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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    Triple H's face turn

    It's pretty obvious. HHH/Steph/Albert love triangle, anyone?
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    Vengeance buyrate

    But they didn't *do* anything with that commercial in regards to television and storylines. It was the "Brock and Kurt Homosexual Hour feat. the Big Show". And it didn't even get an hour.
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    Vengeance buyrate

    The WWE didn't really help Gowen by making him "the living-inspiration"
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    If they were to release Heyman

    RF and Heyman running a promotion. Yeah, THERE's a sign of the Apocalypse.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    It has already been established that the greatest possible announce team would be Dusty, Stevie Ray, and Michael Cole. Why Cole? Cause his brain is the most likely to explode.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Loads of Star Wars: Episode III Spoilers

    I was watching Eps2 w/ Commentary last night... Lucas is MAD. MAAAAD!!! That man will just put CGI in for the sake of it. HE HAS NO RIGHT TO PLAY GOD! I was joking about an animated Vader, but now I believe it will be!!
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I heard it on extended play (now Xplay)
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    Announcer Tazz is so much better than Wrestler Tazz.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    It's not always a damn carry

    And Angle vs. Lesnar was near-crap. So really it's the lesser of two evils, and IIRC Eddie didn't get a very competitive match with Brock. Of course, I expect different results come Summerslam, but untill then, the quality of both respective matches is questionable.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    It's not always a damn carry

    Eddie/Booker sucked, but that's cause _Booker_ couldn't keep pace with Eddie (as he couldn't with RVD) and since he has bad timing already, it really hurt the match.
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    If they were to release Heyman

    Hey, as long as he isn't in charge of the finances... it's all good.
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Heyman's Return Cancelled

    Austin/Tazz was SO money. Screw up #751 of the Invasion.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Loads of Star Wars: Episode III Spoilers

    CGI is the death of him. "Ok, how about this...Darth Vader... ANIMATED~! We can have him do all the stuff Yoda did and be twice as shiny as before! No, 3 times as shiny! NO! 4 TIMES! 4 TIMES AS SHINY! *various production members hold him down as a doctor steps in to inject a needle into his arm* Wah? Wuh? Wah? What happened? "
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    It's not always a damn carry

    But Kurt hasn't taken the same bumps for a decade that Eddie has. Granted, Amateur wrestling is tough, but Pro Wrestling is an entirely different breed of hurt. The fact Eddie has taken so much punishment over the years and is in the top 3 of the company is a testiment to his abilities. And not only that, but he's still going at the same rate he was going at 10 years ago. Yes, the Team Angle matches with FA's were really good, but that doesn't discount the quality of Eddie's matches with Team Angles either nor does it make it less impressive as Eddies efforts IN those matches were better than _anyones_ efforts in _any_ of the aforementioned tag matches.
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    Loads of Star Wars: Episode III Spoilers

    It can't possibly be worse than the first two simply because the first two have been building for THIS ONE. They can't possibly hold back any more.
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    It's not always a damn carry

    Yeah, but Eddie has been having ****+ matches for a good decade now. You have to factor that in too (oh wait *looks at who he is talking to*, I guess that's not happening NOW). Eddies tag matches with Team Angle get no love here? They had what, 4 matches? I'd say they were around the **** level. Angle/Brock at Mania wasn't **** either.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    Loads of Star Wars: Episode III Spoilers

    Wait.. The story is going to move along QUICKER than the last eps? Good lord, you will have to have ADD to keep up.
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    Vengeance buyrate

    But they gave away Kurt Angles return for free and did a HORRIBLE job building up his title chase (title chase? What title chase?). The majority of Smackdown was dedicated to the McMahon Family, go back and look.
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

    I heard that the Buffy Xbox game had the same engine as the Bruce Lee game... which really, really, really, really sucked. So I have yet to play it.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    That's just ridiculous.
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only I-Lost-My-Dentures Thread

    For every Hart/Hart (note, Bret usually always loses in Vault matches) there are 3 Hollywood Backlot Brawls.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    The One And Only I-Lost-My-Dentures Thread

