Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Question: What are you talking about here? National Education Association? -
Final Roster for PS2's WWE SmackDown vs. RAW
Jobber of the Week replied to David Blazenwing's topic in Video Games
Guys, Eugene is practically impossible to put in the video game right now. For a convincing Eugene, you have to include his funny walk, make a whole bunch of finishing moves that are non-SmackDowns, and then what do you do for a real SmackDown when the guy has no finishing moves of his own? I mean, seriously, I guess left-grapple-up can be the Hulk ripoff no-sell, but left-grapple-right can be a Rock Bottom that doesn't get a pin? The guy is 100% gimmick right now. If they can tame it down, it'll appear in time. -
Hey, now Fallujah has a football player turned soldier, too!
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Oh? Even though they've been caught in a lie once already, including a lie on a signed affadavit? And now they're running an ad that takes Kerry out of context (Not shown on the ad is Kerry's preface to those comments, in which he said he is reporting what others said at a conference of Vietnam veterans in Detroit. Instead, a member of the Swift Boat group refers to the statements as "the accusations that John Kerry made against the veterans who served in Vietnam.") so I guess they really are non-partisan patriots seeking the truth. Whoop-te-doo. And this means SO MUCH to the current race. I was up there with everyone else going "LOL KERRY SERVED IN VIETNAM LOL DID YOU HEAR?" about six months ago. Never thought we'd get stuck this far in shit that happened decades ago. Or if he's not. Or he can't respond to personal attacks. And he is joined by such "independant" thinkers like Bill O'Reilly, who slammed the Swift Vets ads shortly after the first one premiered and said it was going too far. O'Reilly is an experienced right-wing shill, and you can see the thirst for blood in the right-wing bloggers and message board posters when they latch onto these guys like some kind heroes not for what they did in Vietnam, but for telling stories that seem to contradict what they've said in the past and accusing a guy of lying and cheating and stealing as a youth to help his political career in the present. COME. ON! And yet so many of these people talk about how extreme the left is becoming. It's kind of a lie if you previously held a contrary view of events or held a contrary view of John Kerry prior to the election business. -
I would like a PPV with two entrances on opposite sides of the arena. To me, the idea of opponents walking out of the same doorway just a minute apart was always weird. If someone hurried up, they could ambush their opponent relatively easily. I'm thinking of a double sided set where the steelwork from both sides arch up and meet in the middle in the ceiling near the gadgetry that holds up the HIAC cage, which lowers for WarGames, with teams entering from opposing sides of the building. Now THAT would be cool
Emphasis on cult. Jesus Christ, the thing from Scream even makes more sense than this.
Connections between Bush and Swift Vets
Jobber of the Week replied to jesse_ewiak's topic in Current Events
Even though John O'Neill has expressly stated that he wouldn't quit even if Bush asked? Oh, well he's clearly a hero. I don't know how half a million dollars suddently appeared for them to air this ad, and I don't know how they're getting away without being charged for slander either. -
Again, I don't care. I don't give a rat's ass what happened decades before I was born. That the arguement about Kerry has shifted to what the man did in his twenties is unfortunate. This is a conservative 527 group. It is to GWB what moveon.org is to John Kerry. It's members seem to have conflicting stories, are getting caught in lies, and now they're getting smacked around and so are all their friends that believed them. Malkin is, historically by what I've seen on shows, the most submissive debate talking head I've ever seen. I'd crush her under my thumb, and I'm glad Matthews took the time to do it. BOO HOO! He's so much more confrontational than Fox News! I wonder why? Oh boo...
Remember when killing 30,000 people was genocide?
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in Current Events
I hearby proclaim this "unknown initials morning" in Current Events! tdsfsdlfk!sdfsdflg...ereiifiigh? -
Bush might not have lied, but SBVFT has. I don't give a shit about this. O'Neill is just Ted Sampley with more credibility because he was previously Richard Nixon's hitman against, that's right, John Kerry.
Sigh. This stupid shit has thrown me off. Why did they mess with the schedule after doing it decently for two years? If you're going to switch which brand is associated with each show, then at least change the name of the show.
Raw went into a look I call "WCW Nitro 2010" only two years ago. I /LIKED/ the collection of ovals and bright colorful lights that were the first SmackDown set. It felt like it was taken from the pages of a Martha Stewart or Oprah magazine. Clean and simple. The fist setup would have been okay except that the two trons are wasted. Everyone's video is the same thing playing on both trons with the dome thing on the curtain playing the sub-graphic. The only time they've been ORIGINAL with that set is that Taker non-appearance where you saw his different faces over the years flash on the different screens, timed with the gongs in his entrance music. The room was also pitch black, making it nice and creepy.
It's wrong then. Why? It hurts his feelings? He's supposed to be a public servant in a free country. If they're being disserviced, it's considered an unwritten duty to speak about it.
I don't see this happening. People like me, who aren't into cult movies, don't know what in the hell Evil Dead is. I only know about it because so many other fanboy types online that I hang out with like to reference it like mad. Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street, however, are known by every American over 12+.
