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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Austin offcially gone from WWE

  2. Jobber of the Week


    I almost marked out of my shoes. For some reason, listening above the noise of my father and a friend of his talking about what they've done the past three months, I thought the voice sounded SERIOUSLY like Brock Lesnar. And the eyeball closeups they gave didn't look like it couldn't possibly belong to him, so for a moment I thought McMahon worked the net, and reworking Lesnar into something weird and crazy. My guess is this character will be the new supervillain-style foil for FusionTaker.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    This NYT Article on Air America Is Brilliant

  4. Jobber of the Week

    ShopZone sales statistic

    Let's hope this doesn't give them ideas?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Where is Stacy Keibler?

    I have not missed Skinny Bitch. The Johnny Nitro thing wouldn't be too bad as she'd at least be out of the ring and I could boo her without a bunch of people getting pissed at me.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    More trouble for you-know-who

    There's a lot more at this link. Dubya victory: Assured.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    How much are YOUR neighbors spending

    http://www.fundrace.org/ Also, check out the hotel spending, and Sharpton's average bill compared to everyone else's.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Raw Analysis Thread

    I'd like to voice my lack of support for this idea. I recognize that this board, much like the WWE itself it seems, is very biased to the east coast, but as a Californian who had to watch Raw from 9-11 Pacific for the first time in years tonight (DirecTV usually lets me watch it with the majority of you folks, but cable only starts Raw one hour after it's ended) I was kind of suprised to come here to give my impressions and read the others and find the thread locked, unable to reply to other people's comments. Since I'm going to be moving into a new house with cable hookup in a matter of weeks, I'll be seeing this on a regular basis. The other issue is that the only thing this does is spread the same posting through two threads instead of one. Only a few people on this board feel the need to summarize their thoughts into an analysis post. If you must lock the OAO threads for some reason, at least wait until the next morning. On the sunny side, this might not be a bad idea for PPVs, though, because a lot of people often have "Should I order the replay?" fever and just want to know if the show was good or bad without having to read everything.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Burning .WMV clips onto CD-Rs...

    WMVs are one of those formats that are really really proprietary and aren't going to work on just about anything. VCDs need to be .mpg or .mpeg style files to work right. This question is more apt for Computers - Internet - Technology, though.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Punk'd: WWE version

    I saw the title and thought it would be amusing if WWE tried their own Punk'd style show, except that the roster is so small and knit-together that none of the tricks would work. Still, as long as it was house shows and backstage and not getting involved on TV projects, it would be amusing to see. Too bad Owen Hart died, he was allegedly the king of that kind of stuff and could probably do a whole wrestling-oriented candid prank show just based off his works alone.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting list of music business casualities

    Thank GoD they were dropped because they were awful. I HATE that "Butterfly" song so much. And I called that they would be a one-hit wonder. I only discovered that song in January.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    10 Contractors Being Held Hostage In Iraq

    People think that? Are you sure the people you accuse of wanting it solved in a weekend are not actually the people who were against going in originally in the first place?
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Media post: The Rock Vs. HHH

    Okay, Deon, this is great. The neat thing is I can stick all three movies on a CD-R and play them on a DVD player in VCD mode. But man, the size of that match file is going to explode the size of your hosting bill. I miss the 2000 main events, even if they were a little stupid (HHH/Vince vs Rock, anyone?)
  14. Jobber of the Week

    10 Contractors Being Held Hostage In Iraq

    You say that like you think they care.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    The Girl Next Door

    If you've never seen a C-cup tit before, I can understand how you might find this movie exciting. This movie was pushed back from it's original opening date and I don't understand since Hellboy will absolutely slaughter it for dollars. The ads just simply kept running, and a lot of people think the movie has been in theaters for a number of weeks when it only just premiered. To make it worse, the adverts highlight the raunchyness of it as though it's some kind of Vince Russo production, but the actual film doesn't have the guts to go that far.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting list of music business casualities

    And here I remember when Quarashi was new.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    10 Contractors Being Held Hostage In Iraq

    Right now, if the American people wanted Iraq carpet bombed, it would be only so they could get the troops out of there. And only if they weren't obligated to pay for some "rebuilding" bill when the place is a pile of rocks. To say that the public is "committed to the cause" right now is kind of loopy. And I have personally talked to many Muslims who disagree with these and other dispicable tactics used overseas. Maybe you haven't gone and tried to talk to any, Mike?
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Media post: The Rock Vs. HHH

    Give the people what they really want from this event. Give them the Showster.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Why John Kerry scares me

    Huh? Are you trying to say Stripperella is funnier than me? I'd say on many nights, yes. Some nights I get on a roll though.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Why John Kerry scares me

    KONTEXT-AWAY is a brilliant creation, is it not.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Why John Kerry scares me

    If it was funny, maybe. Even Stripperella is better.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Bad news for Terry Nichols

    Fluff LeCoque (yes, you read that name right, and it is pronounced just like that), a manager for a Las Vegas showgirl revue production. Unless you mean WHY I chose to post it, and I think the reason was obvious.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Bad news for Terry Nichols

  24. Jobber of the Week

    Shit hits the fan in Iraq

  25. Jobber of the Week

    The Eugene Character Was Nick Dinsmore's Idea

    Just because the guys were once entertaining doesn't hide the fact that the Boreum Brothers are not.