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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    English to Japanese

    Nevermind, this isn't as helpful as I thought.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Wrestlemania XX DVD in my hands now...

    I have the DVD and I saw the live show and don't remember this. It's the same as it always was. I suspect they knew that the crowd backlash pretty much became part of the angle and people would buy the disc for it. On the other hand, they figured it was embarassing to have Brock/Berg as they did. Kind of makes me wish I kept my earlier copy. Menu shots, plz.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Round Four RPG Villians Tourney 2k4

    ^^^Anyone who gets that deep into Xenogears needs to put down the controller and remember that the game sucked. Death – Castlevania (Series) vs Ganondorf -- Legend of Zelda (Series) (Sorry, Death is better than Danondorf. Ganon, no, but Ganondorf, yes) Grahf – Xenogears vs Dracula – Castlevania (Series) Luca Blight – Suikoden 2 vs Zoma - Dragon Warrior 3 (DIIIEEEE YOU PIIIIIIIG) Jowy Blight - Suikoden 2 vs Kain – Final Fantasy 4 (Good lord, it's the Battle Of The Pussy Villains who couldn't figure out who's side they were on. Joei/Joey/Jowy(WTF) gets the win just because he had the guts to kill more people) Queen Zeal - Chrono Trigger vs Master Belch – Earthbound Seymour- Final Fantasy 10 vs Kahran Ramsus – Xenogears Ozzie - Chrono Trigger vs Ghaleon - Lunar (Series) Magus - Chrono Trigger vs Golbez – Final Fantasy 4
  4. Jobber of the Week

    EA Goes LIVE

    Uh, ESPN = Sega, and they've been making sports games for a while, even if they've always been the MacOS to EA's Windows.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    News: HHH/Metallica, House Show cards

    Metallica and Triple H now coming to YOUR city on their "Getting Flak From The Internet" tour.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Holy Cow

    I don't know. Whenever Americans travel to dangerous lands and get shot, there's always at least a vocal minority who says "That area is a battlefield, they had no business being there and got what they had coming to them." I know some people on this board have made those very same signals before on this board when some visiting American got shot providing support to people in Gaza caught between the Israeli Army and the terrorist organizations that do battle with them. It's the same thing in Japan, really. The government there made it clear they didn't want any non-military going in.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Holy Cow

    I suspect it's probably a result of the government encouraging that kind of behavior. Check out how the gov even went as far as to bill them for their airfare. The good news is that the younger people of the country seem to be getting tired of this stuff, as well. So it may change in a few decades.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    I dedicate this to kkk

    You too, buddy. Oh, and in yesterday's print newspaper, they talked to a bunch of readers, all libs it seems, about what they think about the draft proposals. I love this response: I actually did a double take when I read that. And then I thought I was reading The Onion. I can't believe she said "the rich white folks" with a straight face.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    WWE.com's 'The Finisher'

    Maybe Dave has pent-up teenage frustration with his parents or something that he just forgot about for years.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    We just don't get it

    Interesting reply, PP. Here's what it basically comes down to: I don't enjoy seeing our elected officials decide to give up OUR rights so that police can stop crime more. I don't find crime such a problem that I'm willing to give up my personal liberties over it. I didn't appreciate seeing the Patriot Act pass in it's current form (it isn't completely full of bad ideas, the 9/11 commission has found that some parts of it probably would have been useful to us pre-9/11 if we had it, but I don't like the whole enchilada), but the government promised it would be used to protect us from terrorists and basically prevent another 9/11. So far nothing like that has come to pass. While I wouldn't mind seeing portions of the act added on their own (sure, why not let government agencies share information?), we don't need all of Ashcroft's tools of watching over the flock.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Former Cardnial Pat Tillman killed in combat

    By the reports I've heard about how AZ has been playing, dying in the desert isn't a bad alternative. Folks, do try the veal and be sure to tip your waitress. I wouldn't go into the military myself, but mad props to this guy for leaving millions behind and a career most people would consider a dream to go do that.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Just a thought...