WWE Wrestlers Upset Over Dress Code Policy...
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in The WWE Folder
I don't know how a guy like Big Show can find many business-like outfits. Anyway, everytime I've seen any of the guys outside of the shows they've been dressed in a manner that would pass this standard. Rock was dressing more casual but he's the #1 draw so I don't think they give so much of a fuck. Edge whines about a pissy fan reaction and now complains about flying Coach. Someone has an ego. I don't see what's wrong with encouraging guys to fly coach, although if they put their own money up to it I don't see why they can't do better (that one WCW referee who quit after he got roasted for buying his own first class ticket, for instance. That shit shouldn't be happening, either.) -
Give me an NBC executive **NOW** so I may inflict pain upon them! Let me count the ways I hate Hate HATE NBC this morning: * The same reason I usually hate the US coverage: Delayed to all hell. Newspapers, Internet, and radio are covering results that I won't even see for hours. * What's playing on the HD channel isn't what's playing on the "regular" channel. Different announcers AND camerawork, since NBC is appearantly apeing off NHK Japan for the HD feed. This means a different set of announcers than Bob Costas and the others on the main NBC, because viewers on the HD channel are seeing different shots and camerawork than the NBC people are. ...But I expected that. Here's the reasons I didn't count on: * High-Definition feed of Opening Ceremonies begin an hour after the "regular" NBC channel begins. * High-Definition feed of Opening Ceremonies glitches up. Saudi Arabia enters the stadium twice as the tape men rewind to cover an announcer screwup. That's the kind of thing someone would get fired for if NBC didn't treat HD as a joke. * No HD coverage today. Just 24 hours of Opening Ceremony replays. * Some of today's (Saturday) events will finally air tomorrow (Sunday.) They will be repeated 24 hours on end. * They've cut the commercials out, which isn't a BAD idea, but every commercial break is the SAME COMMERCIAL for the Sony Wega HD Theater where a guy in an apartment is confronted by a mob of people in the streets below shouting at his window in unison: "HEY BOB!" Yeah? WHATCHA DOIN? Watching the game. IN HIGH DEF? Yeah. CAN WE WATCH WITH YOU? I... i dunno. WE BROUGHT CHIPS! (one guy) And Salsa! Uh.... Okay. After you've seen this commercial for the 20th time, it's no longer cute. So, by now you're saying "Gee, I wonder why NBC fucked it up so hard?" Appearantly, Neilsen doesn't rate HD channels, and if you're watching the HD broadcast of a show, whether it's CSI or a movie on ABC or even the Olympics, Neilsen doesn't count your viewership in their ad revenue numbers, even when you're seeing ads (which you usually are during regular schedule.) NBC is intentionally gimping their HD Olympics coverage so you'll go watch the standard channel and help them pay their bills. So, as a result, I have a fuzzy analog cable channel blown up and stretched out on my widescreen set. Boy this is really how I was planning to watch the Olympics after all those ads touting HD this year. NBC can fuck off.
http://news.bostonherald.com/localRegional...articleid=39984 Comcast porn to be wild By Kay Lazar Monday, August 16, 2004 Don McFadden was channel surfing for the Red Sox game, but the Salem senior nearly fell off his chair when red hot sex popped up on his tube instead. Now red-faced Comcast Cable officials are vowing to get to the bottom of the salacious snafu that sent several minutes of hard core porn to countless homes Saturday afternoon on Comcast's 24-hour news and entertainment network, CN8. ``I went by it and said, `Whoa what was that?,' '' McFadden said yesterday. ``Itwasn't grainy, it was super quality film and production values.'' Communications giant Comcast issued a statement yesterday acknowledging the goof. ``We apologize for this unfortunate situation,'' the statement said. ``Within moments, we were able to rectify the situation and have a team in place investigating the cause and taking all measures to ensure that this never happens again.'' But Comcast spokeswoman Jennifer Khoury declined to answer any questions. Comcast's CN8 broadcasts to 6.2 million viewers daily along the Eastern seaboard, according to the company's website. Comcast Cable also delivers adult programming to pay-per-view customers, but Don McFadden said he isn't one of those customers. Salem officials yesterday said they were appalled that porn was being pumped into unsuspecting homes - especially because Comcast has a monopoly on cable service in the area. ``That type of mistake is unacceptable,'' said City Councilor Kevin Harvey, who vowed to investigate the company's contract with the city at the next council meeting. Well, that does it. No way in hell I'd unsubscribe now.
Screw you, VH1, for keeping Mo Rocca on television.
I figured Ali was stale as hell in the UK because when even the QueenMum knows who you are, it's kind of hard to pull off pranks on people. But the amount of US citizenry who seem to really think this is some kind of program for urban youth are astounding. I wonder if they'll catch on this year. "So why can't you work with the terrorist? You can say 'okay, we have this empty building that we don't need anymore, and you can attack it tomorrow aiii?'" Also like Borat campaigning with that Republican. "My friend here is a good man. He is strong, he will crush his enemies. He is... Powerful, like Stalin. You will vote for him, yes?"
