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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Eugene Training Segment

    It was funny, yes, but it's still a living bundle of stereotypes about the disabled by people who have little to no experience about them. While I found the segment enjoyable, it didn't do anything to change my position that they never should have done this character in the first place.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    Generally, I think the problem a lot of motorists have with bicyclists is that nobody can safely pedal a bike up to the speed that the motorist wants to travel at, so anyone behind the cyclist often gets furious. People need to start leaving for their events and appointments earlier and stop being in such a rush these days.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    No, but most of the stuff that's OMG SCARY about Kerry is the pot calling the kettle black. HOLY CRAP JOHN KERRY IS RICH AND OUT OF TOUCH WITH ORDINARY AMERICANS. The son of a career politician who's been set for life isn't? Just because he likes to live on a ranch doesn't exactly mean he's out there keeping it real with Maw' and Paw' down in Povertyville. Ideally no, but all the charges of flip-floping are coming from one side, the most quotable quotables coming from Mr. "You know when I say something, I mean it" himself. Again: Pot, Kettle, Black. Must have been someone else. I was gone all last week, and only just saw it as soon as I came back.
  4. Jobber of the Week


    There is a Barstow, CA. It's home of a very large Burger King and the nation's largest McDonald's. This is because a bunch of tour buses can stop there at any particular time. It's a point on the map between central and southern California and Las Vegas. It's pretty high above sea level, though. I don't see any realistic way how the ground can give way and have the ocean rush through
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    I think the Israeli people have the right idea going on (they haven't allowed violence to seep into their culture), but like the Palestinian situation, the Israeli governments haven't represented them well. There's a good divide among Israelis over the occupied land, a possibility that a majority of Israelis would support a withdrawl, but those Israelis are spread across so many parties that they aren't quite so heard. Ideally, some sort of compromise would be met (i.e. Israel keeps ownership, Palestinians get a vote or some sort of say in what's happening), but certainly both governments hold some measure of responsibility for pushing their people towards conflict. The Palestinians just simply do it more.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    Agreed. Disagreed.
  7. Jobber of the Week


    University of Washington, appearantly a little pissed that the main female lead spouting all the bullshit is supposed to be a UW graduate, has put together a little PR sheet slamming the film for being scientifically inaccurate: http://admin.urel.washington.edu/uweek/arc...5&paget=section
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    I can understand and I wish the Palestinians would learn that they could probably get more of their demands by NOT using violence instead of threatening.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    So, even if there is a right and wrong side, and clearly Hamas et al are the wrong side, then how does that justify wiping out the whole of the Palestinian people? How does genocide excuse genocide? And Slapnuts, rather than shouting MYTH and FACT at me all the time, how about acknowledging that even though Hamas is scum, even though the Palestinian government is scum for supporting them, that it doesn't mean that every single Palestinian citizen is scum?
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Should Kerry be Torecellied?

    Uh... Who? Because Time quoted some equally unnamed Bushie as saying that they were really sweating bullets in the time after Iowa and New Hampshire. And who steps up? Dennis Kucinich? Howard "The Scream" Dean? The simple fact is all Kerry needs to do is surround himself with competant people. Nobody cares if he's rich, ignorant, or stupid, because the guy he's running against is rich, ignorant, and stupid. How? Obviously, he HAS talked about it too much. This medals thing was a manufactured crisis, I figured it was coming from the time when Marney warned me about it in another thread. I'm suprised it took so long to take to the forefront. I'm still bowled over that someone is suprised that he lied about something 30 years ago. Because, hey, withdrawing your position on nation building, withdrawing your position on gay marriage (Cheney), withdrawing your position on Hussein's regime and bringing a Republican Guard top dog to protect Iraq. No, none of these are flip-flops. Kerry was not my first choice. Or my second choice. I first noticed his out-of-order priorities when he abandoned the Medicare voting to go campaign some more. Still, people are beginning to realize he'll be better for the economy, he probably can't get any worse on Iraq despite what the Bush ads want you to believe, etc. In short: http://www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com/
  11. Jobber of the Week

    A look back at Lesnar vs Goldberg

    Yes, but you and I aren't the average wrestling fan. The average wrestling fan, even a lot of WWE writers, it seems, can't remember anything from 1997 other than Montreal and the WrestleMania "I Quit" match. As Scott Keith always is writing, that might as well be 20 years ago to most fans.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Terrorists Hit a New Low

    BULL FUCKING SHIT. One side wants to destroy a race of people and targets innocents to do so, the other just wants to be left alone and allowed to live their lives. Get a grip. Hamas, Islamic Jihad, etc really aren't the whole of the Palestinian people. Meanwhile, I think it's time Israel considers finding if there's a way they can recall (or impeach, or whatever) Sharon. He can't even make decisions without his OWN party throwing crap at him.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    UN Peacekeepers Killed by One of Their Own

