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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    Gah, the hairy legs. Presidents are supposed to be smooth, darnit. Anyway...
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    I do suggest you buy the new book and learn the TRUTH about Mikey's fatness:
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Is the Government Guilty?

    Samizdat has made two posts, both in Current Events, both incriminating the United States for the rise in terror. Can I get a Kamui check, please? Mods?
  4. Jobber of the Week


    Is this the same PK that used to write the shitty show writeups on 411? Because if it is, find another way to express amusement than writing "HAHAHAAHAHHAHAAHHAHAAHHA" in the middle of your paragraph. And yes, I do realize what I just did there.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Applebees sucks ass

    This Just In: John Ashcroft is hold a pro-America rally at Applebees. You should go, you really don't want to know what'll happen if you don't.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bush doesn't think we can win the War on Terror

    Oh shit, now I've bought Patriotic Ketchup and a subscription to the Weekly Standard. Again.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    Alright, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't this guy.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    The Chinese know how to handle kidnappers..

    Before you have an organization to defend civil rights, you kind of need to have civil rights first.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Is it really worth hurting people over?

    We are talking about this guy, right?
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Okay, look.

    Over in Current Events, someone made a controversial statement and got attacked by someone else, a partisan hack weighed in and got rebutted by a hack from the other party, somebody made a sarcastic comment, another person revealed themselves to be a bigoted moron, and then a last person thought the discussion was petty and not worth paying attention to.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Going to Las Vegas

    I have absolutely no ideas about clubs, since I'm too fat and non-beautiful and unwilling to lose my hearing. If you mean strip clubs, there's a few that everybody agrees are better than the others. I don't go to those either but I've read about them and have a vague knowledge of what's good and what's a ripoff. However, I go to Vegas several times a year to see the shows and gamble, so if you need some help in that category, holla. I might have some advice learned from experience for you depending on what hotel you're staying at. My favorite shows are Blue Man Group (at Luxor) and Mystere (Treasure Island.) BMG is the guys you may remember from the Intel ads, it's a rock show with silent comedy and interesting special effects, hard to describe but you either love it or you loathe it. Mystere is a Cirque Du Soleil production and while I was apprehensive about seeing it (I cringe and heave at most the Cirque work I'd seen previously) I love the show. None of those weird people bending their bodies and half and other freakshow work, it's more of a gymnastic exhibition with a cohesive story that's pretty to look at. Think of people doing acrobatic tricks, swinging from person to person in the air, and bouncing off a bunch of trampoline walls left right and center, with a really interesting soundtrack. Tickets for both those shows run about $100 a person so be ready. If you aren't interested in that kind of culture, or just want something cheaper, say so and I'll see what I can dig up.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Applebees sucks ass

    OH NO YOU DIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin't! Applebee's is pretty good, actually. I like the taste of the fries and the actual food is better than Baker's Square, which went up in price and down in quality. Again. And it's still better than IHOP. If only the place wasn't always so damn loud. I get the feeling they have speakers somewhere playing a looping tape of crowd noise so the place seems packed even when there's nobody there. Still, eating at Applebee's is practically a treat for me, the guy who is always going to the clown or the king for a burger. It's okay, but it isn't as good as the Black Bear Diner. Though Applebee's crowd noise is almost as overwhelming as Black Bear's 50s music.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    WWF/E Theme Songs

    Now see, that might be you, but I'll remember Vengeance because of the genuine excitement I felt in being actually interested in the match and caring who won for once.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Is Carmella a marked woman?

    Amy: (To Joy) "Joy, you need to learn how to lick a pie" How did I let a line this stupid slip through without shouting something rude?
  15. Jobber of the Week

    I found a massive illegal video game distributor.

    This reminds me of a link I saw once where a guy played a really stupid NES import ripoff from China with a Super Mario Bros that was far more fucked up than the one on the hardware shown in this thread.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    WWF/E Theme Songs

    Technically they've had themes all the way back to the old WrestleMania and Survivor Series songs. And no, a theme doesn't matter to a show as long as there's not a live performance or something. And even if there is, a good show can survive a shitty performance. Much like where WM19 wound up being a good show despite all the Limp Bizkit and Catfight Girl shit.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

