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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi PM Pops Some Caps

    I thought we were here to do the dirty work while they tried to solidify their public approval.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi PM Pops Some Caps

    Oh yes, clearly the democracy should embrace dictatorship tactics.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Martha Stewart sentenced to 5 months prison

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but we arrested a ton of rich mafia guys and put them behind bars. And some of them have a measure of fame, too.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Martha Stewart sentenced to 5 months prison

    Still non-news to me.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Jack Black to play Green Lantern?

    I always thought that Green Lantern was so lousy as comics go that a comedy makes more sense than trying to do it "right" by taking it seriously.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Fires Rikishi

    Nah actually I addressed your point too. I just put the worst parts of your posts together so you could see what a tremendous dumbass you look like.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Bret Hart responds to Ric Flair's comments

    I don't know how losing the following month would make the title lose credibility. However, I don't think he'd be around in a month's time. The title, though, is just a prop. A poor feud building around it is worse than who's jobbing to who for it. For instance, the Katie Vick angle probably did more damage to Raw's title than the crappy match that blew that feud off. Simply forefiting it before leaving would have made it look like he was too good for it, and too good for the company. Yes, even steven booking originally dictated that this would be the point where Bret would score one back from Shawn, but then this became his whole going away angle and IMHO it wasn't very important for him to save face in it, since Uncle Eric would be wiping the slate clean and starting completely over with him anyway.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Fires Rikishi

    Would you like to actually post some content with your catchphrases? I don't think there's any shame in leaving the WWE, there certainly wasn't in the 90s. WCW kept WWF on it's toes and people who couldn't get over in one league could (but not always) get over in another. To use the hotel industry as an analogy, there's no shame in being fired from the Four Seasons and going to work for Ritz-Carlton instead. But TNA is currently more like the local Hampton Inn chain, it is undeniably a league down. Without WCW, while some people may choose to accept indy bookings because they like pro wrestling for the sake of pro wrestling, after you've left the WWE in this current phase of the business, that's it as far as being a draw goes. Your best years as a marketable success are gone. While you may be skilled or be able to shift to being the big fish in a smaller pond by virtue of "being there", it doesn't mean you are going to reach that point again, and only those seriously dedicated to pro wrestling should continue. Guys like Bret Hart (if he could still wrestle and 1997 never happened) or Benoit, if they left the company in this period, you KNOW they'd go happily adjust to the indies because THIS IS WHAT THEY DO and they enjoy it. Guys who want large crowds, action figures, and big checks, guys like Goldberg and Ultimate Warrior and Hogan, they'll just figure it's over and done with. Look at how Hogan pussied out of TNA, didn't want to work with them because they're not what he's looking for.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Orwell rolls in his grave.....

    I've never been to the board, but it sounds fun, me being furiously anti-religious and all.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Orwell rolls in his grave.....

    See, to me, the reason I /CAN/ watch Crossfire but not H&C is that I find myself agreeing with either side through the show. It's absolutely humiliating to watch Begala spin something that's clearly stupid, like when Kerry claimed Time Magazine loved his Medicare plan when the independent study Time hired specifically said nobody's plan actually "won" and Kerry never went back on his claim. All I get out of Hannity & Colmes is "My God, Sean Hannity is a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, prick."
  11. Jobber of the Week

    So why did Saddam have to go...

    My people got along fine for many generations without needing a verte frappucino! Get your infidel hides out of here! Fuck. I would have moved to pre-war Iraq just to get away from them and Burger King.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Bret Hart responds to Ric Flair's comments

    Worst. Thread. Ever. Come on guys, let's not get too carried away with Montreal, which has been done to death. I'm still shocked about so much outrage about one of Vince's less-than-great angles. I mean, come on, who really believed that Canada is America's biggest enemy anyway?
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Before they became known WWE superstars

    THEY LIKE WRESTLING, SO THEY FIGHT A LOT. Don't know how it's funny, but McMahon would think an old lady giving her husband the stunner is hilarious.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Fires Rikishi

    Uh, if they aren't doing their job well, then it's probably better for everybody.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    So why did Saddam have to go...

    Hey, if you brought those franchises into my country that was previously free of them, I'd be upset, too.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Brilliant move by Canadian

    Uh, Arnold? Stereotypical voting pattern aside, one in seven Americans is a Californian, and by the time the polls close over here, so many flyover states as well as a few big ones have already had their voice heard that many over here (which is quite a handful of Americans) chooses just not to vote.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Bush promotes measure against gay marriage

    Actually, at times I feel like I'm dealing with Flack. I'd say that's Mike to the letter except that they have a crossover index of 1 and I get the feeling that he hasn't always been a one-party ticket kind of guy.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Bush promotes measure against gay marriage

    I feel scared that someone is tracking my posts now. Spaceman Spiff, are you sure you aren't one of John Ashcroft's secret agents?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Orwell rolls in his grave.....

    You need some of the Tucker Carlson show. Yes, he can now freely express a point without Carville shouting him down about Haliiburton and Bush as a crook.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Orwell rolls in his grave.....

    What is there to talk about? So far it's just scary music and words that we've seen before. That number about six companies controlling all the news is phooey, though. I can start with the big media empires (Vivendi, Viacom, Disney, News Corp, Clear Channel, AOLTW) and there's six, but then you forget about the AP and Reuters, and we've still left out the various newspaper conglomos like the New York Times as well as the small regional papers, and we've completely forgotten about international news services such as the CBC, BBC, etc.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    House votes to cut off aid to Saudi Arabia

    Thank fucking God. Seriously, it's about time.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7 should be like the NFL Network....

    For movies, documentaries and video postcard shows, quite a jump. For sitcoms and wrestling shows, it doesn't really provide so much.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Brilliant move by Canadian

    I believe we have that law, too. Not sure, but people have told me that we have and it does make sense. People on the west coast tend to give up on voting if one candidate is getting a clear victory on the East.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    America's torture ethic

    You're either a new here or a previously banned poster. I'll err on the side of caution, and just say that if you're going to get that intense about something, calm down, start posting again after you've collected yourself. Namecalling posts drag things down for the whole thread.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Eddie vs. Kurt

    You're on drugs. You have to be.