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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    Googled. Results are a bunch of documents on the subject that reference the article, as well as one index, but nowhere can I find the article itself. Similar. Science Magazine's site has it archived, but wants you to pay to access it. Actually found this one. I can't understand very much of this dialogue, though, and I doubt most of us can either. If you'd break it down, it'd be appreciated. This is all that's made available. And then, when asking me if I want more and I said yes and gave some specific directions that would help, you told me that you gave me all the help I would get. In conclusion, this went exactly as typically expected.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    In an world where all is just, there'd be a link going to a plea from a scientist rejecting embryonic stem-cell research. One I could read, not just an index that one exists somewhere. In a perfect utopian society, this person would not be speaking in the forum of an anti-abortion group, but I guess we can't always have what we want. The PDF is educational but admits that we don't know everying and "the only way to uncover these benefits is to keep researching and learning" yet concerned that "The more we learn about early human development, the more tempted we may be to attempt to change characteristics." In other words, fear that we're playing God. -=Mike (well, it's my name, too) ...Still waiting for something that doesn't involve the man upstairs or Mother Nature rejecting the new proceedures.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have to be left or right wing?

    Actually, I expect Zell to switch over eventually and wrap himself in Reagan's "they left me" line. The timing is certainly ripe. McCain is probably a better example of a guy who's agenda blurs party lines. Or Arnold, who's really restrained any bashing of the Dems and charmed most people on both sides. There was a lot of skepticism about the car tax promise, and it hurt our credit rating even more, but it's already gone back to where it was. Now to see if he can boost things even more. Stuff like this pretty much confirms that two parties just aren't enough to keep it clean however.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Republicans create delay in Senate voting

    Good choice. However, the job of getting a replacement Senator is left to the Governor. Who happens to be Republican. While your position is agreeable, and I actually agree with it, you can't deny there certainly is dirty politics all the way around. The GOP is manipulating Kerry to leave and persue his Presidential race so that they can get an edge in the Senate.
  5. From the Chicago Tribune: I await the barrage of excuses and interpretations.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    The first article was penned by an "attorney and consumer advocate." The second article had no specific author. Scientists, please?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Republicans create delay in Senate voting

    Should George W Bush have resigned from Governor of Texas while running for President in 2000? Texas pretty much had an out-of-office governor leading into the election.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    Sources, Mike?
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Senate endorses more sanitized warfare coverage

    You're going to hardly believe this, but supposedly he was very close to the top office. I was shocked and amazed. He striked me as such a blue-collar man.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    "Nobody wants to listen to left-wing radio."

    Perhaps you didn't see that the number there didn't change from last month. 1.4 vs 1.4.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Proof that talent counts for nothing this company

    What? He did a nice one to the floor at WM. Noble needs some speaking help. His southern accent is so thick that he's pigeonholed himself into Angry Redneck territory. The day that they take everyone's suggestion to do something with Paul London is probably the same day they take my suggestion to make Moore the new J.Hardy silent bumpmachine who gets big pops for killing himself.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    "Nobody wants to listen to left-wing radio."

  13. Jobber of the Week

    Best review of Farenhiet 9/11 I've read

    That's just an example of what feels like an ulterior motive. Face it, if someone wrote about Hannity, Rush, or especially O'Reilly with that kind of passion, it'd be a "hit piece."
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Best review of Farenhiet 9/11 I've read

    Cerebus' article seems less like an actual review and just more of an impassioned editorial against Moore. What in the hell does that have to do with the film or the messages it presents? It is simply sound and fury, signifying nothing.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    "Nobody wants to listen to left-wing radio."

    "Fox News Channel lost $150 million in its first two years," Franken said. "That was a much bigger rathole than our rathole." If you wish, I will bring the mustard to the '05 TSM COOK-OFF~! where we can all enjoy watching you eat your hat. Then again, I don't have years studying economics, but I wouldn't stake yours on this one if I were you.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    Human cloning? That seems the be the one everybody and their brother is against. I'm not against exploring the science for informative purposes, although I don't think it cloning should be an everyday affair either ("crap, forgot to do the laundry. I'll guess I'll make myself a Laundry Clone.") LOL. Now to find out if "kkktookmybirkenstocksaway" is too long of a name for the board. My favorite part of the poll is about how doctor-assisted suicide is so much more approved than regular ol' suicide. I guess it's not so much the voluntary self-murder aspect for everybody so much as the mess you leave behind.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    "Nobody wants to listen to left-wing radio."

    It's also based on shitty investors. See the WSJ story where certain people in positions of power claimed to have more money than they really did. When you're having lavish launch parties that your company is paying the tab for with it's futures but none of the employees are aware, you're entering a dot-com sized disaster unless somebody at the top goes. Which is the case of that "OMG MAJOR MANAGERS LEAVE WHAT'S GONING ON" story a few months back.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Korean hostage beheaded

    Bending to them is the worst thing that you can do. You'll make everyone even less safe if you spread the idea that all anyone has to do to change policy is kidnap a few people.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    "Nobody wants to listen to left-wing radio."

    http://www.radioandrecords.com/RRRatings/D...D=07/16/04&CE=0 A 1.4 to a 1.4. No change.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    I fancy having a bet on John Kerry

    Keep in mind everyone's "odds" kind of depends on their politics. I think the past month has been good news for Bush, comparatively. The prison scandal is, at last, old news. We've had the June 30th news blasted at our eyeballs constantly. The news and inquiries about torture at Gitmo don't have flashy pictures and naked people pyramids to catch their attention. So all and all, it's been good for Bush. But the recent polls by the Washington Post show Kerry having almost a 10% lead over Bush. They're tied on how they'd handle terrorism (despite Kerry having no terror record) and Bush's disapproval rating now eeks out his approval rating. In short, all this good news has done nothing.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    And in a shocking development

    *puffs up* STOP THAT. NOW.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    What's right and wrong in today's society?

    I'd say it's become more accepting of homosexuals. Run this poll fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, teenage mothers weren't such a problem. They are now, and yet rather than show concern about it, the public conciousness has simply accepted seeing a woman who's never been in a seriously committed relationship lugging a child around.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Korean hostage beheaded

    I think the biggest problem was at one point it appeared that South Korea was getting ready to apply their Chap-Stick and kiss up to the Saudis to find this guy. You cannot respond to these threats. All you will do is make kidnappings more common and things will get worse.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Did they screw up the sound for this or what?

    Okay, to put the editing rumors to rest, here's a 96K MP3 file of all the crowd chants in the match from the DVD. They're all quite audible, although a "Boring" chant suddently becomes "Goldberg." This Match Sucks and others are quite easy to hear. The second Goodbye chorus seems shorter than I remember, perhaps they played Goldberg's theme longer to cover it?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Styles' Opponent for the Anniversary Show

    Poor AJ. This "suprise big event" is going to lay an egg.