    Are you ready for THE LIVE REPORT~?!?!?!??! * Triple H cuts a promo. He is very boring. I try to start a "WHAT?!" (as much as I hate it) chant because H is just so dull but nobody catches on. * Randy Orton appears. I sit on my hands and for once the audience seems to follow my lead. * Midcarder match. Hello, time to go check out the merch booth or something. * Fucking Retard Gimmick is going for the cheap heat to make sure he doesn't get booed out of the building. That's okay, I heckle him worse than I did Nash later on. * Regal VS Batista. Pretty bad shit. Why in the hell did Batista need help from Flair to beat Regal? Yeah, I know, it's to continue along the beginnings of a Regal/Flair feud, but it made Batista look weak as hell. He should be able to put Regal away by himself with the level of monster heel promotion he's getting. * Hey, you want to keep San Francisco happy? Here's a hint: Don't show us politicians live at the Republican National Convention. Cheney has so much X-Pac Heat here that he wouldn't even be able to get a City Janitor job, so nobody's going to be thrilled to see Shawn Michaels pointing him out in a crowd. * Diva Search. Not yet piss break time because my Dad wanted to see it. Ugh. * Kane and Lita. Okay, NOW it's time for the piss break. I hear Matt Hardy's music and am still not interested, but appearently I missed a comic sketch involving midgets? REALLY? Well, crap. I hope Kane gets a whole band of midgets to follow him around now doing comedy sketches. * Benoit vs Flair. Decent stuff, I doubt this was the same match they did at a North Carolina house show earlier this year because it wasn't really all that good. But then again, the crowd may have been so nuts for Flair that it didn't need to be. * Highlight Reel: I marked out huge for the flashes of an E&C reunion. It's been too many years since a five-second pose last graced my TV scene, so don't draw this angle out or I may get bored before we even get back to the oversized props. * Woman's match. I just simply booed everything that wasn't Trish. * HHH vs Fucking Retard Gimmick: Oh MAN did I try and give FRG a piece of my mind. I was unable to turn the crowd against him since he was still playing the Cheap Heat card during his entrance. GET THIS SACK OF SHIT OUT OF THE MAIN EVENT. NOW. Orton doesn't like HHH stealing his sledge gimmick (say what?) and FRG gets the pin. And no, I wasn't the guy with the "Eugene is a retard" sign. We do seem to have some smarkish opinions here, though, between that sign, the WWF/Panda sign, and No Way Out had a guy with a Goldberg Sucks sign. Our crowds on the whole may blow, but true to Bay Area form we do have a lot of independent thinkers. * Didn't hang around to see the post-show because the Cow Palace is like a race to get to your cars and get the fuck out before the lot jams and makes the already bad SF traffic even worse.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Oh my god, I'm arguing with Rick Stantorum. Okay, get it like this: Marriage has to be between two consenting adults. Even if we leave gender out of it, TWO. CONSENTING. ADULTS. An animal is not an adult, nor can it consent to marriage. NOT. A CONSENTING. ADULT. Actually, I'd say religion and lifestyles (to an extent) change easier than sexuality. Why in the living hell would someone WANT to live in a fashion where people like you hate them? "I think I'll be gay today, because I enjoy it when Paul H puts me down."
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Republican Celebs

    Oh I see the day he came out in support of Bush he turned in his Democrat tag............... He was one of them DINO's right? Here's a clue for you. I have always hated the people who talk about "RINOs." I hated that Schwartzenegger got labeled that by one of the prominent Orange County fundies during the recall race just becuase he didn't hate gays and didn't want to eradicate every gun control law ever passed, or because of who his wife is, etc. I also didn't care for the people who pull that same shit on John McCain. I first found out about Zell when Cancer Marney tried to shove editorial he wrote in my face as some sort of sign that Bush was so well-loved that Democrats were turning against their own candidates and were going to support Bush. I kind of had no opinion on the guy until it was revealed he'll be one of the guests of honor at the RNC. Now, I don't think I'm that far out of the mainstream view, but I think when you speak at the other guy's convention as an invited guest, it's time to consider switching. And if McCain or Arnie suddently shows up at the DNC as a Republican, let me know, I'll bitch about them flip-flopping, too.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Schwarzenegger to Veto Illegal Immigrant Licenses

    Many (but not all) of those things happen in legal immigration. Just less often. Usually legalized immigrants tend to have better educations and a better economic situation, but I don't think they're going to speak Spanish less. Remember what primary language means in the first place. You and me both.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Bush doesn't think we can win the War on Terror

    Am I the only person who feels more comfortable that Bush seems to understand now that you can't "win" here? He seemed to steaming along with the idea that he could somehow wipe out every anti-American faction ever, and doing that only causes more anti-American thought globally. You can't catch every guy with a bomb strapped to his chest. You can't stop every guy with fertilizer and a Ryder truck who puts the two together in a parking lot.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Quick WWE survey

    1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. No, it's about the same. 2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. No, it was still about the same. 3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. No. It's decidedly worse now. 4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. No. It has gotten worse, guys are forgetting how to sell more and more. 5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. No. It's almost like it's stuck in an 80s revival right now. 6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. No because they were both pretty crappy companies. I wish WWE had better competition than WCW and ECW. 7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. Doubt it. Somebody will come along with an idea that catches on, all they need is a financial backer. 8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. No. 9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. Currently, yes. 10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Raw: Chris Jericho SmackDown: Nobody at this time
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Is it me or is every rock station

    This is what I hear almost incessantly from the rock stations these days: * Nirvana * Guns & Roses (arrrrrrrrrgh! Always a large library to pick from, but I don't care because I hated them then and I hate them now) * Pearl Jam * Soundgarden * OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD Metallica * Rarely, the occasional good song from a band that feels different from everything listed above And unfortunately, the rare moments are appearing less and less because we've added: * Velvet Revolver (Oh hey look, it's MORE Guns & Roses! Kill me now with a spoon graaaghghhg) * Audioslave (Guess what kids? It's smaller doses of Soundgarden!) Am I alone in feeling this way about the radio nowadays? I know there's the whole Clear Channelization going on out there, but I live in a rural area without any of those big name station owners on the FM dial. Only recently did one group move in on FM, and they have maybe a dozen stations nationwide? So I have to know: Is it just me? I'm considering saving up for an XM radio now after a neighbor let me go on a trial run kick of his just to hear different stuff.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    Hardly the same as actually striking the US. No concern of the US, IMO. We aren't the World Police. Except that Hoover did contribute to the depression, way more than Bush did the recent recession. And now in the hell are we "permetting them" to make their own social policy?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    You mean like, "In my religion gay people can marry! STOP TRAMPLING ON MY RELIGION!!" or something like that?