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Everything posted by RavishingRickRudo
Which is why I won't be on the computer on Sunday. That's right... the guy who likes to read the end of the book before he's done won't be reading the spoilers. Pray for me.
No, it was when Eddie started to brilliantly cheat that the fans really began to 'catch on' with the gimmick - which would be the series of matches with Team Angle. WWE has a nasty habit of having guys who the fans _want to cheer_ as heels. Ie: Austin 01, Taker 02, HHH 01.
I know what blue collar is... Ever since he and Steph hooked up he became anything but.
In otherwords, he just wore a blue collar and had a beard. Rather than now, where he has a white ( ? ) collar and is cleanly shaven. Good to see the change in "character". Seriously, he's the same guy saying the same stuff. The only difference is that he has Flair with him this time and a different set of clothes.
But that would probably _break_ the ankle LaParka.
When in gods name was HHH an angry blue-collar badass?
Yep. But then again, small-joint manipulation (such as the pinky-breaker) is generally banned from all actual fighting competitions. Though I'd be willing to bet that a broken arm or ankle sure as hell would hurt more than a broken finger (and certainly create more long-term damange - hence the reason why the person taps out is to be able to fight again). And also, it would be easier for someone to get to the ropes if it was just their pinky being held.
Yeah, cause Booker vs. _____ (prob. Jericho had he beaten HBK) would have been MUCH worse than HHH vs. Nash... which we got for over 3 months (and really are still getting today)
The whole kliq is notorious for being "cool heels". HHH's persona has changed? He went from wearing that big demin jacket and leather cap to styling and profiling... By "persona" you mean "clothing", then yes, a change has been made...
I don't even think Kurt should set up the Ankle Lock. He should be able to end the match with it 10 seconds in if he gets it. There are moves like the figure four and the sharpshooter or boston crab that you can build on because they focus on a strong part of your body and therefore need to be broken down. The ankle, on the other hand, can be easily broken with the proper submission. Ditto with the elbow/arm.
Something that I really digged tonight in the Taker/Cena match was Taker's injury appearing out of nowhere. His ribs were fine, he was confident enough to do the superplex, he paid for it and reaggrevated the injury. I like stuff like that. Injuries can occur at any time in the ring in real life - the HHH quad tear proved it and therefore fans believe it - so why not have a guy pull a muscle running the ropes, or performing a move, THEN having a wrestler capitalize.
WWE and Submissions is a completely different story/problem.
Necessity is the mother of invention. Edge is limited by his injury. So should his moveset. To act otherwise is to rely on spots rather than selling. Which I have no problem with (at least, not a big one)... I just don't call those matches *****. Pride features a lot of psychology. And it's real. That's what makes it so good.... that and the knock-outs, submissions, etc.
McFly said that the only ***** match was HHH vs. HBK, he then said the second best match was the 4 way. He THEN said that Angle/Benoit suffered because it wasn't realistic enough. Since realism is the purpose of selling, and since both those "top" matches featured poor selling, we are where we are right now.
Jesus Christ RRR. How else was he suppose to sell the fucking leg short of not walking at all? But he stumbled around like a drunk-man. Quite frankly, if his leg is as bad as it was being sold as, he SHOULDN'T have been able to walk, let alone climb to the top rope, let alone do it 3 times, let alone hit Edge-o-cutions, flapjacks, backdrops, overhead suplexes, angleslams. When Edge "reversed" the angle slam he should have just collapsed. He shouldn't be able to _run_ let alone hit spears. This is the purpose of selling. To not only 'show' the audience that you're hurt, but to *show* the audience that you're hurt so they could become more emotionally involved and invested in your match.
Ah yes, he stumbled around. Fantastic Job. *sigh* I distinctly remember a mix of laughter and bewilderment watching that match and Edge's horrific selling.
It's exciting when he's fighting through the back injury that everyone thought was legitimate, and EVERYONE in the crowd buys into it for one of the biggest pops I've ever heard. Really? Cause I coulda sworn that was gratuitous too...
Yes, I totally agree CC. Edge did a really GREAT job selling... after the fact. But did he struggle to hit those flapjacks? Did his legs collapse under his own weight? Did he have any problems hitting those missile dropkicks? Selling doesn't just centre around acting like you're in pain after a move is done... Randy Savage is a prime example of a great seller. His leg is hurt, you see how it effects him perform his moves. Edge is hurt... doesn't effect him at all other than those 8 seconds of "ARGH!" afterwards.
Ok, so how exactly do you separate "exciting" and "gratuitous"... Jesus Christ Y2Kurt, pay attention.
Um, all the people who have lost to HHH are already buried. Goldberg is the only guy left. Might as well make him look as strong as possible.
I'm sorry, someone who holds HBK's matches in high regard and complains about realism... It's just funny. Ow! I think I just pulled my back. God this hurts so much. I don't think I can even walk. God please... Just kill me now... the pain, the pain... it hurts... *kip up* Better. Is that 4 way the one where Edge keeps getting his leg beat on, but every other move he does involves him putting stress on his legs?
Goldie winning the title will shake the WWE up as much as HBK winning it. HHH just should have sucked it up and chose to get squashed in a 3 minute slaughtering. Of course, that would be a lil too much like WCW. The place where Goldberg actually became a superstar. Can't have that in the WWE, can we Hunter?
Actually, I think -generally- everyone here HATED the HHH/Booker Storyline. And to make matters worse, Booker didn't even win.
Wow, HHH/HBK was *****. I did not know that. It just looked like another smoke-n-mirrors match to me. And Flair hasn't hit *** in a long time.