    Why is it so hard to put on good matches from the vault?
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    I hit all the notes that I wanted to hit. The rest of the saga draws out with Terri telling the Hurricane that Scotty is the Worm and that Rosey was helping him. Hurricane doesn't believe her on the S2H thing but he is interested in knowing whether or not Rosey has been helping him. Video footage is shown where Rosey suggests taking him to the Hurricave, Rosey talking with him, etc. This leads to a big argument where Rosey says he never helped out the Worm but he wished he had cause the Hurricane is jealous of Roseys powers and how Rosey is stronger than the Hurricane - this all leads up to a match with Rosey vs. Hurricane. Hurricane wins, Rosey leaves, the Worm runs in and beats up on him, Rosey stops and becomes conflicted, he goes back to save the Hurricane and they hug. The next we see of Rosey, he's upgraded to being a regular SuperHero (insert name here) and they go battle against the Worm.
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    Raw Week 8 *Terri is interviewing the Hurricane* Terri: Hurricane, tonight The Worm is wrestling in his first match and he says that his Worm Powers are greater than you Hurri-powers, what do you think about that? Aren't you scared? Hurricane: Well fair Terri, first of all the Hurricane does not get scared. Second, my Hurri-powers are the greatest in the galaxy, no slimy creature such as the worm can withstand the Green and Black Attack. And tonight, Scotty 2 Hotty will do tonight what I will do to the Worm when we meet -and we will meet- in the future, and that's squish him like the Worm he is. Terri: Um, Hurricane... Don't you kinda think that Scotty looks a lot like the W.. *Rosey runs up breathing heavily* Rosey: Hurricane, quick, it's Scotty, he's hurt... *Hurricane runs up to find Scotty out cold with a lot of dirt around and on him.* Hurricane: The Worm must have done this! This man needs medical help! Rosey: We should take him to the Hurricave! Hurricane: Good idea, let's go. *Rosey picks up Scotty and puts him over his shoulder. They run off. The Camera shows Scotty smiling a sick grin as they leave* *Later on that night* *Hurricane and Rosie are in the Hurricave and Scotty is out on the table. It is a very cheaply produced set with two hurri-polls that say "SHIT" and "Hurricane on them", a bunch of blinking lights, and the Hurri-mobile.* Rosie: Do you think he'll be alright? Hurricane: I don't know. He seem's to be in perfect condition, no bruises or cuts or anything... that Worm must have some sort of secret weapon that could hurt a guy like Citizen Hotty. *They both turn around to see the Hotty is gone and all that is there is a pile of dirt* Rosey: Where did he go??! Hurricane: That Worm! He must have followed us here! He used Scotty as bait and we took it hook, line and sinker! Oh he is a clever one indeed that slimy worm! *The worm appears * Worm: CLEVER INDEED Hurricane! Now that I know where your Hurricave is all I have to do is climb up this poll and I will see who you truly are!!! Hurricane: You Dirty Rotten.. *the worm, unsuccessfuly tries to climb up the poll* Worm: You... Can't... Stop... *grunt* Meeee... Hurrriiiccaaaaaaaane! *pants* ah crap. Hurricane: Let's get em! Worm: The early bird won't get the worm this time Hurricane! Look around! Your Hurricave is underground which means I am at home here and that means my gang of Dirt Devils are near by... every good worm knows to have a plan b, and this plan b stands for beatings! Get em my dirt devils!! Get THEM!! *various generic tight black spandex wearing henchmen with big white "D"'s written on them appear from the ground. Hurricane and Rosie fight them off with various "Oof! BAM! Borf!" graphics appearing.* Hurricane: Well done, Super Hero In Training, now lets go get that Worm! Rosey: Where is here? Hurricane: Drat! He got away! and with Citizen Hotty as well! Rosey: What do we do now? Hurricane: It seems like we have to wait until next week to get him... *scene closes*
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    Scotty 2 Hotty Is Back

