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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Bad Blood and Great American Bash Promo Posters

    That would have been a lot of HHH posters. Also, I don't get your guys' obsession with the old Bash logo. The new one is certainly better than the later WCW one.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    No it's not, it's logically incorrect. It operates off assumptions and imaginary conclusions. It is spin. It could be worded a little more carefully and be correct, but it's not. Defense weapons they claim is vital against the war on terror, drawing the viewer to the conclusion that he's undermining it. That would really drives they home. But the recent round of ads haven't touted it one bit.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    It just gets worse and worse

  4. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    Did they all pass? The charge was that he would raise gas 50 cents if given the chance, when he's simply voted yes to raise it 4 and a half cents on the eleven different occasions it's been brought up. For all we know, he might just want to raise it eighteen cents. He could just want to raise it nine cents. Or maybe he actually just wants to raise it four and a half cents. Well, the hidden message is that he's somehow unpatriotic or loathe of the military. But if we were to gauge on funding for things like Patriot missile systems and Trident subs and whatever, Cheney would be almost as loathe. True, but if the message is "vote for us because we're pro-military and he isn't," and it seems the shoe does fit... I mean, I've been hearing about how Kerry's whole campaigning has been revolving around "Vote for me because I'm not George Bush" and how he really has no plan. Seems to me Bush is doing the same thing. There's no other reason to run a negative campaign ad other than to say "Vote for me because at least I'm not like this guy."
  5. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Rebellion 2002

    ^ And this has what to do with Rebellion 2002?
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Rumsfeld apologies

    Good answer, but it doesn't seem that Mike is running on your level: Yup. Now, it could be that he just simply read question 2 and didn't see questions 1 or 3, and made an approving "Yup" after reading that one alone, but I don't really know.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    What are the causes of prisoner abuse in Iraq?

    You guys need to start wearing more Armani. Because Yves Saint Laurent is too French.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Rumsfeld apologies

    Two questions: Appearantly there's still photos out there of someone allegedly "nearly beaten to death." If that winds up being the case, isn't THAT torture? Also, when your average American woman gets raped, is that humiliation?
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Bush apologizes --- Repeatedly

    You know, Mike, I'm usually with ya when you're talking with whichever Kamui or Hunger or whoever that complains about the use of the bomb on Japan. But the internment camps can't be downplayed. Look at the relocation and treatment of Americans from Japan. What we did to our own people, who are supposed to be protected by our rights. People who downplay what Bush has done to civil liberties and say it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, they have a point that can be argued for. People who downplay something like the Japanese American internment, however, must be clueless. That exactly IS what it used to be!
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    But they're accusing him of having crippled the war on terror because of past actions. And if that's the case, then so did Cheney.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News threatens lawsuit over billboard

    I said near news. I didn't say no news, which is all that cable in the classroom stuff.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News threatens lawsuit over billboard

    Daybreak, Live From..., Saturday (on now), and other "anchor at the desk introduces recorded piece, one after another with the occasional chat to a live person" style shows would be the hard news. Fox's equivelant would be StudioB, I guess, and that's the only show I can watch before Bill, Sean, and Greta come in and the stupidity meter starts reaching "High." The not quite news shows on CNN would be the likes of Anderson Cooper 360, InsidePolitics (mostly just interviews with people who know how to spin), Crossfire. NewsNight straddles both ends which is probably why I don't like it. I don't have opinions of American Morning or Paula Zahn Now as I don't watch either. Lou Dobbs used to be to the right during his "Moneyline" program, but since then it's switched to "Lou Dobbs Tonight" and he's become a huge protectionist in the wake of the current economy, the show is now basically a 60minute shame-fest directed towards companies that are outsourcing.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    Oh my god, Mike is so blind when it comes to Bush.. *cries* Okay, maybe you've had your TV off the past two months, so go to georgewbush.com and you'll see them there. That stupid ad about the gas taxes being raised 50 cents (not true, he voted to raise gas taxes by a smaller amount many times it popped up, and they simply added them together) and that recent one with all the military weaponry, which accuses him of voting down stuff when at the time even Cheney wasn't approving of most of those either. And they've been running this for 7 weeks or so all over the place. They even show up here in Cali where it's already a foregone conclusion Kerry will win because Bush has such a huge war chest.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News threatens lawsuit over billboard

    ^^ My guess is that's probably on talk shows like Crossfire, right? The difference between CNN and Fox, and the reason I watch CNN, is that there isn't stupid opinions like that in the middle of the actual hard news programs. Well, that and the hosts don't shout down and jump to conclusions with the guests. "So we should leave ourselves open for another 9/11?" "No, but we should examine our policy to see what it is that makes the rest of the world..." "Okay, we should leave ourselves open for another 9/11..."
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Selig declares Oakland needs new park

    This guy's column goes on about the Spidey ads and stuff, but I like what he said in this part:
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Is the board being messed with?

    Not sure if someone messed with the code, but certain stuff on the board is now centered (now reading list at the bottom, logo at the top) and it's screwing up the size of the tables, which now are as wide as your browser window.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News threatens lawsuit over billboard

    So you believe CNN did pressure them not to put it up? Because even Fox doesn't know for sure, but still wants to sue over it anyway.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Selig declares Oakland needs new park

    Pac... Er, sorry, SBC Park hasn't hosted anything other attractions than Giants games and XFL football to my knowledge, though everyone still talks about how pretty and beautiful it is, etc. I wouldn't know, only Giants game I attended live was at the Stick and against a team I can't remember. I think the A's need to move off the third-tier Action 36 channel onto something better before we talk about new ballparks. I mean, at least the local UPN and WB stations would be SOMETHING.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    New pics of Sunny

    Oh come on. I was expecting worse. There's so many worse looking drug addicts out there and THIS is worth all the "Damn!" and vomit emoticons?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Rebellion 2002

    Decent show, wouldn't pay $20. Probably worth eBay prices.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    What are the causes of prisoner abuse in Iraq?

    I'm not just talking about this war, I'm talking about future wars as well. Unless of course you only plan to abolish POW rights when fighting Middle East wars because when it's those people then they're not worth it.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Rumsfeld apologies

    That's just embarassed? Sodomized with a broomstick is embarassed? Having your head placed at some other guys private parts is embarassed? I suppose any rape would just be "inappropriate touching," too?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    What are the causes of prisoner abuse in Iraq?

    And that's always much more worthwhile than the American lives that would go wasted in the additional fighting.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    What are the causes of prisoner abuse in Iraq?

    Napalm, maybe? But if Cancer Marney decree says that captured prisoners will be treated like dirt and likely killed, people would be more likely to just go ahead and fight. If you don't believe that surrendering works, go back to last year and check out that long line of Iraqis walking from checkpoint to checkpoint alongside the traveling caravan to Baghdad.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    This NYT Article on Air America Is Brilliant

    Wait a minute, I thought that in neocon world almost all mass media is essentially a liberal talk show? Anyway, they have enough money to run for a few years with no profits at all.