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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    Not quite. Fair & balanced non-partisan straightshooter link Because, hey, it's Air France's fault that Chirac is a huge dick.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    The same could be said for you, so how about we just go home?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    Also, Evian is French. So I hope he knows what he just opened the door for.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    You said that minor infractions of the statutory rape law are rarely being prosecuted. In many (but not all) states, this is what's called first degree statutory rape, where the age difference isn't that far apart. The higher degrees is when we start getting into serious child rape and I start getting disgusted and want to see someone go into a cell. So I was like, hey, I think there's more people in the system for first degree than you think. Here's just a tiny subset of a group in Washington and look at how many there are. I could have the problem if I actually had the details.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    - Political Group to Run Background Checks on Employees So far all we know the guy's name is John Smith... I mean, if it turned out anyone who actually committed murder was doing this work, I'd agree with you. The problem is that none of these reports give nearly enough information to come to any solid conclusion.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Oh? Here's a release from a sentence review board from Washington state. In this August alone they're going to review five cases of first degree statutory rape. And this is just one month's worth in Washington of cases that are up for review. I imagine it's prosecuted more often than you think. Door to door promotional is not the same thing as full-time babysitter. I don't remember a damn thing about sex offenders with a minor. There was some vague part about sex offenders and some vague part that someone endangered a minor. These were seperate events.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Only person who brought up murder in this thread was you.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    [Mike, circa now]Everyone who's ever served a jail sentence is an absolutely despicable waste of life who will just commit more crimes once they get out[/Mike, circa now] Just to provide an interesting alternative to this, someone being DUI with their child in the backseat? Endangerment of a child. Doesn't mean there's sex involved. Clearly a DUI charge means that someone presented a liability and a potential danger to themselves, anyone in their car, and anyone they are sharing the road with. But hey, just because you once got caught while DUI doesn't mean that you can't be trusted as President.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Do you realize how much like a chicken little you sound like right now? THESE NON VIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS ARE CLEARLY LOOKING FOR YOUR JEWELS AND FEELING UP YOUR CHILDREN. GOOD LORD! Making a bad decision 15 years ago doesn't make you completely incompetant to handle money or information. Guess what, Mike. Some of us don't care if someone makes a small potatoes infraction of the law. Some of us don't find it any hideous if a 17 and 19 year old make with the sex than if two 18 year olds did it. And if they did, some of us don't think they're subhuman scum because of it just because the law said this or that. Some of us have more sense. Now, you can go back to being afraid of the guy knocking on your door to sell magazines. He might have been convicted of stealing cable, after all.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Former felons have worked door-to-door jobs in sales. And then they're actually handling money, too. Former felons often get jobs working in call centers, where they take people's personal information. None of this is anything new. It just never had an AP story attatched to it BECAUSE THEN IT HAD NO POLITICAL RELEVANCE. Give me a break. You don't even know what charges most of the hires were convicted on. Like I said, it could be as simple as drug posession for marijuana. Door-to-door sales. What kind of fraud can you commit with a PARTIAL social security number? Nothing wrong with these people trying to become part of society again, no. All these non-violent people could be murdering your children if you aren't careful. You keep talking about what a horrible, horrible thing it is. And I keep talking about how they've been doing this in non-political entities for a long time now, from churches to businesses, and haven't had this problem. And yet, somehow, Point A never really connects to Point B. Charles Manson and Jeffery Dahmer don't really sound like "nonviolent" to me.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    AP article said sex offenders, but that could be as vague as hitting the jailbait, not necessarily forcing himself on children or violating Grandma. I don't have a problem if a 19 year old and a 17 year old have sex, thank you. Let me know when we get to the obscene age differences and we can talk.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Coke to try and relaunch failed "Desani"

    Uh, I saw Desani through most of 02-03. My mom had tons of the stuff because it was an alternate to a soft drink at McDonalds at the time. We still like AquaFina better, though.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Answer the fucking question, for once. What do we do with convicts that have served their time?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    So what do you suggest instead? And answer this question: So far, you guys are completely focusing on the fact that one guy may have raped a child and not paying any attention to the bigger picture.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Did you just miss the first half of that? Endangering a minor is what he went BACK to prison for. We don't know if that's what got him there in the first place or not. In the meantime, because of this one, underinformative line, we assume that everyone involved in this program is raping little Suzy for John Kerry.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    CBS News is Reporting Sovereignty Handed Over

    What? You think President Bring-Em-On is afraid to write checks with his mouth that the troops can't cash?
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    Check the context. They went to jail, after being hired, for that. There's no information on why they first went to jail. Is this a relapse, or a new event? We dont have enough information to tell. Chances are, if their screening is what they say it is, it's something new. In the meantime, I AM APPALED that the guy at the door telling me to vote Kerry was once a POT SMOKER. How dare they hire hoods like this? And the girl next door said a man who got busted for downloading MP3s of all crimes came to her house! And he gave a long look at her CD collection, too!
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Moore ripped to shreds in review....

    I don't understand. Bush claims his tax cuts go to the common man while mingling with the conservative elite. So somehow I'm supposed to be the guy that's ashamed? (remembers Americans giving up rights to the Bush administration almost immediately after 9/11 for "fighting terrorism") (shrugs)
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Vince McMahon not backstage at the PPV

    Vince kind of runs several roles. While he claims he could be hit by a bus and the business would move on without him the next day, someone would have to take on a new job of making sure the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. It's not a complete loss should he ever go, though assuming it's not some freak accident that takes out Linda, too. She does most of the business/ownership roles anymore it seems, and she's probably still got some more time left on her ticker.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    KKK apparently joins Nader's press team

    Oh crap. I suggest someone put out a Mikey Is Fat documentary, title it "Farenheit 325", and then at the end happyness is restored because Rush Limbaugh is hired to be his dieting counselor. "Now let ol' Rush tell you, there's amazing new weight loss properties in these pills right here. These are the miracle drugs the media is always talking about. I think they are. Of course, I'm partial to the red, white, and blue, but I also get a kick out of the yellow ones. Be sure to avoid that round one, I doubt you're ready for it yet." "Wow. These are great. I can't even feel my oncoming congestive heart failure." "See? You're getting there already!"
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats hire rapists to go door-to-door

    What? They let felons who paid their time re-enter society by giving them work? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! Next thing you know they'll provide food for the hungry or something! If this isn't proof that John Kerry isn't an evil bastard than I don't know wha... Oh. Wait. You know what? These are released felons. Well, shit. So, remind me how this is different than a released prisoner who "finds Christ" and does the same thing pitching God and Bibles for a church? Or being hired as a telephone agent at a commercial entity, handling orders and entering customer information? At any rate, I'm glad to see the liberals will have a place for Ken Lay to go when he needs work.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Title At It's Most Worthless State Ever?

    Please don't include all the pictures in your quote. No reason nobody needs to scroll by it all twice.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Heel figurehead screws face using rules.

    It's evil because it's a Dusty Finish and nobody likes those. They're a sign of bad booking.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    CBS News is Reporting Sovereignty Handed Over

    I'm now taking a pool on how soon it is until the top dog of the new Iraqi government is killed by a religious fundamentalist uprising. I say, $5 on a week.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Title At It's Most Worthless State Ever?

    What do you mean at it's most worhtless state? It's only just reaching it's peak! Ladies and gentlemen, THE LEGACIES OF THE WWF & NWA/WCW TITLES LIVE ON!