Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Because somewhere in Alabama... If any Democrat will do, I sensed the lies on the first viewing and actaully gave up reading his last book because I simply can't stand him so much that I can't even read the book. And I can read O'Reilly books. Unless you're looking for a high-profile Demorat, in which case, no. Snooooooooooooze.. If there's one thing I can't stand about Vietnam discussions, it's people think others should have shut their trap and never said a damn thing about the war if they didn't like it because OMG ITZ HELPING THE N-M-E. "The enemy", of course, being a nation that only had access to government propaganda media which would lie about such events happening even if they didn't. -
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Simply put, it's most likely because: 1) 2) 3) The more important question, I think, is why they waited until there was less than 100 days until the election to start attacking. This group didn't even exist until not too long ago, But Iowa/NH were way back there and it's been pretty obvious ever since. -
The OAO "Will Orton Actually Get Over?" Thread
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
Keep in mind that Orton is the third plotline of this episode. Kane and Lita are the primary focus and the Diva search is definitely going to take #2. Besides, they need to slow burn the rest of this if they want to make it last until WrestleMania. -
How about this? Kenzo is moved to Raw because he sucks and he and Cade can form a team to fight Rhyno and Tajiri while his translator turns into another Stacy/Torrie style diva because I like Asian women with properly-sized breasts. That is the best of both worlds.
But don't you see? He moves from tiny little Sweet Water, TX where everybody knows your name up to Donald Trump's apartment highrise in, as they say in those pecante sauce ads that played in the 80s/90s, "NEW YAWK CITEE?" Well sheeeeit, Billy Bob, ol' Johnny Boy Bradshaw ain't care 'bout no family or neighbors, only money. Let's boo him just to git on his nerves!
The HHH/Steph one took place at the Arkansas State University, AR. The first HHH/Steph which took place in Las Vegas, NV (hence the 24hr wedding chapel.)
Hey, you and I both go to the same shows. Are you going to the Cow Palace show next week? I tried to get a Boring chant going for Rhyno vs Holly, but no luck. Oh well. Probably did. We did miss most of the show, but as a result the show as a whole seemed better than any other live show I went to, including Mania19, because I only saw the good matches. The cuts were very obvious, though, as the line suddently balooned into two lines at one point, with one going into the parking lot to the right of the entrance and one snaking all the way around back. I think someone was just openly letting people cut or something because it looked like two goddamn lines. Whatever the reason, the show suffered for it and I remember coming home to read skepticism that the show was really packed, and that it was just a weak excuse for the poor crowd. Must have looked horrible on TV. Part of the delay also fell on the security team at Cow Palace, which felt fit to take not only every bag of Doritos, but every umbrella on a rainy day, and no you're not getting it back. I imagine a lot of time got killed explaining to people why they were reposessing their posessions. By the time we finally got through the door, it looked as though they had given up on that. For that reason, I'm suprised Vince is doing another show again at the building this year.
Ack! Someone made a Kamui reference and I missed it. Oh well, I'm prepared in the event that he should come back (again.)
New overtime pay rules take effect Monday
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
That's basically how CBS put it, and is how it has me scratching my head looking for How They Getcha. Specifically, nobody mentions what happens in that middle range. -
Someone who knows enough about one single subject that they probably should get outside more. Re: my comments that FJA "wouldn't draw", I was talking about the inclusion of Campbell, not necessarily the movie. It is, to take a wrestling phrase, overbooking the feud. Everyone here is talking about what an icon this guy is to horror fans, but nobody seems to realize that FvJ aspires to be more than just another horror film. This is why it gets a bigger budget for production and advertising than, say, Jason X. It automatically smells like money when you consider that everybody from Roger Ebert to my Dad knows who both guys are. Add that in the all-important youth market, which is pretty goddamn important to a slasher flick, almost nobody knows about cult horror hits from the era when they were children. Let's use sci-fi for an example: This is like having a "Star Wars vs Star Trek" movie and then following it up with "Star Wars vs Star Trek vs Farscape." Yeah, the sci-fi fans will get it, there's a lot that like that universe, but will anyone else? Bablyon 5, at least, would have name recognition with anyone who's flipped through the program listings in the last ten years. And that's stretching it. Insert your favorite other horror villain here (someone mentioned Myers from Halloween) in place of B5 and you get the right idea. I'm not exactly stone deaf when it comes to pop culture, and if I don't know who the hell this character is, I don't have much hope for others in their early 20s and earlier either.
Okay, that's rather funny for all the wrong(?) reasons.
My love affair with Governor Arnold ends
Jobber of the Week replied to Jobber of the Week's topic in Current Events
Well, it seemed better than the porn star, the electrician named Michael Jackson, and Gallagher. And for the most part, I thought he was doing pretty good as a moderate, which is where I lay politically (despite my more vicious posts here, which are combination of not liking certain posters nor the dirty side of politics.) I figured, however, he wouldn't be quite so moderate on this issue because, well, we're pretty bad off in the illegals department and while you can't turn back the clock, things won't get better without some reform. McClintock seemed to be heading in that direction but there's no way I can vote in good concience for a guy who would veto civil unions. That's pretty f'n ridiculous, I'll admit. So was his trip to Las Vegas (where his promotional moving van accidentally died while traveling up the Strip) so he could beg companies who moved away to Nevada to please please come back. The "I'll get the money back" thing was predictable, the NV one was embarassing. -
New overtime pay rules take effect Monday
Jobber of the Week replied to EdwardKnoxII's topic in Current Events
CBS was rather lavishing praise on this tonight on the Evening News. This new administration policy gives more money to lower-income people, while giving less to higher-income people. I can't remember the actual figures of course, but I assume the higher income people are simply not seeing as high a percentage boost in overtime pay, not actually getting less overtime than they started with which is almost what the segment made it sound like. Absolutely nothing was said about the middle class, which makes me suspect that they're getting it in the junk again. -
My love affair with Governor Arnold ends
Jobber of the Week replied to Jobber of the Week's topic in Current Events
Careful, I once said Buchanan said something that wasn't loony once and got toasted by the left (I think? It was over a year ago) and the right that I somehow supported his whole platform for it. But still, how is that special ID going to change anything? It's not like metro officers are doing anything to care about illegal immigration in the first place. Maybe the CHP on the highways might give more of a hoot, but they report to the Governor and he doesn't seem very bent on enforcing immigration law if he's proposing this. -
No, you're the staff infection.
