Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
Law doesn't (or, assuming you can prove otherwise, shouldn't) work like that Mike. I can have a collection of lights and fans in my house for whatever reason, as long as the electrical issues are sound. What purpose those lights and fans are serving is irrelevant. It's the plants that are illegal, not the appliances, and yet it's the appliances that started the fire. Those are two seperate issues, and should be charged as such. That's not the same because you still shot someone in the head, which is a crime. A more appropriate comparison would be to say that you were shooting a gun in a firing range at the time that someone died from food poisoning that you gave them. You're responsible for their death because of the food poisoning, but the court tries to convict you on having shot the person to death. Doesn't/shouldn't matter if the fire was started by faulty wiring. Look, I think this guy should face manslaughter for faulty wiring. I think if they investigated it they could find evidence of it and he'd face the proper punishment for it. However, at the same time, if they can't bring up evidence of faulty or illegal wiring, they have no case against him, and as unfortunate as that may be, can't blame him for starting the fire. And I certainly don't think there's an intent to kill, which is what the court is accusing him of with murder. The pot is an entirely seperate issue only most loosely tied to fire, and is a charge of it's own. -
Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
Well they should investigate the wiring and if there is a cause that his poor electrical setup started the fire, then he should be charged for it. If all those lights and fans were pointing at anything else, the fire would have started anyway. You guys don't seem to understand that this is violating the intent of law. He should be charged on posession and if faulty electrical wiring is determined in causing the fire, then he should be responsible for that and manslaughter isn't out of the question. If the electrical wiring isn't faulty, he should still be charged with posession. If everything was up to state code and it appears to be just an accident, you can't blame this guy any more than you can blame someone who accidentally starts a kitchen fire for the men's death. These people are just trying to give this guy trouble for having pot plants in his basement, and it's destroying the integrity of the legal system as they do so. Having marijuana plants down there didn't hurt or kill anyone, although it is a crime of it's own. But the quality of the wiring of his electrical system may have been responsible for killing someone. This does not sound like justice to me. It sounds to me like they're trying to nail him on murder on account of doing something that didn't kill anyone, because they aren't sure they can fault negligence in the wiring. Basically: Marijuana plants don't kill people. Electrical incompetence does. -
People are trashin' the pre-98 belt here because they don't like the look. What they're forgetting is that if you're going to play Retro Belts, you're doing so because of history, and the pre-98 belt has a ton of historical value. It's been held by guys like Hulk, Savage, Undertaker, Bret, Shawn, Austin, and pretty much every big name guy from the Hogan years onward with the exception of Rock and HHH.
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Mike, it even said at the end nothing was proven. But you're just putting your fingers in your ears at this point and shouting "AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT" and it's becoming pretty pointless to discuss the matter any further. Any questions such as "Why would Kerry sign these documents with a name that's not his own?" or "Why does the guy talking about the lack of enemy gunfire have an award for that scene himself and why hasn't he investigated that?" is met with "AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT." If these guys had a list of which of their people saw which events it would be the first step to gaining credibility. But in the meantime, I've got a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you. Becuase if you'll keep downing these guys' shit, I might as well make an attempt to get some cash out of the gullibility. -
Smart move. Bush realized that many considered the ball to be in his court here. While many think it was up to Kerry to find some way around the charges in the book, the ads barely touched the surface of addressing the accusations, and simply smeared Kerry. Bush took the high road out here and is now challenging Kerry to do the same. Can't say I agree personally because people ought to be free to air what they want if they can afford it, but there are cases when it goes too far into the slander category. Ah hell, let's just be honest: McCain-Feingold sucks.
Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
Look, firefighters have a job. Sometimes, as a consequence of this job, they die. It's sad, it's unfortunate, it's a reality. Now, if this guy was using some shitty custom wiring or some kind of faulty illegal wiring (which is typically how wiring causes a fire) then yes he has a of responsibility for fixing that and ignored it, thus can be claimed responsible for making the house light up on fire. Whatever the lights and fans happened to be pointing at, as long as it wasn't some sort of flammable liquid such as oil or gasoline (which it wasn't), is completely inconsequential to the cause of the fire. If you want to bust the guy for posession or something, then go ahead, but you'd have to try very hard to make a case that the guy died because of the plants themselves. -
That one was so huge that looked kind of cheesy. The one before it was held by plenty of guys across a long period of time (as far as wrestling goes.) But the answer is no. Bringing back old belts doesn't do anything for their image. Much like how putting Undertaker in a long-brimmed hat and leather jacket hasn't done much to change his image.
Dr. Tom would be the winner of the Last Mod Standing battle live on PPV. Several lesser mods would be eliminated in the opening brawl. CanadianChick tosses bps21, and she herself gets tossed by teke184. Loss HULKS UP~! and Kahran, APO, and Goodear work him into a corner and try kicking and stomping him down to little avail. Anglesault is tossed by Zack Malibu in a HUGE SHOCKER that gets a big pop from the live crowd. Loss tosses AOO, and as Loss turns back around NikJohns seizes the moment to hit his finisher on Loss! But unfortunately, the Thread Locker doesn't work on other mods and is completely no-sold, and Nik is tossed by Loss rather easily. And then, just around the time that that Kingpk sends Stephen "The Economist" Joseph back to Wall Street, something happens that completely changes the course of the match. Dr. Tom, who had been spending the whole battle hanging around on the floor getting stomped and trampled by the rest of the contenders, staggerdly stands. What's that he's wearing? He's looking at the entrance ramp, what's happening? Now he's making a comeon gesture and... It's a SWERVE~ that nobody saw coming, as Cancer Marney runs out from the back room! Everyone thought she left but it was a ruse all along! Cancer stands outside the ring shouting all kinds of insults, put-downs, and slams. As this exhibition of creative language goes on, the crowd starts going out of their minds... Until suddently the room shakes a little, and a massive river of flame bursts out of the entrance, knocking down the set, and spilling out into the bowl of the stadium. People shriek and run for the exits and the fire engulfs the whole floor and crawls up into the grandstand. Who knew that such powerful flames were being created these months? As the fire dies down and the embers smolder, bones and ashes of all the competitors and 63% of the audience settle to a still, Dr. Tom takes off his asbestos uniform to a pop from the remainder of the audience in the upper bowl.
Have you run without it lately to compare? I challenge you to run Kerio (which is free in the truest sense of the word) or SP2 firewall for a few days and get back to me. Basically, ZA isn't too piggy when it starts running, but it's startup time is awful. You have to wait a while after seeing the desktop and the icons to wait for the ZA icon in the icon tray, and then you can go online. Both my parents' machines loaded up faster without ZA, from the old P2-era machine (Mom) to the specs I listed above (Dad.) My main problem is that I tend to double click on Internet Explorer as soon as it appears on the desktop. It's practically a reflex after using Windows all these years, and you can't get any sites or anything until you've waited for the icon to show up. I'm not sure if this is universal, but on Dad's IE is dead for good and you have to restart, try again, and be patient this time. This may also be related to the fact that he's using a wireless network with it's own drivers and tray icons.
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Weird that nobody checked Slate lately, I guess, since this article is two days old, but it's been relevant in these discussions lately so here we go: -
Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
That ties into the question I'm wondering. BUT DID ANYTHING HAPPEN TO THE POT!? IS IT OKAY!? -
Hamas operative arrested in Baltimore
Jobber of the Week replied to Styles's topic in Current Events
What I mean is, if Hamas attacked us, they would become an enemy in the War on Terror, so would we send troops into Israel? Give them the ok to bomb the West Bank/Gaza? It's all just hypothetical of course...or is it? I think Hamas is already an enemy in the war on terror, since the current M.O. seems to be wiping all terrorism off the face of the Earth (hah!) even if they haven't made a move yet, witness Saddam and his "willingness to terrorize himself." Bush has flip-flopped on Israel again and again, while our message to them may change, it probably won't be directly impacted by this. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
That's just rich. Also, appearantly Thurlow never read the citation of his own Bronze Star and wonder why it mentioned enemy fire. -
Have you ever ran Kerio and compared their startup time with ZoneAlarm? My father has a P4 1.8Ghz with 512MB of Ram, and recently uninstalled ZoneAlarm for SP2. His startup wait has gone down significantly. ZoneAlarm is a piece of shit program. Software firewall solutions typically are, but Zone just happens to be worse than some of it's alternatives.
