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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Your teams biggest heartbreaking moment

    Shit. I guess the game I'm thinking of wasn't even the Bowl. Was it a playoff? I guess it it was. It was really obvious though that Montana wanted to go out and the Coach wouldn't let him. He left shortly thereafter. Post at 3 in the morning (and this post is being made at 4) bouncing between caffeine buzzes and the need to sleep, let's see how well you remember who played in what game. You needed to be living in the Bay Area at the time to understand. It was earth-shattering news at the time. Even one of the news reporters were grumbling out stuff like "If anyone from Kansas City is watching tonight, we don't hate you here in [downtown, wherever] San Francisco, it's just that you have Joe Montana, and we don't."
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Blair and Government physhically attacked

    Although I'd personally feel sad for PM Blair and his loved ones if it was a dangerous substance, I don't understand what the big impact is in the event it could be one. I mean, it's not like he's the only guy in the world who knows the answer to brain cancer or anything. He's a politician, there's hundreds of 'em.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    I don't know, but I recently stayed at the hotel that looks like the New York skyline's most well-known buildings were told to scrunch close together and say "cheese." Just because I'm such a Patriot. Actually, it's because they gave me a free room. Architecutally an interesting hotel (all those replicas of the Empire State Building, Chrysler, and others) are one giant building. We had a corner room in the Empire State Building.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)

    I'm not bitchy, I believe I know Nik from another board my fair-weather-friend posts on (although said friend wasn't much of a friend after he exploited my TSM account when I left the password saved on his machine D:,) and I know he's trying to copy it's moderation style. Which works fine over there, since they have a very low tolerance for average internet posters (I'd say the place is packed with people who are pissed at how stupid the average internet user has become.) That's fine for them, this is probably one of those "typical" internet boards those people try to stay away from. Although you might see it as flaming, it's advice with a small dash of sarcasm. Since he posts over at that other board, I know he has the sense of humor to handle it. Oh, and while we're at it.... INTERNET.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Civilized human being talk (because Dr Tom asked)

    I'm late to this dramabomb, but I too would like to vote my displeasure in the amount of hand-holding that NikJohns has been submitting to the WWE folder as of late. Yes, we've needed more moderation in there. Yes, certain crap needs to be cut out. Much like how every thread would result it in "OMG HHH IS HOLDING DOWN _________" two years ago, rallying cries like the "Suckbag" rants had been polluting up the WWE folder this year. If someone were to simply take care of threads falling apart into the same given one-liners that always appear around the same wrestler/match/whatever (isn't that what NHB was originally started for?), I got no problem. Although Nik is a nice guy and I'm sure he means well enough, he's being way too heavy-handed with the moderation. It's not even that people are breaking rules, it's when people aren't even breaking rules. When you're messaging users and telling them to "lurk more, post less." Jeeze louise. Look, Nik. If you want a forum where every single post is a well thought-out arguement, there's no occasional AOL-quality (i.e. "low") posts without closed threads, anyone who types "there" when they meant to type "their" is flamed, and the signal to noise ratio is enforced at the high setting with an iron fist, then :gb2SAS: and enjoy putting sirens around JOHNNY NITRO!! until the end of time. In the meantime, this is not that forum. It's a vastly different personality. Get over it.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Orton vs Mick Foley

    I thought this and WM pretty much were his only matches since NWO 2000, but I don't follow up on Japan. Am I wrong? What I meant though was that there was more sharing of the bumps going on than there were in the HHH feud. With that one, It was mostly Foley getting ready to do something hideous (fire 2x4 or whatever) and HHH avoiding it and Foley taking the brunt of everything. Sure, Trips took that leg bump where a whole shard of wood shot into his leg and that was pretty nasty, but that wasn't really supposed to be part of the match. There was some thumbtacks involved, but there was also goofyness with the barbed wire bat going behind the announcer desk and returning as a repaired and noticeably faker looking barbed wire bat. The Orton match, though. Holy Christ, it's like nobody went out of their way to protect anyone. If you're going to do bloody No Holds Barred brawls, that's how you achieve maximum effect.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    US troops open fire on Iraq wedding

    No dude you're not drunk enough this is what happened. Racist Democrats threw away their vote on Nader, then aborted an outsourced Israeli pistol out of Anne Coulter's lesbian uterus. Then Rush Limbaugh put his tiny fat penis in Michael Moore's fat face, and all the WWE Divas who are actually attractive posted naked PNG images (better compression) of themselves because they all want Cancer Marney. This is definitive proof that God doesn't exist and you can break the lightspeed barrier, and also that Communism could work in theory except it just hasn't ever been done properly. And Americans are all self-serving consumers who do nothing but kick the poor in the face and watch nothing but reality TV, and the rest of the world is just jealous of how awesome America is, because it's the only true democracy (except for France which is lame). When you get drunk enough to notice all this then you will know the truth.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Walt Disney Treasures- On the Front Lines

