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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Signs Former TNA & ROH Superstar

    Who the hell are you?
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Total switch to High Definition brodcasting?

    There's some decent Sanyo HDTVs being sold at Wal-Mart right now actually. It's a long ways off. There first needs to be affordable converter boxes so non-HDTV sets can still watch programming.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Mods on power trips

  4. Jobber of the Week

    Governor McGreevey resigns....

    For all we know, maybe she knew and just enjoys the money. Fuck, if I was a closeted gay politician, I know I'd have my own trophy wife.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    My Take....

    So maybe that was him I saw in Vegas. Although I didn't hear him talking to the machine. "Cmon, brother. Cmon, brother. I want some Crystal Sevens, dude!" Actually, a REAL Hulkamaniac only plays Red, White & Blue, Triple Stars, and Uncle Sam
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Why can't we have this hear?

    WHAT? You work for... *reaches for a silver bullet*
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative economics

    I don't think McCain would change too much. He talks big, but so did Bush. You have to remember that at the same time the White House changed parites, Republicans got control of Congress, too. When one party is the only one that's relevant in budgeting affairs, all honorability and promises about conservatism seem to go out the window, and you have PORK PORK PORK! I don't know if McCain would be willing to mess with his ties from his party's guys in Congress to curb all the pork. At the same time, it would help if Bush didn't apply his signatures to bills that he thinks are unconstitutional.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Governor McGreevey resigns....

    Sleep with a guy and you can't even be governor. Get BJs from a girl when your wife isn't looking and it's still okay to be President as long as you don't deny it.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Calif. Court Voids S.F. Same-Sex Marriages

    SCOTUS? I think most prefer leaving this up to states. Even though states are adopting bans faster and faster, I know I still do.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Who likes Kerry?

    I liked Kerry on Hardball's College Tour, where they were at some military school and Kerry was being approach by young men in uniform who believed Bush's "WE GOTTA GO NOW!!!!" crap and asked why he was against going to war as quickly as possible to prevent what we now know is an imaginary disaster. He was responding that if we slowed down a little bit, guys like the guy asking the question might not find themselves in a terrible situation fighting to prevent something that never happened. But then, during the primaries, he was a complete bore.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Calif. Court Voids S.F. Same-Sex Marriages

    Ugh. And to think that I've been trying to move there, too.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Well, an interesting way to handle terrorism

    Sorry, I've been reformatting my drive and haven't kept up with the conversations lately. Expect to see some delayed responses to old discussion.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Well, an interesting way to handle terrorism

    Well then, my idea is better than Kerry's.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Well, an interesting way to handle terrorism

    He is saying that if they believe they only need fuel to power their country, we will provide them with non-nuclear fuel to power their country, so that they don't acquire a nuclear anything of any kind. In that way, we're saying "Well, if you ONLY want the nuclear power to electrify your country, than you'll take our free fossil fuels, right? They'll power your country and then you won't need to muck around with nuclear materials. Because, you WERE just interested in the nuclear materials for pure electrical reasons, right? Right?" In short, as long as we keep providing them with an electricity source, they can't make the excuse that they need nuclear energy for electricity. Unfortunately, you refuse to see it in any context other than the distorted conclusion you jumped to when you read the text, that Kerry would openly hand over the ingredients to a nuclear weapon and then not pay attention to what they do with it.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Your pubic region:

    Neither as of yet, but we'll see how things look in a few more years. My puberty period was delayed, short, and very ineffective as proven by my ridiculously girly voice. So I haven't had to worry about that sort of thing as much as you normal people do. The most shaving I do is an electric razor to the face, which seems to have no problem regrowing there fairly quickly. I can't imagine having blades that close to the vital lower organs.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Jobs report

    Perhaps. But what good does it do me if the jobs that are hiring is nothing I'm good at? The problem with saying "more jobs are hiring than are laying off so things are GOOD" is that you just assume the people who get fired can move into one of the new lines of work and it all balances out. Or maybe not. You're saying that you're using it as an indicator of economic health, and maybe it works like that, although I still think we're just seeing a lot more Wal-Mart Team Member quality jobs, but we'll see. Still, saying "You shouldn't have any problem being employed because there's more job openings!" doesn't work. My 50+ Dad cannot labor in a field, and I can't do quantum physics. Although, if I tried, it might turn out like Quantum Leap and that would be kind of cool.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The Broken Promises of George W. Bush

    Eh, I started hearing sounds out of my computer that went away after I closed this window. Is this page making sound for anyone else? I'm waiting to see if it happens again.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The Broken Promises of George W. Bush

    That's partly why I *DENIED* it.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Jobs report

    I don't think the big question is "Who's Hiring?" I think "Who's Firing?" is a much bigger issue. Most people don't care about having a new job if they can hold onto the one they already have.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    May Democrats/Republicans use 9/11 for the Vote?

    SHUT UP! I SAID... HEY, SHUT UP! That does it. Cut his keyboard.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    The Broken Promises of George W. Bush

    Wow. It's like the left version of all those stupid links I see linking to OOC claims and votes about Kerry. DENIED. Surely we can do better than this for debate?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Tyler's new crush now has an foe in Senate race

    Oddly, all the conservatives that were complaining about her moving act are not complaining right now. Don't know why. I don't ask the questions, I just speak the facts.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Exclusive Interview with JEFF HARDY!

    I think he means the drooling girls, not the smart marks. You have to remember that "the internet" consists of a lot more than just us. So much of the civilized world is online that if everyone online followed the same groupthink this board does about wrestling, the WWE would be dead and buried by now.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Worlds Smallest Political Quiz

    Forum broke on me last night as I was posting my result: 17. You can consider that either close with Bubba, or a short distance from Colin Powell. But hell, we all know which side the blow and the beer is on. Just a tad to the left of center, which is what I expected.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Worlds Smallest Political Quiz

    This (the first test) seems like it was made by one of those internet message board posters, you've seen the ones if you go to other political boards, who are hardcore Republicans and call themselves libertarians to make themselves sound more open minded. I've met a Republican who supported Bush's ban on gay marriages with all he could muster, thought it was a good thing that it left the door open to possibly ban civil unions too, and has crazy conspiracy theories about historical figures for peace being communists in disguise. Although he's registered ®, he considers himself an (L) because he doesn't want to admit he's a far-right shill so extreme other right-wing shills would be afraid of him. I'm taking the second quiz now, not sure about this one: What, no "neither"?