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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    They were selling the tension between the men and the gravity of the match. The crowd was eating up every word. Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean anything. Ah, so you got the feeling that the scene could "explode at any moment"... which is what building tension does. I didn't get that feeling. It was the first segment of Raw, featuring the top heel and babyface - I would hope that the crowd would be into it... that doesn't mean it was *good*, I gave you a bunch of reasons why it was *bad*. And the career thing didn't "come out of nowhere". Goldberg had already blown his title shot when he got pinned last night, and he would only be awarded another one if HHH let him. HHH wanted to get rid of him, so he offered him a shot, but only on the condition that he'd lose if he lost. It did come out of nowhere. First, the Goldberg/HHH contract signing came out of nowhere. Goldberg has not made his intentions known for the title _at all_ since he came into the WWE. So why are we now to believe that he is willing to put his career on the line for the title? The fans have not had a very long "journey" to follow with Goldberg, so how could they invest their emotions into the possibility of him losing the title? Goldberg hasn't exactly been the thorn in HHH's side for the past few months either. HHH took him out rather easily at Summerslam. HHH has been in far more trouble with Kane, RVD, Steiner, Booker, HBK, Nash than he has with Goldberg - yet he never demanded for their careers for a title shot. Why does he do it now? Add this to the above with Goldberg and it makes this stipulation senseless. Feuds sell PPVs. Nothing else. For example, I bet a lot of people bought the St. Valentine's Day Massacre because of the Austin/McMahon feud. Then since, no one cared about the Angle/Brock feud this year, Wrestlemania had a low buyrate. The heat of the main event feud is the main tool to sell a PPV. Ah, you mean that feud that played second fiddle to Hogan/McMahon? Feuds centre around a match, therefore ultimately THE MATCH sells the show. I am not against building up the feud, I _am_ against taking unnecessary steps to help promote it. Steps like taking pot-shots at other wrestlers, spending needless amounts of time in the ring talking about nothing, adding asinine stipulations to a pretty cut-and-paste match. But hey, all this doesn't mean a thing... I guess.
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Just give Shane the belt already

    Shane should have been one of the first people squashed.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Goldberg vs. HHH will be a "street fight" or "No Dq" or something where trip can use his trusted S&M tactics. I am not saying that HHH and Goldberg shouldn't "Talk", I am just saying they shouldn't spend 15 minutes talking when it all could be said in 3 minutes and have the same effect.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    How were they selling the show? Goldbergs "career" schtick came out-of-nowhere thus creating little momentum or interest (not to mention how fucking stupid it is), HHH talking about beating Austin and Rock was completely unrelated to his title reign (which should have gone from RVD to Kane to HBK to Steiner to Booker to Nash - but I guess Steiner and Booker aren't just the big names) and was only there as a dig, calling Angle a Paper Champion and Smackdown a minor league was counter productive and seemed more like sabotage than selling as it was completely unwarranted and unfounded, then there's HHH talking about how pretty his body is, which needless to say is pointless. Goldberg standing in the ring looking like a big goof with that grin on his face saying "ass" every-other-word didn't help either. So what was being sold here?
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Character development? How did their characters develop? HHH was still HHH, Goldberg was still Goldberg, Flair and Orton were still carrying HHH's luggage and stayed in the background. Hell, the only thing that developed was their fashion sense as they've switched to cabana wear rather than suits and sport jackets.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    The less time Goldberg talks, the better. His fascination with HHH's ass and it's size is baffling. That's 5 minutes of Goldberg talking about HHH's ass and how it's his. If HHH didn't spend so much time putting himself over at the expense of others, the promo would have been cut by 5 minutes. That's 10 minutes of needless chatter. 10 minutes that could have gone to getting someone else over. The WWE needs to be more efficient with their time and realize time is not expendable.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    The HHH/Goldberg interview totally turned me off Raw last night. Whenever something could be said in 3 minutes, but takes up 15 - you know you're going to get a bad show. Goldberg: HHH, get out here or I will come back there and beat your ass. *HHH comes out* HHH: Goldberg, I'm the champ, I beat you last night, look at my muscles. Goldberg: I want a match. HHH: No... there isn't anything I want from you... expect one thing, put your career on the line. Goldberg: Ok. JR: BAH GAWD *over*
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Don't look at me, I don't make em...
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Casual fans of WWE

    Ok, when you say "friends" you don't mean "people I meet on wrestling boards" right? I only know 1 person who watches it, they barely do. I know LOTS of people who watch*ed* it.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Shouldn't the title be enough of a reason to want to watch it? It seems so needless considering Goldberg has only been in the WWE for 6 months and wrestling in general for 6 years.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Probably the same amount of times the McMahons want to take up TV.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    Why was the "retirement" angle put in the match?
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    The Clique's one year title reign

    It's very much like HHH to keep out of the spotlight, isn't it?
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    HBK didn't make Nash look like a monster, he just made himself look like a pinball. It's not "Did you see what Nash did to Shawn!" it's "Did you see how Shawn took that!"...
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Casual fans of WWE

    I have a friend who has stopped watching wrestling but tunes in from time to time. I was telling him about the Shane/Kane storyline today... "Dude, that's fuckin stupid, why do you still watch that shit?"
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    Maybe we should have an Angel: Season 5 thread start up in a few weeks... it could get this many pay..pay... *looks a amount of pages*... pay... pay... pay...
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Just give Shane the belt already

    No. There isn't.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Just give Shane the belt already

    But he's the good McMahon.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    Keyword: MOST. You don't get it BWG, Vince is going for the tried, tested and true backwoods banjo-playing demographic. You kids and your Rock n Roll music, you just don't see the big picture..
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Let's list all the reasons...

    Hmm, it was quite similar to Bas'... *looks around for a moment* FERAL GRIN. *Thumbs up, Big Pop*
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    Let's list all the reasons...

    They're just getting rid of all the shit before the new fall season starts. When TNFS starts we'll get back to the quality television that the WWE is known for. ...it's a shame no one can see the big-ass grin on my face as I am writing this.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Let's list all the reasons...

    If the first segment didn't turn you off, then ya deserved to get the bad show you got. Seriously, when they start it off like THAT, get the hell outta dodge.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Non-wrestlers dominating Raw

    So they should fire Vince?
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Well all can't speak with one-liners like you Mike...
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results
