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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    I hate Toronto

    I absolutely despise the Eugene character, and it (as well as the Diva search) has sent me into Raw sabattical. I hope this crowd just killed the whole character.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    No, this wasn't counting spouses, which is why I mentioned divorce when I quoted these Fortune figures. The election is still like Paris Hilton vs Nicole Richie when it comes down to comparing the candidates to middle class incomes, but it always does.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    "The Political Machine"

    I saw a ton of copies at Best Buy. I noticed that although you can play as Gerald Ford, there's no button to not fall down.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    "The Political Machine"

    You could arrange a lengthy tournament, but the game is 1v1. Since it just a hit retail, a demo will be coming soon. Also, I love the Protestor... "Did you know that every 5 seconds a million acres of forest is cut down in the Sahara in order to sell it to oil companies?"
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Rolling Stone obtains copies of report on abuses..

    Amazing that Mike "they were all Al-Qaeda who were being merely humilaited" SC posted what he did right after Zsasz posted what he did.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    Well, let's see. Teke was saying a bunch of rich guys are the ones who want to tax the rich and how suspicious that is. Taking out the irrelevant names. Make more sense?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Why can't we have this hear?

    Shit, now they're onto me already! I thought, being an economist and everything, you worked for the Treasury or something like that.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Olympic Chatter

    Is that the excuse we're going to hear if they don't win the gold? It's pretty much the truth. This is a far cry from the Dream Team. I suspect a bunch of multimillionaire basketball players decided against representing their country because Gold Medals don't buy a new Caddy Escalade and a bling bling necklace.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    That's the woman who sounds like Rocket J. Squirrel. I keep waiting for "And now, Mister Know-It-All..."
  10. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    Oh no, not here. NBC is a huge network, but with no deals with our basketball, baseball, football (our football, not yours), or hockey leagues, all they have is the Olympics and they're going to hold onto that for as long as they possibly can. Which sucks, because they never do it justice. The one time they did was Barcelona "Olympic Triplecast", where they had three channels running 24 hours with no commercials looking at various events. Unfortunately, it cost something like $70 per household for this service, so it was a minor joke.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    To their credit, the announcers on the HD channel gave more information about the history of most the nations ("Madagascar is the fifth largest island in the world" "Hey, here comes one of the world's last Communist nations" "Here's Vietnam, we were at war with them for a long time"), although very little information about where each country was located, which would be helpful for a 3D globe or something to appear for these "WTF? I've never heard of them" nations. The only problem is the woman they have with him sounds like Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    From fortune magazine, here's what a bunch of recent politicians would keep if they had a divorce:
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Rolling Stone obtains copies of report on abuses..

    Just because it's an issue that appears in an election year doesn't mean it becomes an election issue. I doubt Kerry will say anything at all. <Mike>Mere humiliation. Ho-hum</Mike>
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE News & Notes from the 8/16 Observer

    I haven't seen a single match of his, but I know who he is and what he did. And I'm not exactly Mr. Know-It-All either.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    In rememberance of Incandenza

    8/14 NEVER FORGET. I suggest we build a Tomb Of The Unknown Gimmick Poster.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Opening Ceremonies

    I'm suprised. Not that the USA team isn't qualified, but that it doesn't have something to do with steroids and the fact that Selig is as blind as Vince McMahon when it comes to them.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    The weird thing is I hear so many Canadians complain about CBC and how they're completely focused on the Canadian athletes. BBC has live streaming of everything, but non-UK addresses are blocked out. Damnit.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Late night talk show shakeup coming..

    FUCK! No more Yambo?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Blockbuster's Movie Pass

    Blockbuster here does it, too. The problem is they don't stock more than a few copies of whatever, especially games. If you're going to compete with Netflix, you can't just stock 2 copies of a new release and shrug at everyone else who wants one. People who go with the Blockbuster route are going to be spending more time watching movies they don't want to see because other people with the same deal has emptied the store. That's even worse than waiting around feeling the money slip away as you wait for movies to come in the mail.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    I don't know because the whole schedule is rather overwhelming. I plan to watch some NBC and some Bravo today. I would LIKE to watch HD, but I already detailed that. Last time I watched quite a bit of MSNBC. I tuned into Curling since everyone in their Brother makes fun of it and calls it boring, and I got hooked.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    NBC, u suxx0r!

    Again, I didn't hear this because the HD feed had other announcers. They were pretty dull and going way overboard about the symbolism of everything, but some people who saw both feeds said they were infinitely better than Costas. Having been annoyed with Costas after SLC, I can figure where they're coming from. Here they kept running either the same Sony ad I mentioned or 3 minute flyovers of Athens. You know, those giant helicopter shots of waterfalls and crap that says "Oooh, High-Definition wildlife... Puuurrrdy...." Except they only recorded 3 minutes of it and played it on repeat for 5 minutes. They actually went off to one of these stupid breaks while somebody was speaking, although I don't know if that was NBC's fault or just something NHK did. http://www.nbcolympics.com/tvlistings/index.html for coverage and listings. Check out how laughable the HD channel is compared to the others. But hey, Bravo is airing table tennis!
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Tax Burden Shifts to the Middle

    Yes, that's the generic Republican response to a non-partisan inquiry. I'm sure we'll hear it in the echo chamber (Fox, talk radio, etc) soon enough.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Total switch to High Definition brodcasting?

    It's been growing along fine on it's own, I doubt the switchover crap anymore until it has a majority marketshare of it's own accord, which won't be for a LONG time. I read about a total switchover to HDTV coming "soon" during the 80s.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Governor McGreevey resigns....

    I had a crazy idea before I went to bed last night. Pull out a sheet of tinfoil and form a hat, folks. What if this is all a stunt to get rid of him? I mean, it sounds like the Governor wasn't really popular, and we saw what happened in California when the Governor isn't really popular.I can see it now: "Perhaps what we need is a way to get him out while allowing someone from the same party to step up and replace him and, I know! Rumors are about that he's gay, right?" ... You can see where it goes from here.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Signs Former TNA & ROH Superstar

    Hurry up, let's get this guy's career over with. Have JBL squash him and let's continue on.