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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Planning Summer Attack

    So the guys who were plotting away recently are now going to assume the big scary press conference was spurred on by somebody else? You're as bad as Bill O'Reilly. Troops don't know how to be police. They know how to kill, and that's what they do. You should know that after the past few months of Iraq.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Umm, wow

    You can't blame America for this one, you hippie! YOU GOT SWERVED~!
  3. Jobber of the Week

    John Cena becoming very stale

    It's Rock Syndrome. Vince has all but eliminated the "cool heel", so you either have to be kissing babies or pushing grannies.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Planning Summer Attack

    So exactly where's the information? There is none, what they're hunching this on is confidential and they plan to keep it this way.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    I guess this is more

    I'm just going to add one last little nugget of gold to this thread, and it's the very first line in the thread: So, uhm, what exactly does this add? I get the feeling it works like this: Rush Limbaugh: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Sean Hannity: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Media Whore O'Reilly: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! BUY FACTOR GEAR! Michael Savage: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Glenn Beck: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Laura Ingraham: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Everybody I Forgot: LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS! Average Joe: Hmmm... Sounds like there's a liberal media bias. I should buy Factor Gear.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Finding Nemo...

    I like Pixar movies, but I didn't like this one. After the 600th "OH NO he's dead! Oh wait he's just fine" I got too tired with it. On the other hand, my parents used to own an aquarium that took up two rooms, so they enjoyed it simply because they've owned so many of these types of sealife and would laugh about how they do act like that.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    Shock of the century will be when Venom is revealed to be Al Wilson.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Planning Summer Attack

    Give Mikey "FAT" Moore one tiny insignificant half-hearted shred of credit for announcing one thing to a lot of people who watched his last ego-masturbatory flick: For exposing that the media gets the public so worked up , that they don't even have to give you a reason to be afraid of things anymore.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    Assuming that's sarcasm, being that I was actually at the show, and behind a bunch of heads, it was difficult to see details like that. Assuming it's not, thanks, I didn't notice that (and nobody else in the building seemed to, either.)
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Chalabi home raided

    Like any of the people you're talking about would have had any kind of inside clue on this kind of stuff. Still, they were right in the sense that he couldn't be trusted, it was just they thought for the OMGHATEAMERICAFIRST reason instead.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    WMD found/used in Iraq.

    At this point, I wish I had bookmarked what I was looking at earlier. But it's very common knowledge that we either gave weapons or money to develop weapons. We're not scott-free of any guilt here.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Umm, wow

    Someone's being intentionally vague in their subject line. You just caused me to have to put aside a very good Lynndie England joke, I hope you'll know.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    TSM Banned Poster Tournament

    Freud Scratches Head
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    Here's my idea: Screw the whole thing about wrestling on Earth. I wanna see wrestling on the Moon. I think they should still do Raw on Earth so that Benoit can go around the world and collect big crowd pops, but nobody's paying attention to SmackDown anyway, so why not move it to the Moon? Here's my idea to end the first episode of SmackDown on the Moon to give viewers an idea of how Moon wrestling works: JBL picks up Rey Misterio and tosses him, and Misterio goes floating away into space because of the lack of gravity.... And goes.... And goes. And we never see him again. Also, because everyone is weightless, that means guys like Shannon Moore can pick up Undertaker and do stuff with him like he's another cruiser.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    I think we're supposed to assume that the cops let him go because he wanted to fight the forces of evil that were Brock and Heyman I thought Bischoff let him out since Bischoff also had the keys to the police paddywagon in an earlier episode for no reason, and maybe Eric wanted to do some damage to Paul's guy, even if it meant helping out one of his faces. My other least favorite gimmick: "I'm gonna book (MONEY MATCH)!!!! BUT NOT TONIGHT..... It'll be on Pay-Per-View." Jesus Christ, do they still think crowds buy this shit?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    You forgot the most important part. 'DEVELOPING...' Well hell, if they censored that, even I'd be upset. As it is I'm simply not suprised.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Jasmin St. Claire

    I would just like to state that, for the record, if I was being verbally run down by Jasmin St Claire (who I haven't heard of until now) I would simply respond when prompted each time with no comment other than "I like big tits." You know, just to be spontaneous and confusing.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Tired WWE Plot Devices

    GO TO JAIL!!!11 My favorite was No Way Out when Goldberg went to jail and somehow escaped and came back later that night. I remember leaving that show and overhearing people saying aloud to each other that it didn't make any sense at all.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    WMD found/used in Iraq.

    There was a congressional commitee looking into this. I can't find the source I was looking at now, as I was Googling at the time.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7 management team announced

    They don't have to worry about the logo as long as this doesn't go overseas. Hooray, there holds out hope for a broadcast varient (regular TV channel, not like Video On Demand) after all. And to the poster above, INDemand is a PPV provider for the big 5 cable providers. On Demand (VOD) is a technology.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    While I know that POWs don't have many rights, I'm not sure if having a diet that agrees with their religion is one of them. I kind of draw the line with that stuff anyway. Should we also stop preventing them from shooting us? Because they too believe that's part of their religion.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO Sopranos season 5 thread

    For me it's not so much about IF Tony B gets killed, it's what the circumstances will be. I guess the next season will be about Noo Yawk falling on them like a ton of bricks.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    I guess this is more

    NBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX didn't air it. -=Mike Local affiliates here did. I think in the case of a big broadcast network like that, they leave that kind of thing to the affiliates to choose what to do.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Speech Tonight

    It aired on network(s) for me. Guess it sucks to be wherever. This was local cut-in stuff though since it wasn't prime time over here when the speech happened.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    I guess this is more

    It was all over here.