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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    This actually IS a surprise

    Too many years of prepared speeches and pre-approved questions have made you completely forget how Bush turns into a deer on the highway when he's forced to wing it. He came off very well at the RNC address. This may prove to be a problem, because he isn't going to be able to mirror that performance spontaneously. If he had come off looking worse at the RNC, people would be suprised to hear him form thoughts without screwing up and he'd suddently be heralded as a smart guy for finding out how to make it to the building that night. That's basically how it worked VS Gore.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    This is Cute

    Susan Estrich: the Conservative's Liberal.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Clinton admitted to hospital.

    Eh, Wellstone proved that guys like Rush aren't beyond showing sympathy for someone they've spent years bashing, but only if it gives them a chance to score a political point.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Dress code continues to be annoying

    Somehow, I don't think that The Rock is unwilling to dress snappy when it's required, he's just not around much and seems to always be wearing a tank top and jeans in regular off-camera work. I doubt he was even aware of the code.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Yeah, THIS is going to help him...

    He needs to drop the Vietnam and move on to the "misled us to war" part, fast. I don't know why he's so hesitant on that. It's not like there isn't a bunch of people who'll support him for it.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Clinton admitted to hospital.

    I bet I know what happened. (dream sequence fade in) It was the opening night of the Democratic convention. President Clinton had finished his address and was leaving the building with a Secret Service escort when, somewhere behind the building, agents went down one after another. Clinton was in a panic until a voice spoke out of the shadows. "You spoke out against the wrong Republican tonight. Do you know what I have here?" said a sinister voice with a southern accent. A sinister southern accent, even. Then, after a longish pause, this person suddently shouted "WHAT?" "What is it?" asked Bill, somewhat shaking. A hand appeared from the darkness and removed, from an unseen body, two print-outs of paper. "I'll find something here. Look at this, it's two pages, front and back. I have more curses and voodoo spells here than the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress!" "What?" asked Bill. "Oh nevermind," said the voice. "I wish we lived in a time when I'd challenge you to a duel.... WHAT? ..... In the meantime, you'll have heart trouble in early September." "Wait, what?" said Bill. "Hope you enjoy the operating table. WHAT?" (end dream sequence) And that's what really happened.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    This is incredibly funny when you consider that he laid the groundwork for millions and millions and millions and millions of spending while suggesting that the tax cuts be made permanent AND WHILE STILL saying he'll reduce government spending. What? Low-income areas will get health clinics, thousands of newly-constructed houses, and "oppertunity zones" whatever the fuck that means. Hell, I should move out of this suburbia and into the ghetto so I can get in on Dubya's goods.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Should We Say "Told You So"?

    ... and in this corner, the only man with a consecutive intelligence test record of 0-174, the one... the only... Who? INnnnnnnnnnnn-XS!! The contenders, fresh at the keyboard and ready for war.... Smaaaaaaaaaaaaaart.. Maaaaaaaaaarks. Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to RUMMMMMMBLLLLLEEEEEE The Post Heard 'Round The World: Round 1: Scoring: Give INXS credit, the thread was turning into a conservative back-slapping and nobody saw what was coming. Slayer is reeling and the best he can come back with is a sarcastic hippie comment. MikeSC weighs in by questioning the size of INXS' testes, but it loses some punch because it's hidden amongst a foreign policy rant. He may have overextended himself by attacking people who put innocents in danger and then suggesting a mass carpet bombing. INXS doesn't notice this misstep now, but he may capitalize on it later. INXS: 5 TSM: 2 Round 2: Scoring: Good to see that both sides are starting to scrap with each other. INXS is taking a risk when he assaults MikeSC directly, questioning who gets to participate in the discussion. MikeSC won't let that slide, though, and pounces on it. Supported by kkktookmybabyaway and Slayer, they combine to gain back some ground against INXS. INXS: 6 TSM: 3 Round 3: Scoring: Pretty lame performance by both fighters. A small jab by Slapnuts! does little damage, but may be a sign of far greater firepower to come. MikeSC continues to fundamentally disagree with INXS in how the situation should be handled, but keeps it mostly civil. Overall, no damage done. INXS: 7 TSM: 3 Round 4: Scoring: INXS seems to be holding back. He makes the usual conspiracy in regards to Bush and Iraq but he clearly isn't giving it his all. Is he wearing down already? MikeSC gets a kidney shot in but it's diluted with sane commentary, perhaps meant to distract INXS and soften him up for a later round. INXS: 7 TSM: 4 Round 5: Scoring: What the hell? Both fighters appear to be reeling. Slayer makes a cliche'd comment that has no relevance on the discussion. Fortunately for The SmartMarks, INXS seems to be equally out of it. Negative points to both for this lame display. INXS: 6 TSM: 5 Round 7: Scoring: INXS comes back with a quick jab that loses effectiveness with the consistant use of the "Toodlepip!" which has long worn out it's welcome. Slayer expounds on his arguement, and says that INXS is an embarassment to his own identity. Ouch! INXS: 6 TSM: 6 How do we close the door? This fight moves to another battlefield, namely KKK's kittykiller thread: Round 8: Scoring: INXS manages to land some moderately damaging shots and does well to recover some ground. Retarded, yes, but effective. But after that knockout punch from Dr. Tom, someone in INXS' corner please throw in the towel! He's taking a walloping in the ring, and it's definitely not for those with a weak constitution. This thing is really starting to pick up the pace and even if INXS could manage to make a well-typed, non-insulting, factual rebuttal he would still not be heard. These people want murder! It's over! It's over! SmartMarks wins by a landslide! ...Oh my god, that man has folded his chair and is using it to... Oh my god, this is insane! Get out of the.. ~~STATIC~~
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    Al Sharpton only exists in places where it's possible to promote Al Sharpton and to make a buck for Al Sharpton. Saying that much animal violence is somehow an accident isn't likely to be very profitable.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Well, if that's important to you, that's your opinion. I don't think this is the law to support that view with, though. There's arguements it'll restrict even civil unions and what else. It seems to be more of a Paul H kind of bill instead of a level-headed person's kind of bill. It's like using dynamite for a root canal.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    So what's new? I think the important part of that guy's article is that he acknowledges that future attempts at any kind of homosexual unions post-FMA will be defeated "with the combined efforts of the pro-family community" (read also: religious right.) It's important to mind thy enemy. The debate about states' rights can rage on, but I'm against this on the grounds that I don't want to leverage more power to the fundies.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    So what was Bush getting at regarding......

