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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    More WWE Gimmick News

    Last year I had enough of the stupid old-school 80s shit for people who are so uneducated that they believe stereotypes. I thought with Benoit and Guererro and (for a while) Lesnar in the spotlight, 2004 might be the year of highlighting on "serious" wrestlers and wrestling. If they go through with all this shit (voodoo preachers, evil Arabs, so on) I will quit watching.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    I Love the 90's

    ENOUGH OF THESE PROGRAMS. If I have to put up with Best Of I Love The Clip Show's Best Week Ever (now with 20% more lame unfunny semi-celebs!) instead of videos, there's going to be some TV rage.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting IMPACT! alternative for DC area fans..

    Isn't the Digital channel just your local FSN affiliate (in your case, FSN NorthWest, in my case, FSN Bay Area?) They're bringing a digital channel of Bay Area over here so we can get Giants/A's in HD.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    WWE signs bodyguard for Kenzo Suzuki

    Mordecai isn't even really THAT much of a hoss. Sure, he's bigger than most guys, but he's not Kane or Show or even A-Train. He just needs to do something to keep the crowd awake past his entrance. This signee sounds like a bad idea, but we'll see. I thought it wouldn't get worse than Eugene, myself.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    It's splitsville for Rush

    Oh, and I found this on a Blog. It's dated July 16 '96
  6. Jobber of the Week

    RVD interview

    It would help if it said "RVD interview, won't talk about ___________" with ________ being whatever you're talking about. As far as I've seen, the Bradshaw thing is * D O N E * . All the action you're going to see taken has been taken, and any more focusing on it is simply piling more dirt on the same grave that isn't going to get any deeper.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    It's splitsville for Rush

    Funny, I seem to remember Clinton receiving an image as a bit of a sex addict.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Primetime Impact?

  9. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting IMPACT! alternative for DC area fans..

    ReplayTV. Swear to god. You can go buy a refurbished model of the previous generation (trust me, it's better than the new 5500 line) from the manufacturer themselves here and unlike Tivo, it'll skip commercials for you automatically (assuming you get the early one, that feature started lawsuits so they had to take it out of the new ones). And also unlike Tivo, you can use a program called DVArchive to download episodes off the ReplayTV in DVD-ready MPEG2 format, in case you have a DVD writer and want to make episodes for yourself. But most importantly, you'll never cry over late-night Impact! shows again. If you're willing to spend $5 a month on a bunch of channels you'll probably never watch otherwise after TNA, $13 a month for Replay's usefulness (after you buy the box) seems a fair deal to me.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    RVD interview

    Am I the only one who thinks that's the most meaningless subject line we've had here so far?
  11. Jobber of the Week

    MTV Movie Awards

    My god this was awful. You wouldn't have known everyone involved is paid to act for a living because they all acted like amateurs.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Super Mario Bros. DX or Re Release of Original?

    Super Mario Bros. looked pretty fantastic when it originally hit in 1985. The game has aged fairly well, though there's some graphical weirdness in the Game Boy Advance version of the game that wasn't present in the original. Like all of the Classic NES Series games, parts of the game have been squeezed down to fit on the GBA screen, which is a slightly different aspect ratio than a television screen. In most games, this is only really noticeable when you look at on-screen text. Here, however, Mario looks really weird. He jiggles and jitters when he runs, and some of the sprites in the game look like they've been scrunched down a bit. Some still look OK, while others look really sloppy. On an actual Game Boy Advance, the problems aren't as prevalent. But when you put the game into a Game Boy Player, the problems are magnified. Setting the GB Player's screen filter to soft helps a bit, but it's still noticeably worse than the original NES version. --GameSpot
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Sad News

    I think the amusing thing is that how the two-term limit came as a result of Republicans being concerned about FDR's break of tradition, but since then, the only Presidents I could realistically see being elected for a third term are Republicans.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    An Idiots Guide to mIRC?

