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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    A question someone asked the other day

    I was overhearing a discussion the other day at a fast food place, and someone asked another person at the next table: "If the government is letting the FBI and CIA and others share their information to fight terror, then what's keeping a terrorist from getting work at one agency and then getting information to all our intelligence?" And then it hit me, I don't know. I'm sure there's SOME sort of security clearance on this kind of information, but nobody's really brought the issue up before, so since I assume somebody here has a vague idea on the new protocols, I thought I'd throw this one out there to see if anybody could contribute.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Cosby lays the smack down

    I find Cosby to be funny onstage, but come on. I can't speak the way Cosby does either, so why's he care? If I could, it would probably sound like "Iiiiiiiiiii.. wouldliketotalkto youuuu...about the things..... that you saaaid.... ATTHEPODIUM." Cosby doesn't talk like a gangster, but he's no Nat King Cole when it comes to black people and eloquent speaking.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Vince McMahon On OTR

    I've only watched OTR a few times, being a non-Canadian and all, and for an unexplainable reason I find Landsberg almost as irritating as the announcer constantly promoting the bar/grill that sponsors the show (yeah, we know, pipe down!) However, seeing that he does so many wrestling interviews, at least he won't hit the wrong buttons that causes Vince to explode on reporters with "DO YOUR HOMEWORK." OTOH, he'll probably hit all the right buttons to send him into the "If you can't defend it, deny it" mode.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Ann Coulter....

    It's actually Andy Kaufman.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The next World Champion (Raw)

    They need to do the right thing and job the IC belt to Kane. He's been squashed too far to seriously compete for world title, and they can have him job it to Edge when they're done. Orton doesn't need a belt to get clean wins, and it's making no sense for established guys like Mick Foley should suddently start fighting for the IC belt anyway. As for who goes after Benoit. I think we all know it'll go back to HHH. I would like to see Benoit vs Christian first, however.
  6. I just want to mention here that I've been playing one of those online pay-per-month RPG games recently, and there was a character in the middle of a town called Al Wilson. I seriously considered making a Baron character on the spot to see if he reads DEAN's stuff or just remembers the shitty angle.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    At this rate

    But you hated the buildup and complained that Kurt was being squashed like a bug at every oppertunity in the buildup to that main event. So technically, he did keep pace. Now, wear the "I Love My Testicles" t-shirt, damnit.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Why only two terms for the President?

    This will make the two-party system last forever, if you think about it. Imagine if more parties spring up, and the votes on both sides are split. You could have a President who's very unpopular with five of the eight parties which together represent a majority of Americans, but keeps getting re-elected again and again because his party has bigger numbers than the other parties. See Israel where it's becoming more and more realistic every day to say that a majority want to pull out, but aren't being listened to because Likud is more united. Lastly, I would like to apologize to all our righties out there for the Clinton lovefest that suddently went down in this thread... *shudders*
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Why only two terms for the President?

    It's a lot easier and takes a lot less thought to point the decaying corpse of Strom Thurmond and say, "This is what happens."
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Not Sure How I Feel About This...

    This is still a completely political move by the Church. Not only does it come in the middle of a Presidential campaign involving a nominee who's Catholic and supports women's abortion rights, but the Church isn't taking similar moves on their other political stances, such as the death penalty, where Republicans would not come out smelling like roses.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    A question someone asked the other day

    This would be the best system. This thread has made my mind boggle. Do we have an even larger amount of government employees here than I thought? Or do some people just happen to have an exceptional amount of knowledge in this area?
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Should WWE mention the anniversary

    They shouldn't. USA and others keep trying to force Hart documentaries out the door, including one on that ass Martha and how she "brought Vince McMahon to her knees." Yeah, like Vince was really being the villain to the Harts in the aftermath of Owen's death. Acknowledging the death is opening themselves up to cheap shots that people will sling around after the movie. Just moving on and keeping their chin up will let them sail above the shitstorm.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Mordecai on Judgment Day...

