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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO "Will Orton Actually Get Over?" Thread

    Please share. Spittin' image of Jim Carrey there.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Post pictures of Trish, get a retard banned!

    Why would we want to? Because there's 500+ "perfect" airbrushed, lifted and seperated, Pam Anderson wannabes. That plus she's still plenty more hot than anyone I've met without the special support. ...And CanadianChick takes circle to win. And that garden hose woman is so not her. I know 800 celeb sites make that mistake, but enough already.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Can Orton Make Friends?

    Here's my booking idea: All the big faces on Raw hate Orton for everything he's put them through over the past year and shows no sympathy for him. Everyone but one performer: Eugene. That'll go a long way to making something more of the Eugene character beyond his current circus performance and still keep him hot. Admittedly, he'll have to make more friends over time as the angle goes on and the faces warm up to him so as not to look like some sort of a joke by association. But that'll give Orton a tag partner for now while moving Eugene onto something different than "Uncle Eric keeps trying to get him murdered in the ring and he comes back two weeks later ad nauseum."
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Post pictures of Trish, get a retard banned!

    Someone get a picture of her on "The Weakest Link." Hottest I've seen Trish, since for once she didn't have some wonderbra pushing her breasts up to her forehead. You could actually see what she looks in everyday life and stuff.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    It sounds like we have the same idea. I don't hate Bush in the "I wanna knock you silly" sort of way. I hate him in the "I would take a raving loon who accidentally escaped from an asylum in office before you, go back to diving oil companies into the ground" sort of way. I mean I dislike him in the sense that it transcends party lines, as I said. Much like how you would probably prefer Bubba Bill in office over Carter, even if Bubba isn't your perfect cup of tea, I'd take Dole over Bush anyday.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    Okay, I've seen those now. Presidents do get criticism when they do things that a lot of people don't like. This is why Clinton was accused of consorting with the Chinese, selling out the White House, having people killed to cover-up a plot, etc. The same thing is happening to Bush here and will happen to whoever succeeds him. What I don't understand is why you're outraged about these MoveOn ads but at the same time saying "Well, you only care about these ads when attack YOUR candidate!" You've been complaining about these groups that have been attacking your candidate the whole time, but when one comes out on the other end, you buy the book and swallow the line. Don't you see a hypocracy in that? If you're complaining about MoveOn, Soros, and etc, why is it suprising that people are complaining about SwiftVets and their attack ad?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Other swift boat commander speaks up

    And they weren't even our enemy until we started getting involved in their civil war. Huzzah.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    That they attribute the quote to him directly in the latest ad alone is a gross distortion of the truth. http://www.factcheck.org/article.aspx?docID=244
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    I think this has given Kerry credibility problems, but I don't buy 100% of the stuff they're saying. Namely this "Kerry wrote all the reports" business. I'm skeptical of the rest because of my own bias, but I can't deny they're doing damage. And there we go. You have guys you don't like, and I have mine.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    Have ANY of the ads used such gross distortions of the truth as the SwiftVets ads? I think F9/11 came up there, but that's not a 527. Then why don't I remember any of the other ads getting this kind of attention? Especially when there "isn't that much hatred of Bush?" if that's the case, there would be more outrage.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Other swift boat commander speaks up

    Do you even understand the coverups, and and the public's lack of knowledge of what was really going on in Vietnam? The media was a far different beast than it is today.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    I'm not the guy who buys what the SwiftVets are saying without any grain of salt. Like I need to apologize or explain to you who I like and dislike. Last I checked, you didn't have a high personal opinion of Jimmy Carter.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Other swift boat commander speaks up

    I didn't say it was. I've said that the testimony was incorrect in describing the situation. It isn't the truth. But it isn't that far from it. You guys seem to be denying what everybody knows though, that there was a fucking disaster going on over there. Instead you seem to believe that everything went all right, and nobody should have said anything at all about the bad shit going on for the good of the country and the war effort.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    Big difference between condemning 527s as an idea as Bush has done until now and specifically condemning garbage attack ads. Again, I don't see any Dem 527 TV ads. Can you find me one that's as vicious as the SwiftVets ad? I assume the reason I never see them or hear about them like I do the SwiftVets ad is because they're just criticizing policy decisions and not their character.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    Just because I'm skeptical doesn't matter because my vote is already decided. You said yourself that contacting veterans takes time but the whole organization was founded not that long ago, which is exactly what I'm talking about. They timed it to do as much damage as they can while providing Kerry with only a few weeks to try and come up with a defense. You secretly know it's true. He's been running for President for a while. Nothing happened, which is expected because Howie had all the momentum for a while. Still, Kerry was predominately running on his Vietnam experience even here and is all the way through now. Then Kerry starts actually winning primaries, then the opponents are wittling down. Guys like Clark and Edwards are running out of steam and Dean is only hanging on to save face. This would be a prime time to make a case against Kerry at this point, but they don't. Then Kerry is the only serious guy left in the race and the only competitor, and only in the loosest use of the term, is Dennis Kucinich running on the Hi I'm A Total Joke platform. They could come forward here, but they don't. There's nobody left, Kerry's been nominated, and there's only a few weeks left to go and everyone's scrambling to get their message out... HEY, I GOT AN IDEA, LET'S STRIKE NOW. It's not disagreements. It's a complete disgrace of this country.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    I haven't seen any moveon.org ads because I don't live in a battleground state, sorry. But I've seen the SwiftVet ads all over cable. I think Bush has taken the right move re: 527s, but I still think he should specifically condemn this ad, as well.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    My posting in regards to Bush is completely biased. I passionately dislike the guy and wouldn't mind seeing whoever, even another conservative, replace him. It's not even partisan, it's personal.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    And then he went and worked as an attorney in Texas for many years. And then, upon hearing that Kerry won in Iowa and had momentum into the White House, he didn't do anything. He waited around until not only until all competitors had been wiped out, but until the election is this close. It's not that his interest in disliking Kerry isn't genuine. It's that he sure waited around on his duff for a long time biding his time for quite a few weeks and months that it was assured that Kerry would be making it to the general election. There was clearly an element of political strategy in that.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO "Will Orton Actually Get Over?" Thread

    I'm so sick of Rock that I'd pay money to see someone no-sell the Rock Bottom.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    Kerry asked MoveOn to stop running an ad, and they had about as much class as SwiftVets in their response.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    "The Political Machine"

    You stole that from Hey Dude. No, it only popped in my head because my cat is currently got sores and problems since another cat sank it's jaws into his tail. I watched maybe three episodes of Hey Dude, and don't remember a damn thing besides a ranch being involved. At least I can remember the premise of Pete & Pete.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Bush condemns 527s, asks Kerry to do the same

    I didn't say it was honest. It's just an awesome PR move, is all.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Is this the future of Television?

    Sounds like video on demand meets distributed networking. It's almost guaranteed to have DRM anyway.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Other swift boat commander speaks up