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
I'm pretty sure it does because I've had to put programs in the exception zone to get them to work right. Instant messangers and the like. My point was that the XP firewall is already setup so that system processes and stuff work fine. Where as with ZoneAlarm, you'll be asked "DO YOU WANT TO ALLOW WINSRV32 (or whatever) TO GO ONLINE?" and it sounds suspicious, so you push no, then later Google and find it's a perfectly normal function of Windows. Basically, ZoneAlarm is too much security, especially for average users and especially at the cost of that much system performance. People who want to really fine tune a software firewall should still go with Kerio, but for your average Zone user I'd reccomend the Windows firewall, since it doesn't send in the marines when it spies a dozen false alarms, and it hasn't been expanded with non-firewall shit like flunky browser ad blockers.
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Makes this a little weird, doesn't it? I wonder what the penalties for lying on an affidavit are? Oh? Funny. I seem to remember otherwise. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
I don't remember any law that says you need 60 people under affadavit to run a political ad. I think there's been criticism, which you probably don't agree with, that he could have done better in the hours, days, and months that followed. Right. And that's been the focus of Bush's campaign. Perhaps you don't understand what I've been saying. You're saying that Kerry's only facing all this because he made such a big fat stinkin' deal of his service on the campaign. And I'm saying, Bush has made just as big a deal about security. Hence the ads. -
Zome Alarm sucks. The Windows firewall is not only more user friendly, but doesn't drag your system resources down into the gutter like Zone does. Zone also is ultra sensative, alerting you and asking you if you want every little service or system app to go online, while the Windows firewall seems to be pre-built to allow the system tools that should be going online to go online. For instance, you don't have to instruct the SP2 firewall that IE is an okay program to run unrestricted. I use Mozilla, so I can't comment on the pop-up blocker, but since so many people continue to use IE, I imagine the pop-up makers are working on every conceivable way to work around it and it'll probably be useless in six months. Since it took so long for IE to get an official blocker in the first place, I imagine fixes to these workarounds won't come out nearly fast enough, and third party products and competing browsers will still be the chief method of blocking.
Pot grower faces murder charges for firefighter
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
Ridiculous. I guess if anyone dies fighting a kitchen fire gone out of control, whoever was in the kitchen should serve time, too. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
And that's totally justified, right? Because that's what Bush has been focusing his campaign on for some time. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Quote something already. I'm not going to read a bunch of PR gobbeldygook and then try and figure out what you were specifically referring to. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
And this means what exactly? Bush ran on 9/11. Does that mean it's okay for MoveOn to make accusations saying that Bush dropped the ball in that? You know if Bush had a better Vietnam record, he'd swing it around in the air, too. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Exactly. I don't like him because he's a Republican and I'm a Democrat, I don't like him and would even take another Republican over him. That's what I mean. IOW, it goes beyond typical "He's Republican, GRR!!!" That's what I mean by "it's not even partisan, it's personal." Partisan dislike would be simply me being against him because he's got a ® next to his name. -
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...1557EDT0033.DTL Darnit, Arnold. Why are you trying to break what sealed the deal? We shouldn't be catering to these people or seeing how we can make their lives any better for them, becuase they don't belong here and are taking away attention from others, including legal immigrants. This decision was what convinced me that Davis was done for and it was time to get someone else, and now he's willing to do it too if he can get a big "Illegal" sticker on the card. Feh. And amusingly, that sidebar box that I used to quote from the 2003 edition California DMV rulebook, that box that's been there since I was a kid and studying how to work a car, that says "DRIVING IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT", is gone in this year's edition. Go fig. Just pardon me while I vent a bit.... Some Republican he was.