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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    D.C. to blow up

    Yes, but those people were idiots. And before you dig in on me, remember that I've said he should have boosted security at airports since hijacking planes as explicitly mentioned, to which you replied that it would have been virtually impossible to do because people would throw a tantrum about the lines at airport security. Which, of course, always made me feel better. Since I wasn't the guy saying that 9/11 couldn't have been prevented because impatient people want to get to their plane faster.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    "You know how the rich is"

    *comes out in a mock-up imitation of Slapnuts!* Ahem. MYTH: You wipe your ass with what he feels. FACT: You actually care to an extent that you bothered to reply. Source: Five uncredited quotations and an obscure anti-defamation link.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    D.C. to blow up

    If they were all like "People who live near financial centers should move out, people who work in financial centers should not come to work. Residents should keep bottled water available for emergencies" it would okay and the complaining, while maybe not GONE, would be reduced. It's this "We're raising the terror alert to 'High', but don't feel too scared to go to the local megamall" business that nobody likes.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Wow, that's almost as bad as the stereotyping as everyone in California as a hippie, gay, ganster, or idiot. Or a mix. And, of course, always out of touch with the American mainstream. Nevermind that 1 in every 7 Americans is a Californian.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    D.C. to blow up

    Green? Oh no, wait, that's just if you're GWB or working on his election team.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    Again, I'm not talking about this guy. Everyone seems to think I am. I already said that I think he's worrying a bit too much about whether he's sinning by helping other people out in a way the Lord wouldn't agree with, since supposedly the Lord forgives you of your sins in the afterlife. Regardless of that, I'm talking about a much more large-scale situation, involving prescribed drugs such as painkillers or what have you. It doesn't have to be this guy doing it. I'm talking completely in hypothetical land.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    "You know how the rich is"

    Actually, he never denied that he didn't do coke, but he never said he did either. The best answer we got out of him was that he'd pass the qualifications given to his staff, which is to not have done drugs over a certain number of years. He won't give a straight answer for anything before that. Actually, it's the middle and lower class that spends the money. The highest classes just puts it back away in their bank and considers it money saved.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Vote for Kerry

    I'll just say it again. Dole's service didn't matter because we weren't at war with anybody. If he was running in today's climate things would be different.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Because the point of the electoral college is to make sure rinky-dink states have a voice, too. Republicans in particular are big fans of this, because if you ever lookat the election map there seems to be acres of red, each state an easily-forgotten one that only has a few electoral votes. But, when put together, are a better ace in the pocket than the Democrats winning the states where most of America is gathered.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    And changing pharmacies with your insurance company can be hell in a handbasket depending on policies. Again, I don't think over the counter stuff is an issue, but if we get into the area of perscription drugs, you have to understand that if you choose to work in this kind of environment that you may find yourself doing something you yourself don't agree with. You're a participant in the medical process, helping people, and getting paid for it too. Not giving people drugs for religious reasons is the same as the people who complain about the health of people who work in bars and casinos and have to breathe a lot of smoke. If you don't approve of it, DON'T GET INTO THAT BUSINESS. If your belief is Christian Science, maybe pharmaceutical just isn't for you.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    "You know how the rich is"

    But what if you're a rich farmer/ran.... Oh, fuck it.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    Not every town has such an option.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    The Convention

    Ditto Arnold.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    First of all, don't hold bigjig responsible for what I'm posting, thank you. Second of all, while I personally believe the guy should lighten up (as I mentioned in my post about how, spiritually, your sins on this world are atoned for), that doesn't tie in directly to this issue. Birth control pills are one thing, but the precedent scares me. What happens if my doctor perscribes a painkiller medication for me (not necessarily over the counter Advil like Jig suggested, but something prescribed by a Doctor) and the pharmacy refuses to carry it for religious reasons? I'd have to get it filled at another pharmacy, which would require going back to my doctor, probably having to muck around with the health insurance company, etc. Over the counter birth control pills aren't at the same level as that, but there are people out there who don't believe in the help of medicines in various cases for religious reasons. If they want to suffer for God, then fine. But we're all in trouble if they get behind our pharmacy counter.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    The Convention