  14. Jobber of the Week

    When will people learn

    So, he doesn't have the right to criticize the administration's decision to go to war in Iraq because he's not really a former veteran after all? You need to have military experience to criticize now? Because I've shot up as many enemy soldiers on the frontlines of war as George W Bush and Dick Cheney have combined: Zero. (and yes, I know what you're saying, but you just poorly phrased it. )
  15. Jobber of the Week

    IndyMedia and Pat Tillman

    The company that made that product (After Dark was the name of the full screensaver suite) was called Berkeley Systems because they were based oughta... Well...
  16. Jobber of the Week

    A look back at Lesnar vs Goldberg

    But only in a WrestleCrap sort of way once the match started. The match was supposed to be Hogan/Warrior, but it became Hogan/Warrior II instead. And no, it won't be memorable. No more memorable than Brock landing on his head, which people remembered for 6 months then put away in their heads until the WM20 ads kept shownig the attempted dive.
  17. Jobber of the Week


    I like how once it got it's diet of train and was happy, it stopped moving. Woman: THIS PROBLEM CAN ONLY BE SOLVED WITH... Camera: ***ZOOM ZOOM SPIN ZOOM SWERVE PICTURE IN PICTURE TRANSITION TO OTHER SIDE OF WOMAN'S FACE ZOOM ZOOM*** Woman: KNOCKING OVER A NUCLEAR PLANT. Also, you heard it here first, folks. San Francisco consists of the Golden Gate Bridge and nothing more. Fuck the million or so in the city, 500 PEOPLE FELL OFF THE DAMN BRIDGE. Dumbest thing I've seen on TV all year. And I watch WWE.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    Alright then. I think it was a simple matter of misintepretation. It sounded like Mike was approving of what he was describing there, and as such the draft. Ok.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    IndyMedia and Pat Tillman

    I wouldn't call MoveOn morons like I would FreeRepublic (which I visited twice through links not knowing where it went) and DemocraticUnderground (which I've heard stories about but never been to). I would say they're doing shock value advertising that the Kerry campaign won't. Whether this helps or hurts the Kerry campaign I don't know, it could be interesting. I've never been to MoveOn either, FWIW. But I do know the people behind it made those "Flying Toasters" PC screensavers that were really huge in 1994.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    Right. Okay, okay. I understand now. I'll buy that. Your comment still came off with a bit of a cold brush, but whatever. I'm being honest. People are passionate about their political opinions, this forum has traditionally more flaming than other non-HD forums but anything spiraling out of control such as this conversation quickly is would be moved to HD. I consider this arguement done now, though. And I'm not as afraid to tell that to a mod as I would a normal poster who complained of the insults and names being thrown around.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    I'm just saying Mike is acting like a chickenhawk. There's nothing to ashamed of there, I guess, as so is a lot of people in Washington who actually make decisions that count about this stuff. He's also consistantly the loudest guy on the right side of this board, hence the Loudmouth title when he started calling me names. I didn't say the "I hope you get drafted" line, but "They can either fight or serve as a shield for other soldiers." is a quote that Ann Coulter would probably be proud of. When you want to talk that big and tough towards people who don't want to go into the military, it's more effective if you actually have experience on your part. And AOO, I kindly suggest you go back to General Chat or wherever you hung around prior if you don't like personal remarks. We're pretty thick-skinned here, and while out-of-control flaming certainly is a no-no, just calling each other names is pretty common around here.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    Wow, you didn't pick up the subtlety. I'm impressed with your ignorance. Thanks, Loudspeaker.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    Which branch did you enlist in again? And you HAVE a point here, right?
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The draft returning?

    Probably not. I was trying to figure out the most eloquent way of saying, basically, that once enough Americans join the pissed off no-war bandwagon and it becomes more than hippies and OMGROFLNOBLOODFOROIL then it suddently becomes in the politicians' best interest to stop being at war as soon as they can. I don't think Kerry could stop a draft from happening by somehow making peace appear in Iraq any faster than Bush can, because that's stupid. I do think Kerry is less likely to go start a fight with another nation because he might start a fight with us. Because, honestly, if we do that enough, other countries WILL start attacking out us out of the blue.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WWF Former wrestlers

    D'Lo also used to win all the company video game tournaments at Axcess or whatever until he disappeared. Now Shelton is the video game champ, followed shortly behind by Stevie Richards. D'lo vs Shelton in the SmackDown 6 tourney finals is like the PlayStation version of a money match. I also want Jesse Ventura to lose the Fidel Castro look and come back to replace Jerry Lawler. Ventura > Other color commentators, even Heenan.