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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    More Left Wing LIES

    Screw voting, let's decide elections this way. I think we should just pick people on the streets at random and let them be President for one day. It would be interesting to watch our policy shift on a day-by-day basis depending on who gets to be the lucky person. Also means a lot more minorites in the big chair than we've got going now.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    All new abuse scandal

    KONTEXT-AWAY is a joke, fella.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Protests = STATE OF EMERGENCY???

    Is this kind of like how the security color level always goes up right around a massive anti-war protest?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Tenet resigns!

    Poor guy. It's easy to be a blame magnet when you're the last holdout from the Clinton years.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    "Sometimes Vince Does Things to be nice"

    Roddy Piper at WM19. Crowd seemed mostly on it's hands the whole show (maybe because the room was so big nothing really carried), but boy oh boy did that one really pop everyone. Their only mistake was not making it a one-time thing.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Should the gay gimmick be ridiculed

    Right, but the "community" positions don't always agree with everybody. I don't know if GLAAD wasn't watching the show until the marriage stuff came up, and just didn't see the earlier stuff with the skits and whatnot, or if they just figured that publicity is publicity.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The media weighs it's coverage

    This Krugman column is dated the 28th, but it didn't appear in the local Times-owned paper until yesterday, or I would have posted it sooner. Thank God someone was willing to speak up on the post-9/11 invinciblity this guy had been milking for the better part of the worst two and a half years we've seen in contemporary times. It seems the country is starting to wake up and smell the truth. Mr. Bush tells lies that are so huge that the worst of the business sector's CEOs (and yes, there are good ones, but I'm talking about the rotten apples) would have their mouths left agape. The average Bush lie looks like this: Our plan to (insert blank here) will go off without a hitch. Nothing could possibly go wrong. The media, long happy to believe the lie or keep secrets when invited to your average secret Thanksgiving trip to Baghdad, has finally realized who's paying them. The people, not the government. The people instinctively want to know more than what the government wants to tell them, and there hasn't been an American government who wants to tell people less than this one. The Republicans lost their "Bush = America = GOOD" message last year, and have been pinning support for the war for Iraq with the troops. I mean, hey, you want to support the troops, right? And thanks to Pfc England and those other sad sacks that ruined it for everybody over there, people aren't feeling very sympathetic to the troops right now. Since 9/11, Bush has been endlessly wrapping himself up in the US flag, hoping he can make eventually make them one and the same in people's minds. For a while, it almost worked. And now it's becoming all undone. Certainly, blind Bush supporters will be shocked to hear that the nation's media is considering if it gave their man a free pass from time to time. "Where they ever on our side in the first place?" they're likely wondering. Of course, the origins of this question lie in another huge lie, but this post isn't the time for that one. Anyone who simply thought that "when it rains, it pours" concerning media coverage of this administration lately simply hasn't noticed the crushing tidal wave that's on it's way. Oh well. Don't deny the inevitable and let it come.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    I can't believe the crowd in Montreal ate up that Eugene shit tonight. I know it's been getting over the past few weeks, but Canada expects so much better that I figured that the Not Really A Retard would get shit on for once and for all. Instead, they joined the other dogs of Pavlov and cheered it on. And now, coronating your new (and previously old) winner of Best Smart Crowd: New York City. Let's just pray that MSG turns cold on this gag when it comes to town.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Canada loses "Coolest Crowd Ever" title

    See, the thing is, there's gimmicks that work, and then there's gimmicks that don't. Too Cool is so far beyond it's experation date that the contents smell funny, have weird things floating in the stew, and the top and bottom of the can is bulging for some inexplicable reason. But when it was new, it made a short-term gimmick that worked. I get the feeling that over the next six months Eugene will be a really devisive character. To me, it's insulting. I'm suprised so many aren't insulted. We all originally agreed that the childlike crap was going to have to halt once he got in the ring, but so far it's been "LOL WATER BOTTLE FUNNY. LOL HE MENTIONED OLD WRESTLER HOW FUNNY." Throw on the Rock shit and now you have marks going "LOL MOCK PEOPLE'S ELBOW FUNNY." Hey, if they wanted to go through with it, that's their thing. But putting him any higher up on the card than Benjamin is ridiculous.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    All new abuse scandal

    KONTEXT-AWAY wins again!
  11. Jobber of the Week

    More Left Wing LIES

    This changes the dynamics of everything.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown spoilers from Toronto

    Hm. Could be alright. I'm kind of concerned, though, because having them tied to each other seems awfully condusive to a bad match.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown spoilers from Toronto

    That must have been the most boring match ever. WHAT!? Tag Titles are now on Velocity? It can't get any worse after this... Never mind, it just did. Oh yeah. The board of directors. Again. THRILLING. We're reaching low-end WCW here.... I admit, I laughed. I wish they'd at least EXPLAIN the rules when they announce a new or obscure match type that most people haven't heard of and everyone else has forgot. Even Russo was smart enough to do that. That's a main event!? UGH!!!!!
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Rumored fight between Holly n Vince

    Altered for honesty.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    All new abuse scandal

    Problem is what you're saying is that sure, while what these guys did was bad, that doesn't mean what happened at the prison was all right. Conversely, I can say that although what happened at the prison what bad, that doesn't make this situation any less serious, either.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Umm, wow

    Actually, in my R&J example, she's from a wealthy family. Perhaps the play doesn't paint a proper picture but I wasn't there, so I don't know how wealthy 14 year old heirs were being treated.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Vague Question about Vague Topic

    Okay, I've been reading up on this. The dirty bomb thing is balogna, they already ruled it any possibility he could have actually followed through with anything like that.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The media weighs it's coverage

    Even if people thought it was overblown, they couldn't deny that it's news.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Umm, wow

    Yes, I would. That's why I wouldn't do it.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    More Left Wing LIES

    Technically, any airplane the President is on-board is Air Force One. Big difference between saying he's taking Air Force One and taking advantage of the White House's travel options. According to FundRace, he's taken more flights on United alone than he has with the White House system, although when he goes that route he sure runs up a much larger bill than he does anywhere else. I believe Clinton still holds the record for campaigning on taxpayer gas than anybody else, although Bush is quickly reaching it. No wonder I can't stand either guy.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    The media weighs it's coverage

    Same question. I don't know what channel you were watching, but all three cable news channels treated it like a big video game. Anytime someone mentioned a military vehicle, CNN had a sports-like statistic screen of weight and max speed and wingspan and whatever else while a 3D representation of said vehicle rotated around on the screen.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Israel kills the new new Hammas leader

    Huh? Killing Hamas? Sure, go ahead, no problem.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Umm, wow

    There's no moral problem beyond the fact that it's almost impossible to give a child a fair break at that age. I don't advocate reproduction morals beyond "don't rape" much, anyway. As long as it's consentual, go off and be happy.
  24. I said that one guy didn't speak for a group as a whole. I think it's obvious that programming to the lowest common denominator has been very successful, especially for television. Care else to explain how the regular Fox network decides to run shows like "Glutton Bowl" and "Man VS Beast" and "World's Most Explosive Police Showdowns"? I still don't mind watching FNC in the daylight hours, but as the sun goes down the hosts become more and more confrontational until somewhere around O'Reilly it becomes a verbal streetfight. This draws plenty of gawkers and lookey-loos. It has for years. I never said that Fox draws the stupid by being conservative. In fact, that statement had nothing to do whatsoever with it's political bias. I do think it draws easily amused people in with it's arguements and shoutfests. These easily amused people don't necessarily have to be conservative, they could liberal or moderate, too.
  25. Care to expand on that?