Show would work just as well for the "big guy that fightens the bejeezus out of everyone else" role. I hope he's still as motivated as he was before he left, because he really improved for a while there.
My ideal EC match for SmackDown is Eddie vs Kurt vs Taker vs JBL vs Cena vs RVD, but I don't see it happening. I suspect we will see the Chamber at Armageddon. You will have Orton and HHH and the new Evo member in there. Orton will be knocked around hard by HHH, then HHH will be taken out by one of the other guys in the match, and then Orton will go through the others to be taken out by the new Evo member. This will be the low point for Orton in the angle, with January to WM being the period where they book him strong so he looks like he has a shot to win by WM. BTW, that chamber match clearly doesn't have to be for the title. By the time December rolls around, the angle should have developed to the point where people will pay to watch Orton in the ring with HHH at the same time.
I still maintain that this would make everyone better off as less would get done and so we'd see Bush signing less Democratic pork, Democrats not passing Republican pork, stupid wedge issues such as gay marriage getting no steam without being shot down by the other side, and so on. Right now we have neoconservatives in almost every corner and that's as bad as liberals running the whole government. I don't think the guy is HITLERSATAN~! but I think the whole unity message of his campaign was a pretty big lie. This is a guy who clearly believes in the neocon message you can hear from Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. This a guy who crossed the White House lawn waving to the press while holding Bernard Goldberg's Bias. I wouldn't be suprised if prior to living such a public life if he was listening to those radio blowhards, or reading Ann Coulter, or having a subscription to the Weekly Standard. And while we all know that these entertainers, political wonks, and partisan hacks are out there, it's nice to think your President keeps himself in a bubble from it. Or at least that he does if he's going to talk about uniting parties and raising the level of discourse.
Bush has a number of problems. Although he can't do anything about it there's a group (and I wish it was larger on both sides) of Americans who don't like legacies in office. The comedic scenarios of him calling up Dad for policy advice were pretty much inevitable. There's also, as the late night circuit proved, that he can make the most ridiculous slips and not recognize them, sitting there with a smile on his face like nothing happened. That is expected from Arnold, but shocking when it's a guy who graduated from Yale. But hell, we had a President who fell down a lot, and a President who threw up on another head of state, as long as the guy doesn't mess up and promise to attack some nation, we'll do fine, right? And then the terror attacks happened, and then came the rhetoric and the bullhorn to the crowd in downtown New York and the western movie references and "we'll smoke 'em out of their holes" and so on. In that was the jazz about going around the world getting rid of terrorism, but nobody believed that. It was rhetoric, right? Even the most powerful nation can't get rid of all terrorism. If you try, you create a state so restrictive that revolutionaries commit terrorism to rebel against it, and you've created even more terrorism. But let's not think about that right now, let's go stick a pike through the head of the guy that organized this. And so we went, and things didn't go so well, and it became kind of humiliating when the Pentagon was asking around for ideas, and eventually the most advanced space-age military had to ride in the backseat to a bunch of foreign fighters on horseback. But a lot of Taliban were killed and unfortunately the guy we were really looking forward to hauling in managed to take off from his hidden base like Dr. Claw. And then after all that we found out that it wasn't really rhetoric, and he really was serious about going around the world cleaning up their civilization and wiping out terror, and those of us who realized that the Middle East has been an untameable beast since the Dark Ages got kind of worried. And it was somewhere around there where all the "Well, we'll live" turned into "Get that guy out NOW!" I hope the next Republican President at least gets a chance, because I don't want to see this begin again either, it ought to be deserved. If it's a permenent attitude, then we'll just be fighting and arguing forever.
I feel like i'm not welcome as a democrat....
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in Current Events
Reagan was a scary fella. The guy was a HAWK with all capital letters. It was a pretty uncomfortable time in America but he's generally viewed as being honest with the American public. Sure, he was blowing the deficit up to massive levels, but it was all military so that we could take it to the Soviets and end the Cold War. And he didn't try to deny it either. "I'm not concerned about the deficit, it's big enough to take care of itself." Bush may the cowboy hat and the smile, but he runs an incredibly secretive government. His deficit spending is almost like a liberal with hundreds of millions of dollars in NON-military alone, and he fights an invisible enemy that he perceives to be all over the globe and has spent most of his terms defending this view from critics. Smells like Nixon to me. -
Exactly. Don't you see how it works? * Instead of filing income tax, you are taxed on how much you spend. * Since you have a seriously large amount of money, you spend more. * Thus, you pay a properly larger amount of tax, without loopholes and accounting tricks to get you out of paying less. Unless of course you mean the Hiltons spend so much that they'd be taxed even more than they ought to be. Possibly so, but the reason I like the idea is that the mess that you make is your own.