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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo

  1. RavishingRickRudo

    PRIDE Total Elimination

    Though he said "obviously" and "baby" WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH!
  2. RavishingRickRudo

    PRIDE Total Elimination

    That was... AWESOME. I'm actually a lil bit in shock. I loved this show. Fedor vs. Goodridge was short but sweet. Fedors stand-up is 'unconventional' and really good and fast. Fedor is a monster. Overeem vs. Liddell - action-packed with awesome stand-up and a disgusting finish (Overeem out on his feet). I think, dispite the loss, Alistair earned a lil respect from his aggressive fighting style and he really did take it to Chuck. Rampage vs. Busta, IMO, was match of the night. I think Rampage won the fight and I WANT THIS REMATCH! Busta was very good standing, Rampages leg-kicks were surprising, Bustas ground work was sub-lime and Jackson showed a lot of smarts. As for Ricco/Nog Hey, what can I say... Nog is PrideFC, Judges are PrideFC. They aren't going to corrupt their Nog/Fedor and Nog/CroCop matches... If it went to a decision Nog was going to win it no matter what, of course. Yeah, Ricco won (I really enjoyed that fight too, the spoilers didn't do it justice) but you know... I could see how you could twist it to make it sorta seem like Nog won - he did set up a lot of submissions and though it looked like Ricco was aggressing the fight on the ground Nog was very active as well and standing Nog was advancing the fight. Cro Cop vs. Vov... sick...sick...sick...sick...sick... Good lord that one replay on the kick...kick...kick...kick...kick... where it shook igors neck..neck... I loved it... I really, really REALLY dug Yoshida/Tamura, it didn't have the technical mat work I expected the crowd was CRAZY for it and that added to the atmosphere. The dynamic between Tamura and Yoshida was great, Tamura really brought the fight to him, and it was really exciting. Silva vs. Sak... I couldn't believe how hyped I was for this fight when it started. The quick fighting exchanges had me on my feet. The knockout was scary. SCARY. Overall, I loved this show. The commentary was actually really good and Damon kept his end up of the bargan. For a first timer he did excellently. I would have prefered a lil more history and perspective like Quadros brought and a lil more attention towards the fights, but he did one thing that Quadros had trouble doing and that's keeping the conversation flowing, there was no silent moments and he didn't hurt the show like I thought it would. Him and Bas didn't have the same chemistry but at least they tried, the end "cut outs" had me on the floor. This was definitely one of the best shows I've seen, ask me a month from now how it stands up and if it rivals UFC 43 (i think yes) and Pride 25 (could very well).
  3. RavishingRickRudo

    The Medallion

    Jackie has done stuff like that in previous movies like Rush Hour and Rumble in the Bronx (IIRC). The wall looks pretty high though.
  4. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    Yet you continue to participate in this "obsurd" "pathetic" and "ridiculous" thread and discuss the subject matter, which you supposedly care nothing for.
  5. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    Spoiler (Highlight to Read): Looks to be about an hour (23, 23, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3). But then add in pre-fight interview, entrances, replays, post fight, etc, etc. and it extends itself.
  6. RavishingRickRudo

    Angle vs Lesnar, 6man elimination

    Lesnar should beat Angle. They should give the feeling of "Kurt had it, but he lost it just as quick" in order to begin his heroes journey © and set up the "Can Kurt beat Brock" question.
  7. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    So how did you read it?
  8. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

    I'd still like to hear the rational anyways. Favourite or Best or whatever.
  9. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    If someone really didn't care, they wouldn't have posted at all nor opened the topic to begin with.
  10. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

    Then why were people even arguing??
  11. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    Did it seem like I was saying HHH faked his injury? I mean, I wasn't, but if I was I am terribly sorry. I mean, that would be just stupid of me to say. Absolutely stupid. I am sorry you got that impression. Absolutely stupid. But then again, they didn't have to focus all the attention on the injury and make the storyline/match the backstory (see, non-issue). But then again, I'm sure HHH's gimmick is more important than elevating talent...
  12. RavishingRickRudo

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer....

    Ok, I'm not going to bitch and complain about this... I'd just like for whatever show that wins to get explained to me why it won by those who chose it.
  13. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    For someone who doesn't give a crap, you sure seem to be posting a lot on the subject [/FBP Logic] The "Quad Match" had the top two heels in the company beaten by Benoit and Jericho - which was supposed to be a momentous occasion... which of course wasn't cause it took a back seat to HHH's injury. I don't know why HHH burying Jericho is even discussed anymore, it has been well established and there really isn't more to add to it.
  14. RavishingRickRudo

    So Who Attacked Brock?