    GreatOne, rather than talking trash and insulting people for following an ideology that isn't your own, why don't you try to actually debate or something? If you think we're a bunch of retarded commies who worship the ground "Michael Moron" waddles on, then just make a big "fuck you all" post and leave, because that will encompass all you have to contribute to this forum. You're the person who claims to not give a shit about being told to fuck off by somebody on the internet. Act like it instead of blowing it up into a huge flamefest while still trying to pretend like you don't really care.
  16. Jobber of the Week


    I don't really give a rat's ass about those, but tearing down Yankees Stadium is like tearing down the White House. If they absolutely have to tear down the walls, just build something new in the same place and give it the same name. Don't move it across the street because that's the ultimate slap in the face to everyone. "Oh, yes, we had to tear down Yankee Stadium so we could move it across the street." Shit, it's times like this I wish a team could use two arenas, and just use the old one for their most important games. At times this season, NYY has been playing like they don't deserve the place anyway.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Pharmacist refuses to sell birth control pills

    If you cannot do your job because of your religion, then don't do that job. No one has asked this guy to use birth control himself. Because of his decision, there's a higher risk that people without have sex without protection and we'll have another unwanted child in this world. If you are going to work in the profession of medicine, airline pilot, the military, and other careers, you need to make sure you can do your duty without conflicting with your religion. Supposedly, this guys sins will be absolved, so for now he should stop worrying about the specks in his neighbors' eyes and realize everything's going to be alright.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The Convention

    I really have to call this into dispute. I've already asked conservatives here why they don't see how conservative policy will only flourish if we have government gridlock, and their answers seem to be along the lines of "But will Kerry do anything differently from Bush? Probably not, so I might as well vote for Bush so that Kerry doesn't win." Bush has been spending millions running negative ads all over the place. California is hardly considered a battleground state and even I'm seeing them. Kerry's ads have been moderate to positive. Heck, at one point just before Edwards was announced as running mate, if you went to Bush's website, you saw NO pictures of George W Bush. The picture of him in the logo at the top banner wasn't there, and there was no photos of him in the page except for a "Volunteer Now!" Flash that only occasionally showed up (it shares space with ads for a Party For The President ad and other things, changing with a browser refresh.) At the same time, there was four pictures of John Kerry, attatched to videos and attack pieces casting him in a negative light. On Kerry's site at the same time, there are no pictures of George W Bush either. All you found is warm and fuzzy PR shots of Kerry like you'd expect from a campaign promotional. And yet, somehow, our guy is always cast as the guy who's running on nothing but contempt for the other guy, and your guy is the guy with the uplifting message who takes the high road.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Vote for Kerry

    If Bob Dole ran for President during wartime, perhaps his service would have been more relevant. And thank you for rescuing me from that mine filled with the toxic gas.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    The Undertaker: 5 months later

    Fans: Taker is old and boring. Taker: Whoa. I guess I better go back to what's popular and limit my TV exposure. Fans: Why the hell is Taker not on TV more? Is he too good for free TV or something?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Scott Keith quits

  22. Jobber of the Week

    Arnold: Democrat lawmakers are "girlie men"

    Swear to God I just about busted my gut when I opened up my paper and see GOV. CALLS LEGISLATORS 'GIRLIE-MEN' in big bold print. Then I realized it happened. Then I had to roll my eyes. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/politics...tics-california Well, I knew if he was going to eventually wind up in trouble, it would be because of his mouth. So score one right for me, I guess.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Hey ladies, always wanted a big bosom?

    While I wouldn't mind an entire military full of women who look like centerfold models, is this really a good idea? It keeps those involved out of action, charges taxpayers for the proceedure, and probably creates more weird sexual tension at work than gays in the military ever will. I propose that if the operators need the practice, we use people who have earned the experience of being opened up and used as a lab rat by inexperienced surgeons. You know, someone like Lynndie England. Not that I'm suggesting anything. Although you know even amateur work would be an upgrade for her.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Appearantly a whole bunch of politicians flip-flopped for voting for the Patriot Act while we were still in our "OMG911SECURITYSECURITYSECURITY" Chicken Little groupthink mode.