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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry's Running Mate...

    I'll just be Mr. Wildcard and say Tom Brokaw.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    TSM Chat Moments

    Wow, she's so dangerous, I bet she goes door to door for John Kerry now.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The FCC needs to step in...

    Well, hey, it's cool that's your Old Skool Zell Miller, from the days when he was underground, on the street, and hadn't turned pro. At the same time, you can have him. Being an independent voter suddently doesn't hold water when you're going to the other guy's convention. But that's just by me.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    I wonder how this could have slipped by MikeSC

    But look at the context. Boy oh boy! These old shell containers were definitely worth 850+ dead Americans, 3000+ wounded, and $200,000,000,000 of our money! I don't know about you, but I'm feeling safer already. I mean, Iraq hasn't launched another attack on our country since!
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    Yeah, I've read that one. I want to go see the movie THIS guy saw: More...
  6. Jobber of the Week

    I wonder how this could have slipped by MikeSC

    Keep in mind destroying WMDs takes time. Bush recently proposed destroying 50% of our nuclear arsenal a few weeks ago. We're the most industrialized nation in the world and yet we won't even be able to start until about 2009. Now obviously, Bush is taking his sweet time on this for some reasons, probably both political and more reasonable, but I don't think we'll be able to destroy all of that immediately. Nobody was interested in this war just because Saddam maybe coulda woulda have something that fits in the non-typical term of WMDs. People were interested in it because Bush had us thinking he could launch an A-Bomb across the ocean in 3 days. You can sit and say "but this is WMD too!" but you simply cannot deny this.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The FCC needs to step in...

    Which is exactly what I'm saying. That's suddently when all this attention started.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Carlos Delgado's speaks up against America

    http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/stupidest.html (comparative stu·pi·der, superlative stu·pi·dest)
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Pros and Cons on Mordechai & Suzuki

    Mordecai needs less Bob Holly and more Lance Storm, even if they have to haul Storm out of OVW and have him join SD! touring around to help some of these guys. The end.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    The FCC needs to step in...

    Normally I'd just repeat the word "Democrat" and say LOL, but I think I'll add that anyone who votes in favor of making flag-burning illegal is automatically disqualified in my book. I don't care if you support flag burning or not, I think we can agree the good majority of us don't, but once you make a move on that, you can start moving further onto other things. He also voted yes on McCain-Feingold. Make of that what you will. That said, I'm curious how many people who like Zell this much were doing so prior to President Bush. I wouldn't say he's a BAD guy, but when you and Ralph Nader are being heralded like heroes by the Republicans, you gotta really wonder who you're helping. Assuming you care.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    No, you don't seem to understand politics over here, I guess. Everything that "you're not supposed to hear about" is always pulled out by the other side and used as ammunition in the fine spectator sport of partisan shitflinging. Each side has it's more rational debaters, and then each side has it's people who are willing to forgive a lack of information or evidence for an oppertunity to slam the other guy, even if they wind up looking like an ass by the time the evidence is really revealed. The right has Shawn Hannity, the left has Michael Moore. Kerry would go on about the pipeline stuff in a hot second if there was enough evidence that most people would believe it. But since this isn't a book and Moore doesn't have a back page to list all his references, it's very hard to fact check with anything said in the movie, and so heaven only knows how much is true and how much is stretched and taken out of context.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Carlos Delgado's speaks up against America

    Huh? What? Who? Oh. Don't care. Let him do what he feels like, but don't make a big circus out of it, either.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    Outside of working on the government clock, he's a person, too. I don't think it'll change anything in the Commission. They'll continue to place blame on everyone who doesn't have an election to deal with, like George Tenet. If someone has to vote you into office, don't worry, you'll get away fine.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    I don't mind this guy, but his character really should have gone to Sean O'Haire.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Did Undertaker have a point?