    Raw Week 1 *scene opens with Scotty 2 Hotty coming into the building along with Al Snow.* S2H: Man Al, it's great to be back after so long. Do you think they'll remember me? Al: Don't worry Scotty, once you start rolling around the ring, with your W-O-R-M, it'll be like you never left. S2H: Do you think so Al? Al: I know so, Kid. *walk into the dressing room* *all the (face) wrestlers greet Scotty with hugs and handshakes* *Camera moves away from scotty and over to Hurricane. He is too busy talking to Rosey about being a Super Hero to welcome Scotty back. Hurricane and Rosey leave for their match, Camera shows Scotty extending his hand but Hurricane doesn't see it. Scotty is in disbelief.* Al: Don't worry about it Scotty, I guess the Hurricane is just too focused on training Rosey than he is welcoming you back. S2H: Yeah.. *scene closes* Raw Week 2 *Scene opens with Rosey and Hurricane helping the good citizens of the fair city. As they leave we see at a distance someones head come out from under the ground peaking at them. JR: Who the hell was that? *scene closes* Raw Week 3 *scene opens with Hurricane and Rosey preparing for their match in the dressing room. Hurricane is giving Rosey some more pointers. Rosey is having a bit of a hard time getting it. As they leave we get a closer view of someones head popping out from a potted plant. It's a masked man who looks to be Scotty 2 Hotty.* JR: Is that who I think it is?? *scene closes* Raw Week 4 *After Rosey and Hurricane lose a match, Rosey is walking backstage hard on himself. He walks by a big crate of dirt* S2H: Psst. *Rosey stops* S2H: Psst. *Rosey turns to the dirt and has a confused look on his face* Rosey: Hello? *slowly S2H comes out from the dirt and greets Rosey* S2H: I see you want to be a Super Hero like the Hurricane... Rosey: Yeah, but I can't quite seem to get the hang of it. It's really hard and the Hurricane is a tough teacher. S2H: Tough indeeed. I may know of a few ways in which you can improve your Super Powers where you could become even STRONGER than the Hurricane! Rosey: WOW! REALLY?! Stronger than the Hurricane?! How? S2H: Come with Meeee. *scene closes as S2H gets back in the dirt* Raw Week 5 *Hurricane comes out the the ring Angry* Hurricane: Dirt Man! Who ever the hell you are! I haven't seen Rosey in a week! You've taken my Super Hero In Training! I want to know where he is and I want to know who the hell you are! *S2H comes out* S2H: I did not take Rosey, he came on his own free will. He's perfectly fine, infact, he's here tonight waiting for you in the back. You can visit him whenever you wish. *S2H leaves ring* Hurricane: Wait a second! You never told me who you are! *S2H stops* S2H: Me? Why, I'm *turns around quickly* THE WORM!!! JR: Oh for the love of god, let's just go to a commercial! *Later on in the night* *scene opens with Hurricane approaching Rosey* Rosey: Hey Hurricane, what's up? *Hurricane 'inspects' Rosey* Hurricane: The Worm, that's what's up... I mean down... in the ground... whatsupwitdat??! Rosey: Oh, the Worm is a cool guy. He showed me lots of cool new super powers and I think I am got further in my Super Hero Training with his help. Hurricane: Oh young Rosevelt, I am happy that you have progressed, but I am a bit troubled by this Worm creature. His motives may not be clean and pure and his training methods seem very dirty. I suggest that you not associate with him any more. Rosey: Oh come on, I am really learning from him. Hurricane: Silence! You will continue your hurri-studies with me and me alone. You have great potential, but you are still young in the mind and if you move along too fast then your Super Powers may be too hard for you to control and that, my Super Hero In Training, is a very bad thing. Rosey: Oook, fine. *scene closes* Raw Week 6 *Scene opens with Gregory Helms looking around the Backstage area until he finds a big pile of dirt. He moves up to it.* GH: Hello? Hello? Is anyone home? *The Worm pops out* Worm: Yes? GH: I am Gregory Helms, reporter for the daily bugle (or whatever paper he writes for) I am here for an indepth interview with you, the worm. Worm: I see. Well, I'll be happy to answer all of your questions Mr. Helms. GH: Who are you, Why are you here, what did you teach Rosey the S.H.I.T. and what do you want with the Hurricane? Worm: Whoa whoa whoa, those are some pretty big questions... My reasons for being here are the same as the Hurricanes, I want to rid the world of all the bad guys and make it safe for guys like Al Snow and Scott 2 Hotty to walk around without being insulted by ignorant pieces of slime who are too preoccupied with their own petty affrairs to shake someones hand and welcome them back!!! I'm sorry, I have gotten a bit emotional, I am sorry, it must be the bright lights... I must get back to my pile of dirt... *Scene closes with a pondering Helms and the Worm crawling back in the dirt* Raw Week 7 *Scotty 2 Hotty approaches Hurricane and Rosey* Scotty: So it seems that we have a 6 man tag tonight, WOW! I can't wait to get back in the ring and go at it! Kick some BUTT! Get down and dirty! Hurricane: Yes, citizen Hotty, but becareful, you do not have the same hurripowers as myself and Rosey do, and it is your first match back since your surgery, it would be best to let us take care of the action tonight. Scotty: Don't worry about me Hurricane, I can handle myself. You should be more worried about this Worm fellow. Hurricane: What do you know of the Worm?! Scotty: Nothing, but he approached me earlier on tonight and asked me to tell you this... He's watching you. *scene closes with the Camera shot on a somewhat shocked hurricane* *Scotty gets the win and the 3 men celebrate.* *the worm appears up on the screen* Worm: That was a hard fought contest Hurricane! I am very impressed with your abilities. But it is no match for my Worm Power! And you shall see that NEXT WEEK when I debut on Raw against Scotty 2 Hotty! *scene closes with Scotty looking shocked and Hurricane angry*