    Didn't you hear the press conference? He said something almost crazy about how democracy was God's gift to the world and it's our solemn duty to go about promoting it. It was kind of creepy and almost had a religious war sub-context to it. I know I wasn't the only person who noticed it when he said it, anyway. I actually like Daddy Bush compared to Junior, but I still have to blame him for not finishing the job the first time when Iraqis had a generally positive view of America and were ready to revolt. Then Daddy told everybody to go home and the revolters got tortured by Saddam.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    We just don't get it

    If we were suddently catching hijackers, truck bombers, both immigrants and our own Tim McVeighs, and it was all because of the Patriot Act, don't you think we'd know by now?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO Smackdown thread

    Noooooooooo..... My dreams are ruined. I thought Bradshaw could legitimately dominate and destroy the top stars of Mexico. All the kayfaybe.... Ruined......
  15. Jobber of the Week

    JR trashes internet, Puro on Byte This

    Of course he is. This is what people see when they go to their search engine and look up pro wrestling. Usually, your average netizen just sits and reads this crap, collecting spyware and ad trojans from the popups along the way, until they discover the inner circle of Meltzer, Torch, even 1W/PWI. And screw a Jeff Hardy return. PUSH SHANNON MOORE INSTEAD. At least he doesn't have a history of refusing to take drug tests.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    We just don't get it

    You're missing the point. The government told us that this Act was to be used against terrorists, would protect us against terrorists, etc. This guy isn't Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah, or Islamic Jihad. At the same time, nobody who is has been caught with the help of the Patriot Act. If we started putting terrorists behind bars because of the Patriot Act, then I'd think "Whew. That's a really useful set of laws!" or something similar. They're not, and considering how the law is supposed to expire sometime not far from now, obviously whoever gave it that expiration date originally thought we would see progress because of it by now. So here's the magic question: If the provisions of the act are being used against people who are not terrorists, as some feared from the day it was passed, and we haven't caught any terrorists with the new abilities granted by it, then why should we keep it?
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Holy Cow

    If we only we still had Kamui here to stick his fingers in his ears and bring up radical group web pages to defend the motherland of mighty Nippon.
  18. I just want the episode "Minimall Matters." That was hilarious, the rest of the show was never funny for me and just a blip on the CBS schedule. I'm glad to see I'm not insane and that there was another intro in the early 80s when I was really young. I guess there's people here who watch just as much goddamn TV as I did, and that was a lot.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    How much blame does Haliburton deserve?

    Fine, then what about the time where right before the election he "discovered" a bug that later we found he planted in his own office? You can try as hard as you can, but Rove ain't a saint. Sure. But it does serve as government promoting a way of living on people that they may not like without any regard to the constitution. So, that makes him at least as bad as the San Francsico Mayor, who was doing the same thing according to our conversation on that issue. Sure, it's not prosecutable, but it's the same princple.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    I dedicate this to kkk

    Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, all have roads that are better than San Fran. You drive in LA and then you drive in SF. Sure, the LA roads are confusing, and clogged with traffic, but the SF roads are confusing and clogged with traffic in TIGHT SPACES so that we can fit a cable car station in the middle of the road or have another lane that heads down a hill, or whatever. Other cities are proud not to have SF's roads, because they feel like they were designed by Satan himself to draw you into his underground hell (but we call it BART.) Wow, you really are THAT political. My father's college friend had a rich dad who used to carry a can of canned corn in his car, and offer it to the people with the "NEED FOOD" signs. They'd usually call him everything under the sun and act all offended. Actually, this is just an issue in our little town. They don't want the big bad hardware store Lowe's to come to town, and a smaller chain store about 3-4 miles away pitches $10,000 at them now and then to keep delaying the issue and putting it on the ballot again and again. The local paper has a timeline of this stuff but basically what you need to know is these parts: Nov. 4, 2003: Cotati voters approve Measure B, which would exempt 52 acres in northwest Cotati from a city ban on big-box retailers. The election is the closest in city history -- approved by 34 votes -- and the most expensive. Supporters, funded entirely by the project's developers, spend $197,200. Opponents, backed with $26,000 from Lowe's rival Yardbirds, accrue more than $153,000 in expenses. (...) Jan. 20: Lowe's opponents submit 607 signatures seeking to force the city to either rescind the zoning ordinance for Cotati Commons or put the issue to voters. The referendum drive is funded by Yardbirds, which contributes an additional $10,000. March 10: City Council requests the District Attorney's Office to conduct an investigation into possible campaign finance disclosure violations by opponents of Measure B. April 14: City Council repeals contested zoning ordinance in an attempt to block special election and adopts new zoning guidelines that allow Lowe's project to proceed. April 19: Lowe's opponents submit 512 signatures on second initiative that would cap retail buildings at 60,000 square feet and require pedestrian-friendly design on the same land covered by Measure B. Opponents need valid signatures from 349 registered voters to force November election. There's a lot of people here who reeeeeeeeeally want to see the town remain as small as it always has been since my parents moved here in the 70s, but with the state handing out less money than it used to because of the budget problems in Sacramento, we kind of need to cash in some of this expensive empty land we've been cultivating to strengthen the local economy, or watch police and fire get cut away. The city officials agree, but the hippies would rather watch the police coverage take a dive than accept a big store. They keep approving tiny mini-malls that don't get any kind of business because there's no notable store that people drive there for, so they eventually lose their tenants and empty out. In 1997, the city was torn over a measure that was basically protectionism for a local faimly-owned (and expensive to shop at!! Egads, I like supporting my community but the prices are just too high) supermarket that was feeling threatened by the plans for a Lucky's to be built. The measure just barely eeked by to limit building size to smaller than what Lucky's would accept and that old issue is now being revived in this Lowe's. Although I wasn't old enough to vote back then, I was hoping it would go down, and was disappointed when it past. I'm slightly happy it passed nowadays though, since we live one block away from the family store in question and it only recently hit me how bad it would be to live next to a giant empty box in the event Lucky's really did drive them into the ground. We're so anti-business that the school district had to shut down a school to save money. Overall, this district isn't exactly overly liberal (Bustamante got more votes, but not many more) but when you pay big money to live in a town where corporate America hasn't bothered to fill the joint with Starbucks shops and Clear Channel stations, you tend to fight to keep it that way, Democrat or Republican. This reminds me of the ballots to expand 101 to three lanes in both directions when the amount of cars meant for the original two lanes went up exponentially. Voters would always pass the bill to expand the highway, but shoot down the bill that would pay for it. Eventually it got widened, I think as part of Gray Davis' "I'll Improve Stuff In Your Town If You'll Like Me" efforts. The three lanes only go on for a number of miles and it's back to two, as I believe Arnold killed the plans to expand it further. How timely, just now a local TV ad is promoting a $100 a ticket event featuring Erin Brockovich, who you might remember had her name attatched to a "Companies are EVIL PEOPLE!" movie. Anyway, I'm far more concerned about the Indian Casino being proposed for the nearby area (technically a different town, but we live right on the edge.) I don't want a casino in town because it's hurting Nevada and I enjoy taking trips to Vegas and doing my gambling over there instead of some crappy reservation casino. But I still can't bring myself to support the people trying to recall the city council and whatever else to prevent EVIL GAMBLING WHICH STEALS MONEY FROM OLD PEOPLE WHO ARE FORCED TO GAMBLE AND ARE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE SLOT MACHINE AND WALK AWAY WITH THEIR MONEY SO WE CLEARLY MUST LEGISLATE TO HELP PEOPLE NOT GET ADDICTED INTO LOSING CASH.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    How much blame does Haliburton deserve?

