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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    I Suppose This Warrants a Mention

    I don't know, my cable company refuses to carry BIG MEDIA. Something about limited bandwith.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Sad Tale of Sergeant Chad Drake

    GIT OFF MY LAWN! And take yer' dead soldiers with 'ya!
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Perhaps. I can speak from my own experience that my signatures have never looked very alike. I can sign two documents and they'll look very different. I've never been one of those persons who can apply the same signature with the same details to every document, and I know I can't be alone out there. Much of this controversey seems to be stemming from the Drudge/FreeRepublic crowd, and then being echoed on much more balanced boards by people who are for Bush. We'll see if it evolves into anything.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    See the quote box above it.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Check out the signatures yourself (the real one is on the left): http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/na...1,2532154.story
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Clearly, neither of these men are the kind of President that the people of 1970s America are looking for.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    I Suppose This Warrants a Mention

    Maybe you didn't see them, but they were all over. I saw Van Odell on several different news/analysis programs.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Dick Cheney brings the optimistic campaign

    Can't get the quote function to work properly. Oh well. Deal with it. Yes, but Saddam wasn't tied with the WTC truckbomb and the Cole bombing. I've said this time and time again. If we're going to start enforcing UN resolutions, or saying that going after countries is okay because we're "trying to actually make them relevant," Israel has flatly ignored a big number of Security Counsel resolutions. This always sparks a debate about worldwide anti-Semetism and how in this situation it's perfectly okay because of who it is and because the rest of the world hates them for no good reason. This is getting reptitive. The Iraq war and the Bin-Laden hunt are two seperate issues, let's keep them that way. Saddam surely would have wanted to attack us, but there is nothing we see to give the impression that he could. Saddam was a boxed-in rat kept in his trap. Al-Qaeda is free and a lot more mobile. Saddam had a whole government to run and a military to command, he coud not go get up and run away without losing contact with that, which is why he was found stuck in a whole. On the other hand, Al-Qaeda can get up and run away and reform elsewhere. That's the kind of target you have to pay utmost attention to because the only time you can strike is when you know where they are. He's said he would have tried harder for allies. Doesn't mean he wouldn't go if he couldn't get them, like this stupid Zell Miller "only defend America when Paris tells him to" fantasy. Well thank fucking god. War should always be a last resort. That's because there is no lesson. Nothing REALLY changed aside from a Department of Homeland Security and some stricter airport security. That's the problem. If you want to prevent attacks, you need to work harder domestically. Bush operates on the belief that he doesn't need to inspect incoming cargo at ports or reform the visa programs. It's like he thinks we can just blow up everyone who wants to hate us or do harm to us and then we won't need to. [qutoe]Hell, you are highly unlikely to ever get AIDS. I suppose "safe sex" is unnecessary. Nah, if you looked at the numbers, AIDS is a much higher possibility than dying in someone's terrorist plot. You wouldn't believe it, though, because the media turns every Unabomber that appears into a fucking rock star with constant coverage, analysis, talking heads, etc. Hey, all of the exapmles are true. Like it or not --- THAT is the only way to stop the problem. -=Mike Wow, you're even dumber than I thought.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Willie Horton II

    ...And that's their own language, too. One of two things will have to happen here: 1) Bush condemns these ads so that by criticising Kerry he doesn't come off looking like friends with these kooks. 2) An all out ad-storm occurs and the Dem 527s start getting just as nasty and start picking on Bush's past. I wish #1 would happen, but I get the feeling we'll see #2.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Willie Horton II

    Do you really think the GOP cares about Kerry's flip-flops above being able to use them for political gain? I already mentioned that many of them are buried in half-truths.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Does Bischoff add anything to the show?

    When the show is an utter trainwreck, his presence often gets amusing. God only knows how the hell the guy managed to come to work each week working through Katie Vick, HLA, the gay marriage minister, hitting on Linda, Kane unmasked, and now Eugene. Otherwise, when the wrestling actually commands the show and wrestlers who can cut their own promos are being pushed, he stays out of the way more. Then they mentioned Slamboree 1998 and wasted it on an Eric/Vince match that ended in an SE finish. They were getting very WCWish there, as WCW isn't above letting people like Leno and Arquette main event, so they should have just gone full-out down the WCW path and put the guys in there with a couple wrestlers in a tag match.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    That's what I meant, I fucked up. Sorry. Newsweek: 374 Republicans +/- 6 303 Democrats +/- 6 300 Independents +/- 6
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Well then, I give the Newsweek poll more credit than before. The Time/CNN/Gallup poll is shit, though. They polled almost 125% as many Republicans as they did Democrats and Independents (seperately)
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    To put some proper context on these memos, at risk of destroying Tyler's arguement, CBS obtained this first then showed it to the WH: Of course, if this is some blatantly obvious child-brained forgery, it's a wonder the WH wouldn't have noticed that.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    What makes me laugh is how more records came rollin' out of the White House when the AP filed a lawsuit to get them. And we were told that we had already seen all there is to see because the rest had been destroyed...
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    What can I say? I've spent the past two hours arguing with people who believe that this is an accurate poll. My tolerance for "Kerry is doomed Bush iz gonna win" people is incredibly low right now. I'll be better up for arguing poll symantecs later. Right now, I just wish I lived in a time when you could challenge another man to a duel.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Again, nobody actually uses Likely Voter as the be-all end-all unless they're just wanting to do some Bush ass-kissing.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Zogby says the race is much closer than Newsweek would make you think. CBS and WashPost polls speculate 7-9 points.
  20. "Reaganomics" as a positive experience? Now I've heard everything....
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, this is funny

    Only if the only big stories you're interested in are related to Boston.. TWO BOSTON MEN KILLED IN BLAST New York also destroyed...
  22. Jobber of the Week

    [Onion] Hundreds of Republicans injured

  23. Jobber of the Week

    [Onion] Hundreds of Republicans injured

    Eh? It's political, which is different than the Man Bites Dog fluff. There's room for humor in Current Events, as long as it stays to the topic at hand.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Dick Cheney brings the optimistic campaign

    Go into Afghanistan and get the bastard before he can do something. But I thought the UN was useless? While he had our full support. Bin-Laden was a threat because he's been trying to get an attack in this country for years, has attacked our military targets, and the intelligence report said this. I'm saying we should have sent in the troops then, before 9/11. You don't seem to understand this. How many of them did something like the Cole bombing just the year before? Hey there, Zell. He's said he would over and over. When has that position changed? Yup, you've learned the lessons well. What lessons? 9/11 was a fluke. No way in hell should a pack of guys without even as much as a firearm coerce several jetliners full of people into behaving long enough to turn them around and fly them into a metropolitan center. You try that shit these days, everyone's going to get up and beat you down, you can be sure of it. You can also be sure the air force will be bearing down on your ass reasonably quick. The point remains, however, that you likely won't die in a terrorist attack if you live here. You have a greater chance of dying in a plane crash because of a mechanical problem than you do dying of terrorism. You have a greater chance of dying in a car collision than you do from terrorism. Should we get those guys? Of course, and for the most part I think the government is trying it's best, or at least the people in the government who don't have to be elected are trying their best. But it doesn't mean that our culture and our media have taken the massive scale of 9/11 and magnified it further into a product of fear that we're all gonna die from terrorism unless we all buy duct tape, report suspicious neighbors to the anti-terror line, and be extra alert when the color scale goes from Big Bird to Snuffleupagus. I'll call a spade a spade and say you got a pretty good point here. However, I'll reserve saying you're right until Kerry says we'll get attacked again.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Willie Horton II

    This is retarded. Are they running for President?