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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    Yeah, but in the same match (at least, one of them) Dragon had a triangle choke on Low Ki and it was absolutely horrible (or Low Ki on Dragon... it's been a while... all I know is that there wasn't even an attempt to get the foot under the knee)
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    1) I wouldn't mind UFC interviewing Taker at ring-side, but Taker as a spokesperson for UFC?? Nah. 2)The Sakuraba Saga is the best storyline in the past 6 years. Believe That. 3)That's exactly what I'm talking about Jesse and whole point of my initial post - the armbar is seen and used in pro wrestling as just-another-move-to-weaken-a-bodypart, and once you know (and felt) how painful it is to see it used as a throw-away move in pro wrestling while elaborate moves like the haas of pain, steiner recliner, etc. get tapouts is just ridiculous. However, in MMA if there is an armbar coming the crowd goes wild (at least in Pride), so the look of it doesn't really matter that much -it's just about building legitimacy. Plus, who wouldn't love to see a flying armbar??
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    Kurt Angle?
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    No, but they (Dragon, Taker) try to throw in those elements and it all comes out looking so... fake... at least, once you see it done properly and/or "for real", it looks fake...
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    But until now, he's gone 0-3 (I think they made a mistake with the Mr Perfect match). I don't know why they haven't shown Austin vs. Hart WM or SS yet either, as the Mania match is quite possibly the greatest match in their history... other than, you know, Bret wins in the end...
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    Well once you get through of all the AJPW, you're gonna have to buy something - and what better something than watching a bunch of guys pretending to be watch you just bought for cheaper...only worse! ...before anyone lynches me, I am just kidding -sorta- I really like ROH but I'm not spending 20 bucks per tape for something I could get (a) for free on-line, (b)at a cheaper price and a quicker speed from my tape guy allan ™ and ( c ) PRIDE on PPV and trade it for an ROH tape (or UWF-I tape).
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Wrestling withdrawal

    And Smackdown is the...second worst?
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    In a related subject, are Haas and Benjamin still Tag Champs? Seriously, I think they are, but I don't really know...
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    Oh I don't think it's debatable that the WWE likes to use and abuse the Bret Hart name at every chance they get. From doing the Montreal Finish infront of Stu and Helen to fooling around with the Bell Centre crowd to actually claiming that Bret Hart killed WCW...
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    You're right, he wasn't. But then again, guys like Tamura, Takada, Han, etc. were light-years beyond the stuff that Joe, Taker, Low Ki, Dragon, do...
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    Silly Chick, Christian isn't IC champ... ... is he??
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    It's pretty balanced, actually.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    It doesn't even have to be from McMahon, the people who work for McMahon already know what would please him... ..and that's Bret Hart losing again, and again, and again... remember, Bret Hart killed WCW (credit, Confidential) Though I think McMahon does have a say in it, why else would they re-air all these shitty matches like the Hollywood Backlot Brawl that I can't recall anyone liking?
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    How does one go back...

    You think that's bad, try watching MMA and then having to watch guys in wrestling perform submissions - even in ROH they do "shoot style" poorly.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Wrestling withdrawal

    ...and the problem is?
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    Suuure, a coincidence...
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    Well if you look at all the past Bret Hart matches from the vault (which I believe are vs. Michaels SS97, vs. Owen WM 10, and vs. Bulldog SS92) all of them involved Bret losing.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Oh, Dear God...

    Ah, so the crowd apathy to Moolah is being "always over"??
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Oh, Dear God...

    From what I've heard, she's done a lot more to hold the industry back...
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Oh, Dear God...

    At least it's on smackdown where we all can avoid it... ...at least, those of us not in the building that night. May god have mercy on them all.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    I always thought that big black and gold belt was for fashion purposes only
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    The One and Only VELOCIDENTIAL Thread for 08.23.03

    Wait a second.. Didn't Bret WIN that match? ....something is certainly not right here.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    Rey's cruiserweight champ?
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    New Titles and Credibility

    What are you talking about?? HHH gets pinned in all those tag matches As for the IC unification - NO ONE CARES. They overloaded on the unifications during the Invasion when every title was being linked to another. Add this to the fact that they never make light of this unified title after it becomes unified nor do they give it meaning nor do they change the belt or have the winner of the unified title come out with both titles makes the unification meaningless.
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    My Scenario for Brock Lesnar.

    But then again, a problem the WWE has is a lack of credible main event stars. More guys, the better. So by inserting Benoit into this feud, even if he doesn't win, he gets elevated nonetheless and can be used to elevate another wrestler into the mix. It's all about investment. Besides, Kurt and Benoit have been on level-footing as evidenced by their past 2 feuds. Each has wins over eachother. Each knows the other very well. It's not out of the realm of possibility that Benoit could have Brocks number. Then again, I'm still not sure putting Benoit over Brock is the right thing to do either (as evidenced by my FB), but keeping Brock/Angle strictly between the two is short-sighted for THE BIG PICTURE as there's 8 months to fill in and a new guy into the mix -even if it's for a 2/3 month period, would help stretch things out. Also, Benoit and Lesnar have never met in the ring - it's one of the few new matches that can be done on Smackdown.