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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Putting on weight.

    Well, I've done "just getting fat" fat in the past because I was naturally skinny as a kid. That worked fine for me, but there's little to no reason a guy comfortably sitting just above his ideal weight needs to bother with chubbing out.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    Vote Jobber. Jobber stands up for true American values. Jobber supports kicking INXS in the beanbag. Jobber supports smart people telling dumb people to shut up. But most importantly, Jobber supports a policy of harsh justice for kitty abusers. Although Jobber's critics claim he's invading soverign playclubs and treehouses, Jobber predicts we can take dozens of these dangerous kitty killers and puppy kickers off the street in just his first week in office, assuming they don't run away to their friends house before we get there. Vote Jobber. Because there could be a small girl in your neighborhood RIGHT NOW.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

  4. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Point is that people are tired of negative politics. Last night they got it in spades. We'll see how it pays off.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Putting on weight.

    Since this isn't CE, I'll put aside our past arguement. You're already a little above ideal weight for your height, the various methods suggest 170-180. What's the motivation here? Are you trying to gain weight for something like football or a similar athletic activity, or do you want a belly and manboobs? I can't imagine why anyone would choose the second, but they're two different methods with different results.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    WWE News: RAW Ratings, WM21 Tickets, Bad Divas

    While I don't have a problem with foul language, it'd be kind of nice if it was coming out of a wrestler's mouth instead of one of the reality show tramps. If you're going to use profanity, why not use it to fire up a feud that could draw money?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    I hope it'll be like SaturdayAM monster dueling shows. "And Miller's two-headed dragon easily defeats Chris Matthews' Pikachu! Uh-oh! Chris has summoned Blastoise!"
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    I'll be the first to admit that a site called "Bushlies" isn't going to be taken as credible by anyone, but I'll skip their crap and give you direct links to the Miller interviews, Miller on CNN. Miller's speech is broken down and at one point you can see one of the hosts actually laughing at him. Wolf Blitzer mentions Cheney opposing some of the same defense systems Kerry is attacked for, and it's like talking to a brick wall. Miller on MSNBC. SHUT UP CHRIS MATTHEWS IM GONNA DUEL WITH YOU
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Dreamworks vs Pixar

    For many years now, traditional animation has been done on computers. Most anime from Japan has been that way for a while which is how it looks so clean, and Disney adopted it more and more before finally putting ink-and-cell to rest with Brother Bear, the last Disney cartoon to be done the old fashioned way. What makes CGI so expensive is the amount of power needed to render every scene, as well as the artists to take the models and have them do everything required in the movie. It's not like a video game where the same 4-step animation of the character running is repeated over and over, that would look lousy and cheap. Then you have to do all the effects and light sources, reflection, etc.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    You know that somewhere, in another plane of existance, modern America's favorite Republican watched the aftermath of tonight's event and is doing this:
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Haven't had one of these stories in a while

    I think we already know very well the mental state of a kid that likes to kill kittens. Into the loony bin with ye.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Dreamworks vs Pixar

    Dreamworks is looking to sell the Animation studio. They may want to hurry it up, "Father of the Pride" isn't doing them any favors. Also, Katzenberg is equally as big an egomaniac as Eisner is. Eisner enjoys being richer than God, but Katz is convinced that he's the second coming of Walt Disney himself.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    "SHUT UP, WHORE! Fuckin' liberal. Fuckin' freedom hater. Fucking DIS-RESPECT-FUL." "Man, now I look like a huggable teddy bear."
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Duh. Bubba loves to talk about nothing more than Bubba. But the point is that Bubba didn't sit around and talk about how Bush can't defend America. I don't think Sharpton was included for any other reason than he would have made a big stink if he didn't, but that's just me. Are you truly telling me that you didn't notice all the lies? Are you that deaf and blind? I'll wait for the non-partisan dissection if need be, but surely you could have seen it all for yourself. Exactly. Bush hasn't spoken yet, and already the primetime speakers have directly assailed Kerry way more than any primetime speaker at the DNC even mentioned Bush in passing. You don't seem to understand what a potential there is for backfire in bringing up the violence and barbarism and destruction and death of 9/11 to support a candidate. I meant THIS election.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Cheney's speech looked a lot more moderate after Zell's mighty wind, and it might have actually improved Cheney's image tonight. He doesn't speak often, but I have to admit after listening that he is a good speaker, he doesn't shout into the microphone like so many other politicians do, thinking they need to yell to be heard like the amplifiers have somehow been turned off. The constant hammering of stuff like the $87 billion and other issues that have been similarly shot to hell and back kind of deflated it a bit, but the crowd was eating it up, although convention crowds always consist of the most simple-minded partisan flacks.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Here's the thing you're going to have to remember: At the DNC, Clinton's speech, Obama's speech, Kerry's speech, made only passing comments about Bush. Kerry only invoked Bush by name once to make an admittedly half-assed attempt to ask that both sides keep it civil going into the election (of course, the 527s of either party wouldn't have any of that, but that's them.) At the RNC, Giulianni invoked imagery of men falling 100+ stories and bursting on the ground to persuede voters. And Miller made one of the most vicious attacks we've seen from an elected official in the whole electoral process. That is the message that the Republicans are broadcasting across all the networks in primetime. This is the "party of optimism," allegedly.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Miller was inside the building and talking via video feed, before the GOP handlers with the chains tackled him down and carried him away to his cage.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    His spin was worse than Bill O'Reilly. "Do you think John Kerry wouldn't defend the US?" "I... I admire Mr. Kerry's service, and I've made that clear from the start." "That's not what I said, what I asked was..." "DON'T YOU GET LIPPY WITH ME, IT'S DUELIN TIME." While I would enjoy seeing him let out a large roar and chokeslam a protestor, it saddens me that the man has a place in government.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Zell Miller is a fucking tool. Woe be to whoever gives someone that insane a spot in government again. The FactCheck/Spinsanity articles debuking his speech will go on for pages.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Convention

    Except it's Zell Miller so everybody already knew what to expect. But man, he made Halliburton Dick look moderate.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    200 Children and Teachers taken hostage in school

    I have a feeling Russia's going to start doing more for the war on terror soon. And then you might as well fuck the U.N. History shows anytime the US and Russia both want to get something done, it'll be done.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Celebs

    I'm just making cheap shots so you know what it feels like. I'm not upset, I'm just calling you stupid for being so constantly abrasive and getting into retarded feuds with people like Bigjig and letting it consume a whole thread.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Only Thing Worse Than a Moronic Protestor

    Ahh, yes, I know the one you're talking about now. The one where hospitals have to stop doing abortions in order to get the money, right?
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Is the Republican party by nature, the Majority?

    The economy? The workforce? We're usually the guy on top economically because so many large industries started here. However, if you want, take credit for making our military fucking huge.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Celebs

    Please find a new word to embrace and call your very own.. I keep reading that as "neuter." No, the rest of us are far more sensible for not getting our panties in a wad and having to throw political mudballs in the WWE folder. More like trolling folders and people because you can't control yourself = you.