    I wish, but I agree with you. If he really meant this, he would've done something about in the past four years.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Soldier found guilty

    This may be considered treason, but I have heard that firearms work exceptionally well in the killing of soldiers. As does anything that can cause extreme amounts of smashing, piercing/cutting, burning, or freezing. Naw really, they make it sound like you'll have to round up some Kryptonite or something.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Putting on weight.

    That's why I said 'comfortably above.' Similar in meaning to "above, but not beyond reason." I recognize the flaws, I realize nobody is going to specifically fit into any zone for a number of factors.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    So what was Bush getting at regarding......

    He told ya. Go to his web site if you want to hear more. Amazingly, here's the in-depth analysis from his "Agenda For America" Yeah, I know, I thought it was real vague too until it was all explained in detail like that.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    "But fact was just gearing up for round two. The President needed more words, strong words..." Heh. I didn't see that. Something I noticed over the few days but didn't want to say anything due to fear of starting a ruckus was that there were white people EVERYWHERE, but only a couple minorities in every other crowd*. This convention also brought back memories of the old Dem conventions where the soccer moms and Hillary wannabes were trying to dance the Macarena. All the 70s rock and funk and dance that occasionally played between state roll calls and whatnot were often filled with shots of people trying to get down and boogie and making fools of themselves. (*not saying the GOP is racist or whites-only, just saying what I saw at the show.)
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    I checked around as he was starting up and the only one paying attention was MSNBC and C-SPAN2, which means nobody saw it.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Let's see, two mentions about how God gives us freedom and it's our job to spread it around (scary), then BALOONS BALOONS GO ALL BALOONS, then Cardinal Eagan givin' shoutouts to the Lord (creepy), then a bunch of children fill the room and we have this singer. She sounds like a young Dolly Parton but I've heard this song so much over the radio that I can't stand it. Oh, and a child stood around next to the President, waving a "Friends don't let friends vote Democrat" shirt at the camera, at the President, at the Vice President, at random people in the crowds. This was an excellent convention. For the Democrats.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    I just came out into the living room and a bunch of people went running for the door. What happened?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Heh. Activist judges. If this was a drinking game of catchwords, I'd be sloshed by now. Fuck you, George.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Watching HD Dubya right now. Where's all the money for these health centers going to come from if we're cutting taxes?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Alright, I've read the whole thread, and I think the points that Mike is trying to make (though badly) regarding FMA is better said in this guy's pro-FMA column. However, exactly what control states have is unclear: This guy says: Then says: Then says: So appearantly you're allowed to do gay marraiges, as long as they don't have equal rights... Or something. God only knows.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Mike and others seem think that marriage is specifically written as a man/woman union in the eyes of the federal government. This is false, and why states have been adopting additional language that makes it a man/woman in their state. This is why some states have started seeking gay marriages. Mike thinks whoever wants to have their state become GayLand can happily become GayLand while his precious south can be Bible Thumpin' ClosetLand. Furthermore, though, if a state does actually does get gay marriage, Mike will complain about the method used. See, he doesn't seem to understand that this is a representative government, and judges in particular are assigned to make representative decisions that the representatives may not like. Which is why they aren't elected. Of course, if it was left up to the nation at the time instead of judges, blacks wouldn't have married as soon as they did, and neither would interracial couples. But once you give them marraiges, or even civil unions, then your gays get all uppity and soon perverts and weirdos start popping out of the Forbidden Forest declaring that they want equality, too. Even though there's currently nothing whatsoever stopping anyone from campaigning that marraige be made 3 people instead of 2 or whatever.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Are you implying that because there's been one well-publicized example that it's only happened one time? (sorry, this thread has grown by pages since I left it)
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    Well, now she's running her own counter-ads. Although I think she's a little confused. I think this has something to do with her hiring Ginsberg.