldn't get? Fans have no attachment to Goldbergs career, at all. He isn't Mick Foley, that-lovable-ol-goof-with-a-heart-of-gold-and-balls-of-steel, he's Goldberg the-guy-who-smashes-all-things-in-his-way. Simply put, HHH is in his way. This career thing is just like tacking on Debra to the Rock/Austin feud - completely needless plot twist that means nothing to nobody and in the end is just a footnote to the big picture. There is no legitimate purpose for it.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    Yeah. I'm so happy their trying is spotlighted on national television while other, better, wrestlers who try and are successful remain hidden away. Gotta love amateur night getting to the big stage.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    It guarantee's a Goldberg win. It doesn't make HHH look bad at all since it will seem as if he was 'forced' to lose given the stipulation. It's completely ridiculous given the fact that Goldberg has only been in the company for a few months and therefore his career means NOTHING to the fans.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H-Goldberg Unforgiven Build

    The Career stip completely ruins it.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Trish starts to use Austin's moves

    they're still trying to be legit wrestlers Keyword: "trying"
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    The Gift schools every motherfucking finale ever. There are so many elements that are played up in there from previous eps. THAT is brilliant. Not some pussy-ass "oooh, I have to kill my boooooyfriend" ending.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Original DragonBall dub now on in Canada

    Goku's voice sounds like the Freeza voice from the change-over dub (right after Goku arrived on Namek). I tried to watch it, but I couldn't. Bulma pissing stardust doesn't do it for me.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    An idea or two from the new guy!

    Besides, everyone would think it's a work given the insane amount of times they have done it before.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    An idea or two from the new guy!

    So screw-job #7094836??
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Jay Bower names Test

    But was THAT sarcasm?
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Your camera's are under our control

    "If you have nothing nice to say, let us write it for you instead" -WWE Media Motto.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Jay Bower names Test

    Ok, just answer this: Are you being sarcastic or not?
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    WWE Hires New "Talent" or "Host"

    Metlz said that on velocity that they said "the cat was going on to bigger and better things" and that supposedly a higher-up actually WATCHED an eps. of velocity recently and decided that the cat sucked. Nothing official, though. Leary is on techtv now.