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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Will RVD ever be the wwe champion?

    It'll be a Benoit "should have happened earlier, but oh well" sort of win.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    Maybe because there has been no new leads in a story? Sheesh. Well, I don't like either of them. But I thought Koppel's ratings were doing horribly in the comedians' time slot. Now, I watch a ton of news, and I don't remember that. The only show I actually saw make something out of the contributions was "The Daily Show." Absolutely not, but there is a line between a series of identical coffins that could contain any casualties and one man being beheaded in full view. There's something more personal about that, don't you think? I don't care in that situation for the very same reason that you don't care about what happens to the Abu Gharib prisoners. Because these people have wronged America. When you perform illegal acts in this country, you lose quite a bit of privacy.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Shrek 2

    Twas okay. You'll enjoy it more once you figure out it's not going to be as good as the first one. The idea behind the villain was appearantly too humorous to these guys to leave alone, and there's too much attention paid to that character and it slows it all down. And did she really need two song breaks, too? The greatest flaw is probably that her character seems really based on Cruella De Vil more than any other animated villain, but she can't hold a candle to Cruella in actually being bad.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    I guess this is more

    Perhaps Mike should pay attention to the fact that this poll only pays attention to journalists that aren't afraid to call themselves anything other than moderates. Among all Americans, more define themselves as conservatives than liberals. Perhaps then, we can assume that indeed, conservatives ARE getting into the media, if they have such a majority?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    US troops open fire on Iraq wedding

    It might not have been a wedding, but what the hell kind of enemy stronghold do you pull children's bodies out of?
  6. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    No, the press showed off coffins because it's news. Peter Jennings' little sweeps week event, guess not. Again, Nightline isn't the whole media. So, because something is not in favor of the war, it must be against it? There would have been minimal hubbub if campaign contributions hadn't come into question. So, again, this footage should be used to support the war? We should not pay any concern to the privacy and pain felt by these peoples' families? Sensibilities of the viewer? What about Daniel Pearl's child?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    I'm still trying to figure out how a lack of Berg coverage is liberal in nature. Are we in favor of beheading now (my avatar aside?) I guess I need to go back and catch up with the rest of the class.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry May Not Accept Nomination

    Hmm, wonder what I mean by that?
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Trying to install Adobe Premiere

    Cmon, now. Don't ask for help using your damn warez. But, since you current question isn't really specific to any kind of program, you can make videos in other more popular formats and convert to WMV later if you want.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    The Cicadas...

    .......... *sits back and enjoys that quiet west coast feeling*
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry May Not Accept Nomination

    Eh, Matt does have his biases.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    TSM Poster Tournament III

    Murmuring Beast CWM Banky FrozenBlockOfPiss Agnes RavishingRickRudo Kahran Ramsus Jobber of the Week Your Paragon of Virtue FrigidSoul Ripper Zack Malibu BPS nl5xsk1 Sandman Edwin MacPhisto Agent of Oblivion TheCzechRepublic Kotz Rando Lord of the Curry CanadianChick IDRM Cartman Thumbtack Deranged Hermit AndrewTS YNA LaParkaYourCar treble charged chave KKK
  13. Jobber of the Week

    TSM Banned Poster Tournament

    Prince Paul Sigmund Freud Eagan Nunzio Cardozo *scratches head and leaves*
  14. Jobber of the Week

    "It Appears That Nowinski's Career Is Over"

    Someone want to remind me what match caused this, again? I still remember being at Raw and he came out for his first TV match. Had these special pants that he could rip off almost immediately. The two Matt Hardy fangirls behind me made this agonizing shriek and gasp and the whole scene almost made me break down and laugh loudly.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry May Not Accept Nomination

    FEC might say he has no choice in the matter and has to anyway, so they have to keep their preperations around in case that happens.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Subtitles for DIVX

    Subtitle file needs to have the name as the movie (except for the .avi part)
  17. Jobber of the Week

    How'd THAT sign get past security?

    Yes, I'm shocked they let a "Triple WHO?" sign into the building. That guy should be forced to sell a clotheslines for 45 seconds as the bees in HHH's energy drink sting him.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    It SHOULD be noted...

    It's still regularly appearing in the paper over here. Don't know about you, Mike.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Top Republicans mock McCain

    Zell Miller *IS* the kind of OMGTRAITOR~! that so many of you guys claim McCain is. McCain just thinks independantly more than the other Senators seem to. Miller, on the other hand, seems to be pretty wildly different. His most recent attack on Kerry (which is fine with me, Kerry wasn't my choice anyway) was at his state's REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Gee, ya know, it's just me, but if you're attending THE OTHER PARTY'S CONVENTION AS A GUEST SPEAKER, perhaps you ought to consider changing sides. Let me know when McCain goes and talks at a Democratic convention and tears down the joint with applause, and I'll concede you guys might have a point.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    I think the issue is that what he was saying was supposed to be about class (i.e. lower class, kids in the slum, etc) but wound up being about race. There's no denying black people themselves are making fun of that kind of speech, but I've just accepted it as an accent and moved on.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Not Sure How I Feel About This...

    And this is where the bad thinking begins. Many Americans are unsettled by a leader that thinks he's doing God's work. Big difference between saying we're "an exceptionally blessed and special country" and comparing the US to Christ. When did it stop becoming guidance? When once asked if he asked his father about going into Iraq, Bush says he didn't, he asked God. That statement might sound rather innocent depending on who you are, but at what point are we going back to the 12th century and meeting the Islamic fundamentalists with their own problems? God told me it was OK to start a war with you. Islamic and Jewish organizations applying to a program operated by the Department of Health & Human Services to assist faith-based organizations, is what I know. I believe they only number a few, but none of them got anything.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Not Sure How I Feel About This...

    Bush is about this far away from saying Americans are God's people. He finally backed off on the God loves America rhetoric on National Day of Prayer a few weeks ago by now saying that God finds his people "in all tribes." However, Bush's ties to religion have gone beyond appreciating and studying his religion because he believes it saved his life. It's now linked, however faintly, with his policy. This became evident after 9/11. Plus, there's no documented evidence that any of the non-Christian faith-based organizations that have requested money have ever gotten any.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    The discussion for this thread refers to lower class African-Americans. Except Colin Powell started out in New York's streets as a young man. Again, this isn't something affecting everyone from a lower class, nor is it hardly reflective of the race as a whole.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    Uhhhhhhhh? What world are you living in? I simply believe that a majority of Americans make fun of EVERY accent that comes along, while believing that they have none to speak of. This is why in our entertainment there are so many brooding criminal masterminds in movies have British accents, Aussies are aways tawkin with da extray doubawyews, and despite increased awareness of what Canada is really like, many shows and movies still portray manyCanadians as speaking like the McKenzies.