    Is this a little detail? Brock faking the injury is a key part in his turn. A little detail would be: "Why did Vince look so surprised and then started to smile after Brock smiled if it was a plan all along?"
  15. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    For those who are waiting for the show to begin and haven't read the spoilers or have been to sherdog.com lately, here is their very extensive preview... http://www.sherdog.com/viewnews.cfm?newsid...puAkukpvziKqEEt
  16. RavishingRickRudo

    Favourite Family Guy Character

    Stewie Quagmire Brian Peter In that order.
  17. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    Pregame is 8:30-9:00 EST. Show starts at 9. Sorry for the spoilers guys. A new thread would be a good idea, but I figure one will start after we all have seen the show, so there's no point in making a spoiler thread, and then having a separate thoughts in another. So keep everything before the show here, and everything after in another thread. ....I really shouldn't have read the spoilers...
  18. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    Well ya didn't have to read em!!! *turns chair around* *room darkens* *light shines on face* MUAHAHAHAHAH!!
  19. RavishingRickRudo

    Hot Shots and Hot Shot: Part Deux

    I love Hotshots Part Deux. Ramada: I had to come. It was a sequel. [Addressing a roomful of Japanese businessmen.] President Benson: It seems only yesterday that I was strafing so many of your houses. Today I'm asking you not to make such damn good cars. Topper Harley: These men have a supreme vow of celibacy, like their fathers, and their fathers before them.... President Benson: Cookie? Colonel: No thank you, sir. President Benson: Young lady? Lady: No thank you, sir. President Benson: No, I was just offering him a young lady. President Benson: We'll do this the old navy way. First one to die.... loses! Topper Harley: President Benson. President Benson: No you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height. Michelle Huddleson: Mr. President, this is Topper Harley. President Benson: Topper Harley, of course, the son I never had. No wonder I didn't recognise you then.
  20. RavishingRickRudo

    Does anybody remember...?

    I came up with "WWEpologist" and have been known to use 'apologist' from time to time. Don't know if I "created" that term. But if the shoe fits...
  21. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    Hopefully Sak will enter the new lightweight division and give it a rub.
  22. RavishingRickRudo

    Whose Line Is It Anyway?

    Yeah, the Brit version was vastly superior. The American Version does have its moments, but it's way more by-the-numbers and doesn't quite have the same unpredictable nature.
  23. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    Ok. SPOILERS (Winner, Time, By) Spoiler (Highlight to Read): PRIDE ``GP2003 OPENING ROUND`` Saitama Super Arena 40,300 Fans (Sell Out) SPOILERS~! QUICK & EASY~! (Which could explain this show ! ) 1. Emelianenko Fedor beat Gary Goodridge (R1 1:09) by TKO. 2. PRIDE GP2003 - Round 1: Chuck Liddell beat Alistair Overeem (R1 3:09) by KO. 3. PRIDE GP2003 - Round 1: Quinton Jackson beat Murilio Bustamante (R3) by decision. 4. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira beat Ricco Rodriguez (R3) by decision. 5. Mirko Filipovic beat Igor Vovchanchyn (R1 1:29) by KO. 6. PRIDE GP2003 - Round 1: Hidehiko Yoshida beat Kiyoshi Tamura (R1 5:06) by KO. 7. PRIDE GP2003 - Round 1: Vanderlei Silva beat Kazushi Sakuraba (R1 5:01) by KO. 4 Ko's in 7 matches? 2 decisions? NO submissions? What is this, K-1?! I am very disappointed in Ricco and my match time predictions (which were totally arbitrary as you never know how long a fight can go so I gave the fighters the benefit of the doubt and made each match go longer than it should have.. yes... THAT'S what I did... The one surprises is that there are no surprises on this show, which is kinda sad cause that means Sak got destoryed A lot of R1 finishes, the pace of the show will be very interesting and how the announcers play it up will be integral. I hope my smilies don't spoil the show for anyone who doesn't read this
  24. RavishingRickRudo

    PrideFC: Total Elimination 2003

    *Reads Spoilers* Sounds like an awesome show. 9 and a Half hours and counting.... *sits and waits*
  25. RavishingRickRudo

    So Who Attacked Brock?

    Really, this all would have been settled had the EMT's tried to help Brock and Brock refused their assistance. So before the match it's like "Oooh, Brock is so big and strong, he doesn't need their help" and after the turn it's like "Oooh, that sneaky Brock knew the EMT's would catch him faking"