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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    The Dames' Diatribe on WWE SummerSlam 2003

    *marks out for "The Summerslam"*
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Simpsons Season 3 DVD

    I was going to buy it anyways, since Season 3 and 4 are the two best seasons in the shows history (and TV's) but commentary makes me go WHOOOO HOOOO!
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Yeah, so in other words.. "How bad can Shawn get his ass whipped" Glad you cleared it up. How in gods name is that story better than Austin/Hart btw? And pay attention Mike, Shang: "I would think Scott Kieth would know what makes a good match (he's wrote a few books), and he ranked the ladder match over Bret/Owen. " Me: SKeith isn't exactly the best authority when it comes to match ratings... You: BTW, how is Keith's opinion less relevant than yours? If I should ignore his opinions --- which I do --- why on God's earth should I listen to your opinion? Me: I can explain how I arrive at my opinion rather than just state it and think that's enough to support an argument. And I'm not saying that Keiths opinion is irrelevant, it's just not the one I'd use to help pad my argument. ...do ya want me to hold your hand some more? Is this going too fast? Slow it down? Want me to use colours? I'll colour code it if you want me to. Too weak and flimsy? I know with all that dorky trivia contained in my writing that it really takes rocket science to weed through it all... am I right?
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Smackdown has a paper champ

    I stopped watching Raw after that segment (and when they announced a womens match UP NEXT). It was completely unnecessary and it's classic hunter-getting-himself-over-at-the-expense-of-the-company.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Goldberg's martial arts skills.

    Maybe he trains in Joe Son Do.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    This is easy as 1 2 3, we got em, oh wait, sorry, just 1 2 1/2. We don't got em.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Goldberg's martial arts skills.

    I heard him and Taker train together.
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    What does Ghey mean?
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    Greatest Thread Ever.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    Sarcasm is funny.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Wait *realizes that Bret using the Bell is a reflection of the Bret/Piper match from WM 8 where Piper could have used the bell to finish off Hart -RODDY PIPER, the ORIGINAL anti-hero, Austin before Austin was Austin- but chose not to because he didn't want to win like that because he wanted to be a true champion - Yet Bret DID use the bell on Austin thus showing his further descent into immorality.* BRILLLLIANT!
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    I don't get it. Shane is not a wrestler. The only reason he is even on TV is because he's a McMahon. You're so silly AngleSault.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    *goes back and watches match* *curses GTD*
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    The OAO "What would you have done"

    Dude, Shane is not a wrestler.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    In Austins matches, Austin does the psychological carrying and his opponent does the physical carrying.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    I disagree. Hart v Austin was a good match, but I thought their match at Survivor Series was better and the finish is the reason it is a classic. Oh, well... MAN... with such insight into professional wrestling and these matches how can I argue? Thank god you took the time to stop by and explain your reasoning. Those few extra word REALLY turned me around... WOW... Thank you... I asked you to explain in-depth and you did so in fine fashion. The finish may very well be the reason it's considered a classic, because that's the image people remember and that's what we all associate with the match. But the match itself is a work of art. The STORY these two men tell, one (Bret) BECOMING the other (Austin) and Austin staying true to what he believes is what MADE that finish so compelling and really was the basis for the attitude era. The stories for Michaels' matches are "How bad can Shawn get his ass whipped". Austin vs. Hart didn't contain any huge bumps or a lot of weapons - but the VIOLENCE in that match, the pure malice that both man had for eachother, makes that 'more hardcore' than the HIAC. Not because it was outlandish -because it wasn't- it was more violent because it was PRIMAL. Bret Hart using a cable cord to choke Steve Austin? The Hell? Bret's the exellence of execution, he's a good guy, he fights for everything that is right and pure in this world. He's a hero. Not anymore. That's what Austin did to him. His hatred for Austin -the guy who wants to take away tradition- has turned him away from the very thing he wanted to protect. And this match is the result of it. Bret tries to destroy Austin, and even though he wins, he never took away Austins will. Austin stayed true. He waved the middle finger in the eyes of authority even if he only had one leg to stand on. Austin never gave up and the fans respected him for it. So ask yourself who truly won? This is BRILLIANT storytelling. And that's what wrestling is all about. Movesets are the most overrated things one can mention. Psst, I was mocking you. BTW, how is Keith's opinion less relevant than yours? If I should ignore his opinions --- which I do --- why on God's earth should I listen to your opinion? -=Mike I can explain how I arrive at my opinion rather than just state it and think that's enough to support an argument. And I'm not saying that Keiths opinion is irrelevant, it's just not the one I'd use to help pad my argument.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    ...They broke the nightstick over his head...
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    WON Hall of Fame voting results

