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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    It benefits them to keep the subject matter on this crap instead of current events. It smells like his kind of plot. Notice how fast the conservative media picked up on everything and incubated it into an issue.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Power Rangers: Dino Thunder

    What? Power Rangers feature cut and paste characters?! HOLY SHIT!!!!! Watched it as part of a babysitting routine a long time ago because the neighbor's kid was into it. They changed robots at some point or something, but supposedly that happens every week anymore to sell toys. Go fig.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Send my compliments to Rove for the fucking scheme of the year.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    You mean it was legal before

  5. Jobber of the Week

    Burnout 3

    True, although I'm starting to wish I had gotten it for PS2. Not only is it cheaper than Live to play online, but the triggers on the Xbox controllers start making fingers hurt pretty fast when held down for too long.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    US Deserter reports for duty

    So, in other words, it's political? That's what I was waiting to hear. Wasn't that difficult to swallow hard and admit it, I hope. Oh, and Tyler's yelling and agressive posting is humorous thanks to having Zealot Miller in his avatar.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Kerry 273 Bush 233 Kerry has moved back into the lead in Pennsylvania albeit by less than the MoE so it doesn't mean a lot. The Survey USA poll gives Kerry 49% to Bush's 47%. Picking up Pennsylvania also gives him the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win. The other significant poll is in Missouri, where Survey USA puts Bush ahead 48% to 46%. Thursday we had Bush up by 14% according to a Gallup poll. I didn't believe that then and I still don't. Gallup clearly messed up, like Time and Newsweek last week. Before believing a strange results, check the state graphs to see if it fits in. Barring major news, jumps of 10% in a week are just not going to happen in this race. Bush has maintained his huge leads in Indiana, Kansas, and Kentucky. Consequently, neither candidate will set foot in any of these states.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    US Deserter reports for duty

    I understand what you're getting at. The point is, Bush hasn't exactly backed down or apologized for the stink he rose regarding Iraq. In fact, it's a big column of his campaign, that he's not afraid to stick his neck out politically in the interest of human rights. This is the revisionist history. Now, WMDs are not important, because of all the people we helped in our little misguided trip into Baghdad. And by golly, this is a President that means what he says (probably THE most promoted characteristic of his campaign, especially as they paint the other guy as a pushover with no strong agenda), so when he says that it's worth telling the world to go screw itself in the name of ending these big injustices of human rights, well, by golly he means it. This is why saying "Oh, well now he's playing the Democrats' game" isn't a very successful tactic. Bush's message is that going to war for human rights is a noble thing to do and you can quote him on it. Don't chicken out now and say that suddently, now that he's done it once, he's going to lay back and play the Dems' way to keep them happy.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    US Deserter reports for duty

    His view is actually more consistant than yours. Consistancy is what your arguement is specifically lacking.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    I'll just ignore GreatOne because his posts always just come down to "no I'm right you're wrong <3 Bush." And teke, be careful of the WashTimes when it comes to quoting Democrats although chances are he really did say them, I'm betting. Just saying. It's like Fox News except without all the subtlety. It certainly is curious though why the WH didn't contest these, but instead handed out copies to the press.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    I'm going to bed now. I still remain skeptical of this story because all the information (and I mean ALL the information) is flowing out of the conservative media. I'm going to say something though that I hope everyone can agree on: Fuck CBS for trying to run this story. It's more of the same Vietnam shit that we (everyone) barely got our heads above last month, and now here we go again. What happened 30 years ago is still every bit as unimportant as it was when it was Kerry's record getting all the attention. So screw this shit, let's stop talking about the 70s and discuss an incumbant President and a challenger, not two guys in the old days. Nobody brought this on themselves. Yes, Kerry talks about Vietnam endlessly to the point where the idea of it as a cliche stopped being funny six months ago. Yes, Bush is way too proud to talk about himself as a war President while having never faced armed resistance. Real or fake, this is fucking stupid and making this election one of the dumbest ones ever, which is quite a dishonorable accomplishment.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    And I think I'll nominate you to replace him at his old job. "The documents were never real, never!" can be the "There are no US enforcers in Baghdad, never!" of a new generation. And for the new people in the crowd, I'll summarize the conspiracy: Someone, probably someone liberal, decided to forge a document to attack the President of the United States. This person went through all the work of adding age marks to the document, distorting the type in various places to really give it that whole "really old document" feel, but failed to use any kind of a font that did not scream PC-based word processor. Then, because even though he owned Word, he forgot to get a scanner and/or Photoshop just signed a bullshit signature. Then he passed it off to the press as legit. Okay. You know, that's all quite a stretch. If someone put enough craft into their fake to completely copy the aging process of a document, why did they cheap out elsewhere? My opinion on this thing is starting to change, although it's not meeting yours. I'm wondering if this was leaked by someone (Rove?) to make it look like a bad DNC hatchet job.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    How many of these analysis experts are actually looking at the real physical files? Not someone looking at a PDF, please.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    IF true, unbelievably important news

