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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Fahrenheit 9/11 Review by FOX NEWS

    "Do you wanna scramble planes?" "*sigh*.... I don't know." "Well, you got 10 minutes to figure it out."
  2. Jobber of the Week

    It has happened again

    *gives you the award for The Most Gratuitous Use of the Word "Belgium" in a Serious Screenplay* Congratulations, it's very prestigious.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    It has happened again

    I figured the guy was dead from the start anyway. The government doesn't negotiate with terrorists. If they did, people would start getting abducted left, right and center. AFAIC, working in the Iraq rebuilding is like working in a federal prison. You ought to have to sign a wavier that says if you get captured, the government can do nothing for you.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Fahrenheit 9/11 Review by FOX NEWS

    Doesn't matter what Moore said. Like it or not, on 9/11 Giulianni was acting like a President and Bush was acting like your best friend who says he'll back you up but then ducks out of the bar as soon as the fighting begins.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Eugene vs Eugene

    I still find this gimmick awful and want to see it burn to it's end quick. Any fan who sees the WWE portraying a grown long-time wrestling fan as a mentally-challenged individual and does not see the insulting reflection the company is making upon us is blind. I don't think the fact that he's retarded and a lifelong fan are mutually exclusive.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    How much do video game store clerks make?

    When you have an HD set, you begin to support the idea of your favorite game at 60fps in widescreen format, and start loving the Xbox more than you peons with your old TVs that haven't changed since color was invented in the 60s. *holds nose up in the air*. *realizes there's very little games or television programs that make use of HD* *cries*
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Fahrenheit 9/11 Review by FOX NEWS

    I condoned internet-based piracy, for what it's worth.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    War in Iraq $$$

    Tell me about it. Where has this guy been? Thank goodness that Rumsfeld said some time ago that he knew where they were that moment. I assume the next time he makes a secret visit to Iraq, he'll suprise the entire military and the UN by leading us to them when no other soul could.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Fahrenheit 9/11 Review by FOX NEWS

    This is... Suprising, but clearly hasn't changed any trends at the TV network. Warm Fuzzies to the righties who actually see it somehow (even if you have to get it online) before complaining about it. Cold Pricklies to the righties who never see the movie but automatically link to some random page where another rightie tears the movie to shreds whenever it's brought up. Also, somebody is obese or something. Kinda forgot about that.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Okay, here's the thing I have about the Israel conflict that I'm not wildly supportive of. Keep in mind that although I keep abreast of the conflict from time to time, I haven't done a ton of research about it, but I've made some idle obeservations over time. I don't think either of them makes me anti-Semetic, since I've known people for as long as over a year and never known their Jewish until they told me, and my opinion of them doesn't change because of it. To me, that means I'm not biased against Jewish people, because if it did, it would mean I would think less of them. HOWEVER... 1) Crazy, unrealistic hypothetical situation time: Let's assume we have a lot of empty land in a cluster of flyover states. Let's assume we have the ability and legal red tape taken care of to declare this land for Israeli use and call all Israelis who want to escape the violence to come here within our borders where they'll be protected. They wouldn't come. Now, it's true that there's a lot of people who just want to be able to go out to a nightclub and dance without fear of a bomb going off. Godspeed to them. They'd probably be the ones coming over. But there's a lot of biblical homeland bullshit that a lot of people seem willing to fight over. In the various peace accords we've watched come and fail over the years, the two sides have argued over everything down to whose religious statues will be placed in the holy city. Now, in my mind it is a government's priority to first and foremost secure it's people at a cost that's reasonable for the situation. When you have people dying, it's the wrong time to squabble over religious symbolism, whose biblical homeland this or that is, etc. A mosque on Main Street is small potatoes if a wedding party isn't turned into body fragments. Obviously, the Palestinian government is equally responsible for refusing to waver on these issues as the Israeli government is. However, there is a grouping of people who would let loose subtle accusations of racism on my above paragraphs, but would simply nod their head in agreement if I said "Gee, you know, if the PA honestly wanted to give their people disease-free water, they'd put up with that Star of David in the town square." That winds up being simple issues like the above one, that we should all agree with, into "racist/not racist" arguements. 2) This is a completely personal one. We've done a LOT for these people over the decades. I think we can agree they'd be in a lot worse situation these days if it weren't for America, and the people there are pretty grateful of it. The other day I heard someone support the idea of us going into Iran on a WMD hunt if necessary in order to protect Israel. The country now has an actively-working military and some of their soldiers rival the best-trained US troops. They have military hardware that are based on our own designs, and they have nuclear weapons of their own. So, basically, what I'm asking is: Aside from the domestic scuffle, which obviously would be overkill for all this firepower, why can't this government wage some war of their own instead of us hoofing it all the way over there and neutralizing a threat. Is their rubber-stamping of all our international policy decisions really worth all that? Again, I'm talking about the government here, and not the people. You "FRENCH SUK BECUZ THEIR GOVMINT IS BAD SO THEY ALL R EVIL" people might not be able to fully comprehend this one. That much said, I really don't have any other controversial opinions on the subject. Most the "if Israel wanted peace they'd do (x)" shit can be also said of the PA.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting New Movement

    I was bitching about this as early as the Medicare vote, where he left without a vote because losing was "inevitable" and he had to go campaign. However, being a realist, I doubt he's the first Senate candidate to ever do that, and I doubt he'll be the last.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting Revenge

    Well, I live in a small town. And my most recent doctor just left after we went through all the work to get him knowledge of my full medical history. So far, my problems with doctors leaving has not been because of malpractice suits. It has been with doctors going to San Francisco for more money.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    This will Show 'Em

    "So a Republican stands up in Congress and says 'I GOT A REALLY BAD IDEA!!!!' And then a Democrat stands up and says, 'WELL, I COULD MAKE IT WORSE!!'"
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Chavo Guerrero Senior (classic) Missing

    AJ Styles wins a match for the X-Title (face it, he's getting it anyway) and Chavo appears and gives him the WWE belt as a trophy along with it, Styles throws the SD! belt away. The end.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Chavo Guerrero Senior (classic) Missing

    Doesn't matter, I'm shameless.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Chavo Guerrero Senior (classic) Missing

    I hope he isn't found dead in somebody's house or hotel room, but I don't know why else the guy would disappear like that. Perhaps the Cruiserweight Title will appear on eBay or a pawn shop, which is probably a better fate for it than what they were planning on anyway.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Crazies is more bypartisan. I think this is another example (along with censorship) of how the extreme right and extreme left wind up holding the same view, they just take different paths to getting there.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Whoa. Either Pat Buchanan is left-wing, or I've heard a few incorrect statements about his beliefs of the holocaust. Perhaps you should just replace the improperly-used "Left" with a more appropriate "Crazies" and we'll call it a fair deal.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    One thing I admire about America....

    Well, that's just life in our Anti-Christian America
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Supreme Court Decision

    Eh, I like it, I guess. It'll keep extinguish the arguements for a while, and it gives that guy a nice slap on the wrist for using his daughter to advance an idea that even he privately admits he did just for himself.
  21. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2004Jun12.html
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Group of former Presidential staffers agrees

    In all the threads on page one, I've only ever started three, and one was that Onion one that DOA. So no, I'm not starting nearly enough threads, and their titles are way too indicative of what you'd find inside, too.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Blair loses 2 elections in 2 days

    It seems to me that Labor is losing a lot of seats, but Blair will just plow on through regardless.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    I Love the 90's

    Then I get two stations. One is PBS, and another one, which I can receive with only after a lot of effort, is owned by Clear Channel.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Group of former Presidential staffers agrees

    Front page, top headline in my local paper (no, not the SF Chron)