    So, uh, would it help if he was wearing something else?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    USA POW Beheaded

  15. Jobber of the Week


    (legality arguing below. Ignore this post if you don't care about that and want to get back to relevant stuff) Fair use overrides that personal use yaddayadda by saying that you can use pieces of someone else's work in your own work. You can also distribute that work. Fair Use is how political writers like Al Franken get to put clips of their opposition's books (Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, in this instance) in their books without having to get the author's permission. Since it's just a piece of their much larger work, and a piece of his much larger work, it falls under fair use. Believe it or not, the IP holder doesn't get the entire final say in each and every situation. Doesn't matter, the sig is HIS work. If the entire sig was just an entire copy of their image and nothing more, then sure, you have an arguement there.
  16. Jobber of the Week


    Actually, Fair Use does allow you to use portions of copyrighted works for your own works. For instance, using a WWE image of a wrestler in your sig. That constitutes fair use. Beyond that it gets really murky and gray area. Generally, the burden of guilt really starts coming on if you're taking money out of the IP holder's pocket, and with old PPVs and shows that are not sold anywhere to purchase (i.e. old PPVs, Nitro matches, etc) it becomes very hard to prove in court that the IP holder actually lost money. However, this doesn't really apply to the board management. Every legalese letter sent threatening action if steps aren't taken always lists the links in questions. All Dames or another admin has to do is have those posts edited with the reason why and send a letter back saying the links are gone. It doesn't mean you have to be pre-emptively looking for copyright infringement. You just have to take it down when caught. Big companies always start out just sending letters because that's cheaper than opening a case, and the only way it goes into fines and courtrooms is usually when you ignore it.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Mordecai on Judgment Day...

    As I said in the other thread, it's as if Nash and Brock ran into each other at lightspeed and merged into one person.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    New Japan + WWE Working Relationship

    No, no, no. Curry Man vs Chris Jericho, not only because it'd be a good match, but because it would have GOLD promos leading up to it.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Sting says he'd like to work for wwe

    Actually, outside the show that year, prior to anyone going in and seeing what the rigging looked like, there was rumors running around in the line that the dome would open up and Sting would arrive in a helicopter. The dome is really fast to open as far as sports domes go, so most people assumed it might happen until they noticed the big thing hanging from the ceiling.
  20. Jobber of the Week


    *Somewhere out in the south pacific* Pirate: Ahoy, mateys! Let's go find some... *a crewmate steps up and whispers in the pirate captain's ear* Pirate: Hoist anchor and let's find some boo...boo...boo-buried treasure! *cheers*
  21. Jobber of the Week


    Better remove that avatar, King. Anyway, mods, users, I think there can be a middle-land here: Old shows (i.e. WCW Nitros, old school WWF programs, whatnot) that aren't competing with a product on sale, and aren't being distributed for profit, fall under fair use. I personally didn't mind the whole rule about having an HTML page between the TSM page and the multimedia file, but outside of that PM conversation, nobody knew anything about it. Of course people would be upset if they feel out of the loop.
  22. Jobber of the Week


    I think we need to understand Fair Use on this board, which is why they wouldn't go after sig pics. They fall under Fair Use. Sheesh.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)

    My only other comment on it is that they went after a guy who was distributing themes, something they've made very very common in their multiple CD releases and you can still easily find WWE Anthology in stores. Old shows that McMahon holds the copyright to but chooses not to do anything with? That's not the same case. I doubt they'll go after that so much, because there's no potential loss of sale in shows they aren't making available, and nobody's making a dime off it by posting it here.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)

    Perhaps it's good advice in NHB and Current Events (definitely in Current Events), but Nik's clarification (that he didn't actually say "post less, lurk more") helped. That phrase can be fighting words where stepping up and posting "Hi I'm new here how r you? " can get you eaten alive by the regulars. I'd say the WWE Folder, General Chat, just about everything but again NHB and CE probably aren't intimidating to first-timers. And I think there's a bit of an abandonware quotient on video clips. There's no official way to get almost anything prior to 2002 brand new right now, thanks to the WWF name case and a lot of the 2000 stuff ending production some time ago. If we set a limit as to how old something has to be to get posted, I guess saying "Any shows they haven't put out on DVD" would be okay. That would mean NWA/WCW stuff, some of the ECW stuff, and most 99 and prior WWF. But still, I don't see how a board that exchanges passwords to log into the online PPV system every month is suddently so concerned with stealing that they're removing links. I think what most people want in a mod is someone who enforces Dames' rules thread, but turns a blind eye to the legalese in the "Covering Our Asses" registration dialog.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)