    All right, here I go: mIRC is just an application to use IRC, a protocol supported by many chat programs. mIRC is the most commonly-used application for this, but saying you're "downloading stuff from mIRC" is like saying "I'm surfing the Internet Explorer." IRC operates usually on a number of networks, with some massive ones (DALnet, EFnet, etc) and a lot of smaller ones. Each network has a number of machines location all over that talk to one another to let you converse with people on other servers, and in the olden days you wanted to choose one of the servers nearest you. In the day and age of broadband though, whatever server simply isn't jammed full of users is a blessing. Choosing one at random is more likely to get you online than choosing your local link in the chain. Sometimes the chain breaks, and you'll see what looks like a bunch of people all logging off at one time. They haven't turned their computers off all at once and done something else, they're just on another piece of the chain that isn't linked up to yours (one time I watched a split where it was my server that broke from the chain, and I watched EVERYONE in a crowded room log off at once, leaving me with only one other guy to talk to, who was using the same server I was.) This is typically called a netsplit, and eventually the connections will be automatically re-established, and you'll see all those people come flooding back into the channel In each of these networks there's a number of chat channels. Could be one or two or it could be millions. Some networks have bots with names like ChanServ and NickServ that basically maintain the place so that you can "own" your channel or have exclusive rights to your handle. See the homepage of the network you're logging into for details on what it has. IRC users can transfer files to one another through DCC (I think it stands for Direct Cable Connection, but I wouldn't money on it). Basically it allows you to send and receive files from one another. You can only get a file from one person at a time (instead of cluster downloading one file from a dozen people on Kazaa.) I'm not going to to tell you where to go to "download rare stuff." However, assuming you get to where you want, getting the file could be accomplished any number of ways. Usually through FServ's. An FServ is a script the server is running on his copy of mIRC that's a file server (or fserv. Get it?) Sometimes the servers are spamming an advertisement every few seconds telling you what's on them, how to contact them, how many people are in line, and it's average speed, or whatever else. Some channels want to cut down on the spam and tell everyone running a server to recognize a command in the chatroom (say "!fservs" or something equally unique) and have them private message you the adverts. While FServs may vary, the most common type is one that tells you to send it a private message with a command in it. You'll then be shot back an invitation to a private chat. Accept this chat and the script will introduce itself and leave you to give it commands. It's sort of like DOS (you'll notice dir and CD commands usually appear, although some FServs have interfaces that assign a number to everying and you just tell it what you want by typing in it's number.) Me> dir Script> Directory listings of / Script> SAMPLE <folder> Me> cd SAMPLE Script> [/sAMPLE/] Me> dir Script> Directory listings of /SAMPLE/ Script> SAMPLE.TXT 94K <file> Me> get SAMPLE.TXT Script> Sending file SAMPLE.TXT At this point, you'll get a prompt asking you if you want to receive the file. This is assuming nobody else is using the script to get anything themselves though. In most busy channels, and on most servers with files people want to get, this isn't the case. Instead you'll see: Me> get SAMPLE.txt Script> You have been played in slot 12 in the queue. The file will be sent to you when ready. Uhoh. Me> sends Script> Currently sending 1 file (filename.___) to username Looks like the script only sends one file at a time. If I wanted to, I could type in "queues" and see the queue list and see if anyone plans on downloading some massive file. Usuually in THOSE kinds of channels, they are. So what this means is, you'll have to sit there idleing away in the chat room, for hours, maybe DAYS before you see your file. And if you aren't at the computer when the prompt finally appears, well, the script will try and re-connect to you several times usually, but will do no good if you're not there. You need to go into options and set mIRC to automatically download whatever anyone offers to you. This is an obvious security hazard if someone just sits and sends you trojans or fills up your drive on crap while you're not looking, but depending on how shady the atmosphere is in your chat room, that usually (USUALLY) doesn't happen.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    Yup. Oh well. I'm in no hurry to get "In God We Trust" off everything, or "God Bless America", although I am in general interested in slowly eliminating all those 1950s changes that were made clearly to promote religion in the middle of the red scare. And none of those songs is as religious as the Battle Hymn.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Ronald Reagans state funeral tomorrow

    That couldn't have been in the original song? That phrase was adopted as motto in 1956. Minutes later: I've researched harder now, it may very well have. But to be honest, I didn't even know there was a fourth verse. That being said I also like "God Bless America", and don't consider that exact phrase an endorsement of religion either, although I'm sure there's someone somewhere who would.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Some pictures from the Funeral procession

    I don't know. O'Reilly was saying Bill was fat last year when he reported the news about the Clintons going on a diet that somebody made a book about (south beach diet or whatever?) He said Hillary looked fine but that Bill needed to lose some pounds. This story wasn't immediately followed up with a whining segment about how the Clintons won't ever stay out of the news and go home, but probably should have been.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    Components. Again, metal would count as a component. Components is at most illegal. Components is not WMD-ready chemicals. And if the weapons HAVE been moved to God knows who outside the country, doesn't that mean that the war has actually made things worse? If you thought Saddam was a problem, wait until you find out he gave his arsenal to Osama (or whoever else). First it was a haven for terrorists, and now it's an eBay for bomb parts if you believe that UN guy in the first article who said "slowly, it seems the country is depleted of metal." Anyway, we now have an AP and NYTimes story on this now. The Times article is actually pretty good. Here's a piece for those of you who are too lazy to get or find a login with their site: Still does not exactly spell success for Bush, though.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    It's splitsville for Rush

    No, because you're playing by his rules. And yes, Rush has gone on about family values and the foundations of a healthy marriage before.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    It's splitsville for Rush

  21. Jobber of the Week

    Anybody Read the "Diva Search" Info?

    Looks like I have a good idea of when to take my sabbatical from wrestling this year.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Nichols Escapes Death Penalty

    Death penalty. We shouldn't let off a terrorist just because he happens to be "our" terrorist.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    NES Classic Series?

    I heard John Madden is building an All-Madden stable. He plans to repackage them at the start of every year but only shuffle the roster at the jobber level each time and nothing else. Marks will eat it up, of course.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    So, Think This Will Get Any Media Attention?

    How in the hell could he be dismantling WMD when he's running scared like a rat? And so far we have "components." A piece of shielding to go on the side of a missile is components. Nothing evidences that there was actually any completed rockets. And when did the UN suddently become a believable source to you guys, anyway?
  25. Jobber of the Week


    With all the speed of a snail strapped to a guided missile, KONTEXT-AWAY makes it's appearance! Fight on, KONTEXT-AWAY! You are the shining beacon on the mountain of horse turds!