    Wow, they finally went ahead and released them? Someone want to let me know what they did with the covers? Home Video was supposedly hesitating as long as they could to bring these out, because of the Roy vs Eisner battle.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    News: Bad Blood ME leaked, Takashi

    SHOCKED, I say... SHOCKED. (not shocked)
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    No, I was just thinking to myself, "Where would he go on vacation, anyway?" and then it hit me: And of course, he'd want to stay at the hotel with the theme that best symbolizes his beliefs: (BTW, I've stayed at the Paris hotel in Vegas, and it was quite nice, clean, and it's owned by a US company. There's no liberal propaganda spread around, although last week John Kerry spoke at the sister property Bally's next door [i guess it would have looked a little blatant if he spoke at Paris?])
  11. Jobber of the Week

    US troops open fire on Iraq wedding

    Everyone is agreeing with Marney. Wow. Good thing Unger isn't here to spoil the moment for us.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Orton vs Mick Foley

    This match actually felt more like a real Cactus Jack match than 2000's Cactus Jack matches were. If you enjoy that, you'll like it.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Planning To Test Extreme Gimmicks On SD!

    Actually, I was thinking that this could only end in La Parka.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Planning To Test Extreme Gimmicks On SD!

    Everyone thought Rico would be helped with a defined gimmick, too, until everyone saw what his defined gimmick is. Of course, the problem with that one isn't so much Rico or even the gimmick as it does with Vince McMahon's minority opinion on gay acceptance. You'd think the guy who's had Pat Patterson employed for years would know that not every one of 'em is a poofer.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Backlash 2004 DVD

    What's up with you people buying from Brick & Mortar stores? I don't buy my DVDs anywhere else but online because of the huge price breaks. http://www.dvdpricesearch.com/cgi-bin/dvdc...c&tmpCart=34971 There.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Theory of Relativity to be tested

    Is that the MGM Grand behind Mikey there? I wonder if the guy at the front desk told him "Sir, we can fit you into a suite" and he thought nothing of it.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Blair and Government physhically attacked

    I think it's pretty funny. Vyce, if someone did that to you, would you scream at them about how it could have been anthrax?
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Pfc. England: "We were only following orders."

    Where is the real NoCalMike and what have you done to him? I thought I read a story like this, and it was those peoples' families. Maybe I read it wrong. Point is though, if it was Iraqi guards doing this to American captees, what punishment would you believe the US would give those guards once they eventually take over?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    News: Bad Blood ME leaked, Takashi

    Laughing my fucking ass off.. I remember when Gail Kim was some sort of a smark dream (OH MY GOD HOT AND SHE CAN WRRRESSTLE YESSSS) and everyone bitched and moaned about how she should be put on TV and then. Bwahaha. Also, this woman is approaching 35. Something tells me if she does decide to be a "pretty" Diva, it won't be long.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Planning To Test Extreme Gimmicks On SD!

    Except that's not the case. The new Bradshaw would suck as a character if he wasn't able to pull off that creepy George Bush vibe. It's been slightly soiled since we went into a racism angle, but you get the idea. With Konnan coming, I'm sure Vince will give himself credit for the inevitable Filthy Animals as well, like he gives himself credit for the nWo. Also, grown Japanese women really only wear schoolgirl outfits when trying to look young/sexy to their husbands, so it wouldn't really make a hell of a lot of sense for her to be wearing one all the time unless she's really desperate to get laid.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Comcast Sportsnet Philly not to air Impact!

    This figures. Screw 'em. I'm glad they're serving Fox Sports Nets in this area instead of their own stations. Wonder if TNA will appear on Fox Sports HD?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    WMD found/used in Iraq.

    Despite Cerebus' ability to link the word "Wrong" to a snazzy-looking GIF, we did indeed sell Hussein weapons that could be used for WMD purposes. Congressional comittees have previously found this stuff out.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    A Personal Message from Vince Russo:

    Only in wrestling. Or porn, I guess.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Pfc. England: "We were only following orders."

    Drudge has more: Okay, looking above the asinine Maxi-Pad garbage, are we beyond mere humiliation now?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Jimmy Fallon Leaving SNL...

    No more Nick Burns + No more Brian Fellowes = No more JOTW watching SNL. And that radio DJ bit was nowhere near as good as "The Quiet Storm" (with the guy who kept hitting that sound effect and annoying everyone, LOL) or the NPR women.