    Ravishing, I'm not an HBK mark, an HBK mark would say that he's the best wrestler ever, or even top 5. I'm just in the majority, that actually thinks Shawn is not overrated and that he does have a good enough catalogue of work to be in the HOF. Kid, you're an HBK mark. Obviously the people were polled, wrestlers, observers, and they felt the same way. So your in the minority. People also voted for Hitler. Not that I'm comparing HBK to Hitler, I'm just saying the majority can sometimes be wrong. Let's not forget that _Dave Meltzer_ influences the people whom vote and _Dave_ thinks very highly of Shawns work. Dave also posted Pro-Shawn articles on his website. Plus, wrestlers are marks as well. No one is saying he's better than Benoit or Liger, your just getting defensive because you don't like Shawn and want to get your point of view across that he's not good enough for the HOF. No... I'm saying guys like Lyger are able to work both styles successfully, while Shawn hasn't. This "he can work cruiserweight and heavyweight" is a myth, cause he does them both bad. But this is not a debate, becuase he's IN the HOF, and it's obviously not cause of his drawing powers or his attitude, so it must all be based on his work. And his work his overrated and shouldn't carry him over into the HOF. THAT'S the debate.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    The one and only SummerSham 2003 Thread

    I bet he wanted to... Vince: Ok, so Taz, we know you had this badass gimmick in ECW where you'd kick everyones ass and were promoted as a very dangerous guy... well, ECW is the small time this is the WWE - so hows about you come down to the ring spinning around like a top and start slobbering all over the place?? Taz: That's the worst fuckin idea I have ever heard. Vince: Okey Dokie, a feud with the Bossman it is...
  20. JC Flash is ALL ABOUT Action baby! On the streets, in the clubs, and off the bed! Will the EVIL COACH team up with a newly EVIL Josh Mathews??
  21. I don't know. I just don't know. Here I am doing an innocent lil schtick about Jonathan Coachman becoming a hotshot player named JC Flash and all of a sudden it's an international incident. WHEN WILL IT END??! As JC Flash would say "That ain't cool, that ain't hot... that's just not."
  22. Racism: any program or practice of racial discrimination, segregation, persecution, and domination, based on racialism.. Racialism: A doctrine or teaching, without scientific support, that claims to find racial differences in character, intelligence, etc/ that asserts the superiority of one race over anohter or others, and that seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races. You, unlike JC Flash, are not keepin it real.
  23. JC Flash don't care if he offends, he's all about rockin the boat. He lives his life on his own terms and if that means rufflin a few feathers then let them fly, cause he ain't changin for nobody. JC Flash is just keepin it real, he's the real deal, can't ya feel it?
  24. JC Flash ain't do none of that bullshit dancin no mo, he just stands in the middle of a club and snaps his motherfuckin fingaz and right then and there dozens of fine lookin ladies step up and step round cause they know the real deal when they see it. And that's exactly what JC Flash is -THE REAL DEAL-.
  25. See, JC Flash is the kind of guy who TELLS IT LIKE IT IS, he's STRAIGHT UP and TAKES IT TO THE X-STREAM with a boat full of X-citement! He lives a HARDCORE NO-NONSENSE lifestyle and won't cop to the man cause he gotsta gets paid. He's JC Flash and he's comin atcha 120 M-P-H with no breaks baby~! He talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk, he runs the race and he breaks aaaall the rules daddy~! Ladies look out cause he'll be hittin ya up soon, and guys, don't worry, he'll take care of your pretty pretties and have em home before noon. He stays up late and wakes up early cause the early bird gets the worm and JC Flash is the motherfuckin big daddy Falcon up in this nest. So when he hands you the card that says, ::>)*~JC FLASH~*(<:: then you know you just got hooked up.