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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    PPV schedule for 2004 and 2005

    I'd buy top-tier tickets.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Brock Lesnar causing havoc in scrimmage

    "That's just me, and I don't care what [the Chiefs] think about it," Lesnar told the Minneapolis Star Tribune. "I'm here to play football and make the team. I'm going 110 percent. I'm not going to dial it down. That's the game. We've got full pads on. If that's the tempo they want to play, maybe my tempo is a little different." This is not the kind of attitude that gets you on the team. It's the kind of attitude that makes the coach think you're unrelaible and likely to go off running like Rambo in the event you're given special orders.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Oh yeah, he went there

    I don't approve Kerry attacking the President on this issue but I think it's playing out very well with the public regardless. It's lowblow politics that appeals to the lowest common denominator, and I'd feel ashamed about it but Bush/Rove seems to own the patent on it, which makes me feel better. I'm suprised he didn't attack the new Bushism instead. If Bush is still making these flubs two months before the debate, Kerry is going to toast him.
  4. Jobber of the Week


    Duh. And I don't think it means Kerry is against the idea someone should get a harsher punishment for doing such a thing. However, to place it under the same code that makes killing a born human a crime, opens the door to a number of scary things. Perhaps such a proposal can pass when it's not a gateway to outlawing abortion.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The image of the NWA World Title

    I don't follow TNA on a weekly basis, more like a once per month basis, but I think having Brown job once to somebody while still keeping him strong is a good idea. I don't know why, maybe because all I watched is Impact! and it's at a theme park with a rotating tourist crowd, but I keep expecting more Goldberg chants for this guy. I felt sorry for him because they were doing the same goddamn thing. Former football player who beats people up and kills them with a shoulder charge. All that was left was the pyro, the Russian military theme, and a lifesized list of jobbers lying down for him. They're keeping him human but still keeping him booked strong enough that he's going after JJ. That's a good thing.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    McCain condemns anti-Kerry ad

    That's every politician ever for ya.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    PPV schedule for 2004 and 2005

    I don't get it. A month ago everyone was saying that Raw was being absolutely awesome, although I know I didn't care for it because Eugene was being pushed to the moon. Now everyone's predicting the death of the company again. Since I stopped watching, what happened exactly?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Anti-Kerry facts question...

  9. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry did do something (apparently)

    dieplz. And then in the afterlife, look up the anti-Clinton movement.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Former WWE Star Planning To Release New Film

    Max Payne is also a computer game. It's filled lots of dry, dreary dialogue with the main character overdramatizing everything and making a ton of allegories in the process.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Announces Name of Tuesday October PPV

    Heh. I was actually thinking they might follow No Mercy with No Buyrate.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Former WWE Star Planning To Release New Film

    "As I sat backstage drinking coffee, watching the TV like a man who'd commit suicide if he could find anything more boring to do, the squash match had finally ended. The audience was asleep, their eyes rolled back in their heads. All they needed was to stop their heartbeats and we could legally have them sent off to the morgue, where they'd probably be happier. It was definitely time for someone with talent to go out there and get on the stick, start a fire in the crowds that would take over the building and build to a bright, towering inferno of applause and cheers. Instead, they had Mabel squashing a WrestleCrap gimmick. Whoever booked this show clearly had the hollow, cold heart of a snake." Aw hell, if you don't play video games, you won't get it.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Mary Kay Letourneau released from prison

    I wish I had a teacher like that. Talk about doing a favor for somebody.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    They knew...

    Eh? The resolution didn't say we could go run in there against everyone's wishes. Basically, what Powerplay is trying to say is that we're following the spirit and intent of the resolution. Doesn't mean we didn't break it anyway.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    McCain condemns anti-Kerry ad

    I'm tired of Vietnam Vets For Truth, Vietnam Vets Against Kerry, Vietnam Vets For Bran Muffins, and all these similar right-wing attack groups who want to talk about what Kerry did 25 years ago instead of the past few years. I actually tuned into O'Reilly tonight and saw him attack this ad, too. Dick Morris wondered how they magically raised $500K out of nowhere for this commercial and hinted at GOP involvement. While I don't think O'Reilly ran the segment for any reason other than he's planning to do a "OMG someone is attacking us as a right-wing network DESTROY DESTROY" piece later on in the program, it was refreshing to see nonetheless. I'll agree with Vyce. Let's stop talking about shit that happened decades ago.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    How the world saw the convention

    'Cuz I really care what Saudi Arabia thinks of the Presidential choices. Even though I already know.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    They knew...

    The UN resolution said that in the event that Saddam was in violation, it was up to the UN, not the United States, to figure out what to do about it.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    They knew...

    How about "Find Bin-Laden and a whole fuckload of people will sleep better at night?" That is the most weak-ass arguement I've ever seen. "Well, they're killing our sons and daughters in a hellhole instead of killing our sons and daughters on the city street."
  19. Jobber of the Week


    Wow. You're smart. That bill opens the door to making abortion a murder of another human being in the eyes of the law. Just because they decided to attatch Laci's name to it doesn't mean that anyone who votes against it because of the precedent it sets is one of Scott Peterson's best friends. This same shit happened when they renamed the Estate Tax into the Death Tax.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    D.C. to blow up

    Wasn't talking about him either.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Kuwait bans "Fahrenheit 9/11"

    I think being PC in your words is something both sides are rapidly getting tired of. We've moved on to actions and simple, transparently racist remarks. Especially since the last four years have taught us that the right to speech and call people out is actually a good thing.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    So are the convention protestors......

    And here I figured the GOP would have hired a security firm, while the Democrats relied on a government agency that sat on it's ass and let protesters in to disrupt everything. Because, you know, that'd be private enterprise at it's finest and all of that.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    D.C. to blow up

    BEFORE the attacks, Good luck convincing the President that we needed a Department of Homeland Security.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    OMG More Moore!

    I knew Moore was going to be on Jay Leno, so I watched it in HDTV because of the whole widescreen thing. I figured if I was going to watch him on TV, I'd need a widescreen. However, it didn't turn out so well still. I think we're going to need to develop Super Ultra Wide Screen TV so that we can see all of him at once.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    Well surely they have to be serious. They couldn't be joking. I mean, they're endorsed by whitehouse.org and everything.