    I don't think it's so much paying your dues, and I think Jones is a nonfactor here (although he did work for indies for a bit), but I think having Lesnar annihilate guys and win the title in 4 months was a bit excessive. The only thing they did right was having him sit and destroy guys like Jeff Hardy and RVD on the way to the title. If they had let him steamroll through impact players before winning the belt, they would have pulled a Goldberg and made the rest of the roster look stupid, and once people stopped caring Lesnar, all they'd have is a bunch of people who were just made to look like chumps. I don't like Austin one bit, but perhaps we should be thankful he refused to work Lesnar, and put an end to this Goldberg vibe that McMahon was trying to build.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    Maybe it if it was just the movie, but appearantly I got a BONUS ROUND of entertainment for going to see Fatty Fatterson's movie on Independence Day, which appearantly is the exclusive property of the right wing because only they love America or something. A whole bunch of righties were constantly shouting at the screen about what they thought was false or misleading, and finally someone else shouted that if they knew the movie was a pack of lies, why did they come and see it anyway? Finally, someone threw what I swear to God looked like a pile of shit (probably that novelty store variety) at the screen and at that point the activists started being asked to leave. That was well worth the price of admission. As for the movie itself, the coalition part made me laugh but a lot of it seemed too shaky to me. Yeah, the government's clearly showing favoritism to Halliburton and the Veep probably has a load of responsiblity for that one, but picking on Hamid Karzai as a bigwig for the 76 gas stations? Excuse me? If there was solid evidence behind that, why has it not been mentioned until now? If there was a moderately believable connection there, surely I would have heard Paul Begala on Crossfire complain about hiring an oil industry wonk to lead Afghanistan, followed by Novak grumbling that Begala is going crazy and we need to trust the administration. Surely I would have heard someone try and bring it up to Bill O'Reilly and get crushed down under O'Reilly's shouting. I haven't heard any of the sort about that, or that pipeline for that matter. On the upside, the talk about the Saudis was great until he started getting into this weird conspiracy that almost hinted that 9/11 intentionally happened so that the US could start up it's war machine and Saudis would make money from the investment groups. Of course, in my mind, the Saudis are a huge problem and we're going to have to eventually stand up and decalre that their government is not the sort of thing we approve of in the middle east if Bush wants to be serious about "exporting democracy" (although, personally, I think one of our greatest follies is thinking the rest of the world wants a govenrment like ours, too, no matter how great it is.) So in that regard, I am biased. The ending was pretty darn creepy. You can argue about archival news footage being taken out of context as much as you want, but that woman who lost her son in the Black Hawk crash was some pretty powerful stuff. If only he didn't immediately follow it with harassing Congressmen. So, I give it a 6.5 out of 10. Do I trust it completely? No. Does it worry me that some will? A tiny bit. Does it bother me in the long run? Nope, because in a sense everything that's bad for Bush is good for me, and that's just the way it is.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The FCC needs to step in...

    Which thread was the one where I was shocked and appalled that Bush figured that the Supreme Court would declare it illegal, but he decided to sign it anyway? The fact that he put his signature to a piece of legislation that he personally thought was illegal should have woken people up to the thought that Bush tends to rubber-stamp Congressional waste without putting much independent thought into it.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The Federal Inducement Act

    This reminds me of Steve Jobs talking about how he was explaining how iTunes Music Store would work to all the label bigwigs. Michael Eisner of Disney (who is now on the outs with Jobs over Pixar) thought that "Rip" meant "to rip off." And according to Jobs, Eisner was the only guy who put forth this concern and didn't get it. Seems like Eisner and Hatch really deserve each other.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Farenheit 9/11 The temperature at which

    This board needed another Mikey thread like it needs a hole in it's noggin. I wish we had been smart and made an OAO thread for this movie early on. Regardless, I'm going to actually see the movie tomorrow (today, it's early wee hours morning though) so at least then I'll finally feel qualified to hold opinion.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Favorite Zucker/Abrahams Movie?

    Zucker also directed Scary Movie 3. If you're going to throw Ruthless People in there, might as well toss that one in as well.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    On November 3, 2004...

    I don't think charisma has that much to do with it. Bush as a Governor and a candidate had a lot more charisma. He really seemed like he was interested in cutting through partisan gridlock, even to a skeptic like me. It seemed to be the Presidential version of what Arnold was promising (and so far delivering) to California. Bush was going on about elevating the discourse and simply a lack of the bitterness we've seen in the past four months. Governor Bush and President Bush are such radically different personalities that it's sad. But both are fighting a rather charisma-free Democrat, and the race is looking as even as it did last time.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    I wonder how this could have slipped by MikeSC

    I'm trying to figure out why people are all awed and amazed by these mostly ineffective weapons from before the last Gulf War and saying it connects with Bush's remarks that Saddam has been recently buying the materials and the payload to make WMDs that are very real and could be delivered via ICBM to our door very soon. Look at how often the Middle East has been a battleground. The fact that there's some improperly used sarin shell or a rocket that won't go off lying around doesn't suprise me. And the fact that we've managed to find these virtual duds aren't amazing me either.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Moredecai back to OVW...

    How about he goes to Raw, finds the WCW Hardcore Title in Bischoff's trash can, and declares himself Hardcore For Jesus and starts beating down all comers? Just have him sit and annihilate guys in garbage matches for a year culminating into a money feud at WrestleMania against Shawn.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The FCC needs to step in...

    I remember this thread. Mike was firmly against TV stations having to run political crap over their normal programming because it unfairly took away ad dollars and the network should decide what to run because they pay the bills and bitch bitch bitch.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Exercising Subtlety with France

    Most Gratuitous Use of the World "Beligum" in a Serious Screenplay. It's very presigious.