    Actually, there's a difference there. Karl Rove and John Ashcroft *DO* deserve it (though Rove, nor anybody else who hasn't commited any crimes, deserves someone going up to their personal home and protesting like what happened a few weeks ago.) Halliburton, not to that extent. But I do feel more comfortable knowing there's watchdogs keeping tabs on them out there. You can say Halliburton is squeaky clean and free of guilt if you want, but then you can't at the same time compare them to the man who used push polls to win and the man who wants to start a war on porn.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Another Ric Flair interview

    At least Sammartino's protests to the business today has a point. I also hate the guys who think that because they know a wrestler's real name that they're some kind of know-all, but I suspect Flair's just trying to add a dimension to his heel character here, thinking he can draw heat with the net fans.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    I dedicate this to kkk

    We have boating, we have good theatre but it really depends on what's playing in town at the moment, we have historic buildings that will probably fall apart in the next quake, we have messy poorly-designed streets that look like they were diabolically designed to get you to collide with something else. Well, okay, we have boating. But honestly, there's a number of reasons to like SF, but many many more to dislike it, such as that it's a hell to move around in if you insist on taking your vehicle or are driving in from out of town. None of my reasons for hating it are the reasons you'd probably hate it (disproportionate amount of people with a leftist political mindset) but some are related (homeless problem.) I'm not there anymore, though. Like most people that say they're from the Bay Area but chop off the "San Francisco" portion before it, I don't live near SF or Oakland or San Jose but instead in a city connected to it an hour or two down the freeway. I mostly just stick around these parts now and while there's no massive anti-war protests or anything happening here, there still are enough hippies who want to "keep the town small" by not allowing the evils of CHAIN RETAILERS to enter. We voted last year to finally build our first mega minimall ("mega" because it sure is big to us in a town where the largest building is Walgreen's) to save our economy and keep public services like police going, but the hippies keep getting signatures to put it on the ballot again and again, rephrasing the question until they win. Idiots.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    We just don't get it

    I don't know every case, since I'm not exactly as dedicated to it's downfall as moveon.org or something, but I do know it was used in an investigation of a Las Vegas strip club owner, an event I remember seeing in their local news when I was planning my Feburary trip. The guy has no ties to terrorism whatsoever, and it's use was later criticized.