Other swift boat commander speaks up
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
History has proven you wrong on this again and again and again. Perhaps not to the extreme that Kerry described, you're right. But shit did hit the fan over there, and things happened that were very dishonorable and unbecoming of the United States. -
Other swift boat commander speaks up
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
So, it's political? Thanks for getting my point across. Where is the proof? Where is the record? Where is anything beyond "Well, you're gonna have to believe me, I guess..." Not really. Most Americans don't care. That's why commercials are just personality smears. Most Americans know that atrocities really did happen in Vietnam, anyway., so many won't care if Kerry states the obvious. Does this guy believe what he's saying? He says there's no enemy fire, but he's holding onto an award because of alleged enemy fire. Anyway, Cordier was listed on Bush's site until just the other day when they let him go. Despite their claims that he hasn't worked with them in four years, it was on the site and until just recently Google had saved an older copy of the page with his name still on it. Although that copy is gone, many sites have screen captures with his name on there. And from the LIBERAL Weekly Standard: -
need Brock and Goldberg confronting W/ belts pic
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
UPDATE: Eh. I'm feeling generous. I don't have any discs with the current Intercontinental imagery, sorry. -
need Brock and Goldberg confronting W/ belts pic
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
While I was happy to help with the footage I have (and I have quite a bit of footage), at this point I have to say do your own work. -
Code Red works in small doses, too much and it tastes like abortion fluid. LiveWire was just bad. Baja Blast was worse. This.... Well, this sounds okay. The soda is not just sludge brown, but is black as night, and the foam bubbles are neon blue. I don't expect it to sell well.
Other swift boat commander speaks up
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
So your opinion is no villages were ordered burned/destroyed? YUP. Kerry has a problem with being a little quick on the trigger in "Free fire" zones. This seems to fit with his other instances in 'Nam. Ah, it's a good ol' Mike post. I'm putting on the Beatles' "Revolution 9" right now, because it perfectly matches these debates. Sound and fury signifying nothing. So anyway, hold on, no villages were burned by Kerry, or no villages were burned by anyone? Because if you believe no villages were burnt down, I'd refute that comment. I searched CE for "rove" tonight with the reuslts posted as posts looking for a comment regarding Karl Rove, but something I noticed was that so many hits came up on the word "prove." They're mainly Mike in the three SwiftVets threads going "Oh yeah? Prove it!" Prove that these guys didn't serve with Kerry, prove that these guys did, prove this baseless accusation to be false, explain this and that. My latest proof of these guys' cronyism is this Says what it says. Interpretation: "No, unless you happen to call me on it." Personally, I think if there's a person who needs to prove anything, it's this guy. He can't prove what he says, you'll just have to take his word for it. Honestly, I think Kerry's best bet at this point is to insist on his version of the story and tell people to do the same, and make it his word vs whoever in SwiftVets. It's a gamble, but people may be more willing to believe the highly-visible Senator over the person who just suddently emerged two months before election day, or they may decide they don't trust him on the belief that one should never trust a politician. Regardless, this accusation is baseless, and the doctor himself says he has no proof that what he says is true. Perhaps if this guy is telling the truth that there was no enemy fire, he'd be giving his own medal back for it? This is the reason why SwiftVets look to be full of crap. It's Kerry's word vs theirs, and military records, where there are records to turn to, typically support Kerry's side of the story. So chew on that. -=Jobber Number nine... Number nine... Number nine... Number nine... -
I love the HHH portrait. And it looks like JBL is doing the Snoopy dance.
Other swift boat commander speaks up
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Oh, and suprise suprise... http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?t...storyID=6036302 -
Other swift boat commander speaks up
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
So are we going to say he lied back then to help himself decades later or not? Becuase that's where you're leading but you never want to come out and say it. Doesn't make it his fault that a lot of those people were bullshitters. That "whatever..." wasn't a "whatever, you're bullshitting" comment. It was a "whatever, I don't care about the Vietnam era and your stupid opinions of what happened" comment. This is why I've been mostly been looking at this in the context of what it means for the election, and trying to discern a message. The message is rather messy for a group that just suddently appeared out of the woodwork a couple months ago in order to destroy a candidate. So your opinion is no villages were ordered burned/destroyed? You are right on here. Kerry has reacted badly to these. It's not like President Bush was confronted with Fahrenheit 9/11 everywhere he went. But then again, Kerry has media with teeth, and Bush has the White House Press Corps, so who knows how it would have went if Kerry just tried to look beyond the ads and ignore 'em. -
http://store.ubi.com/item.jsp?item=68213&category=PC Unless you want the Commie Method. I'm not going to help you there, becuase I try to keep this board free of that (which is why I chew out people who ask "HOW DO I MAKE THIS POPULAR-GAME-FULL.ISO FILE WORK?" questions in Computers)