    I heard about it, although it was one of those brief bits that left me with the impression that the bomb went off inside Australia until I looked it up online.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    The Sad Tale of Sergeant Chad Drake

    I'll just repeat myself using different phrases, I guess. Maybe it'll reach you somehow: I don't want to see anyone get killed. If we had it my way we'd have 0 casualties. Doesn't mean I think every use of military force is the proper occasion.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Here's what it comes down to: I trust CBS in the sense that they have a reputation to protect. They actually have to worry about pissing their credibility down the toilet, unlike the people who don't have any (powerlineblog.com, Fox News.) When people find out a network has lied to them like that, they stop watching. I told you what I'd like to see, a non-partisan verification not hired by Viacom. In the meantime, one man's proof is another man's partisan shitstirring.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Sure. That crackpot will do. You can see how it works. Some people on FreeRepublic (which is basically the right-wing version of DemocraticUnderground) spotted some irregularities. Someone mentions it in their blog and that moves it out to the likes on Drudge and NewsMax. It gets printed there and then Rush notices it and then Fox News hops on board. The mainstream media has to make mention of it by this point and by the time a non-partisan investigator hired by someone other than CBS/Viacom looks at it and makes an opinion, the story has already faded from view and ingrained into the public minds. It's like you don't make much noise and squint, you can see the right-wing press machine at work.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The Sad Tale of Sergeant Chad Drake

    Now hold on. There's a difference between think we're doing the wrong thing (IOW, against the mission) and saying you enjoy seeing your soldiers get KIA.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    IF true, unbelievably important news

    o shit now we're afraid of religious people! Here's a tip, bub. I can't speak for that guy, but I've had my own personal travels with religion, and decided I didn't care for it.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Yeah, and those are the kind of guys I believe more than a bunch of crackpots with websites.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    DVD (+/- R/RW)

    What kind of drive? What kind of discs?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    I think you're jumping the gun calling them forgeries already. Is it impossible? Of course not. But CBS has money and reputation to lose here. A forgery would have likely been detected by the White House, and not by the brilliant P.I. work of Drudge Report and GOP-leaning blogs and it's not like this is smoking gun evidence. Who in the hell would want to face the punishments of forgery for this? It doesn't seem very likely, but I do have my doubts.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Dick Cheney brings the optimistic campaign

    I can't figure out why that happened. I checked all my openings and closings to make sure I didn't have one more open quote without a closing bracket, but that didn't seem to work. Eventually after removing a bunch of quotes to see what was causing it, I gave up and decided not to give a fuck. But yes, that generally is the result of a [ quote ] without a [ /quote ] to end it with. That message is so huge I can't find it.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Holy shit, the people on that site are crazy.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Scaling Down Equipment

    They typically have that lighting rig that looks like an octopus, with a big circle in the center and "arms" sticking out all over the place. When they have a cage suspended, they go to the old 90s look, a 5 or 6 sided circle around the perimiter with the cage in the middle..