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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    I don't remember saying anything like that. If the court ruled something leaning conservative that the majority didn't agree with, it's as legitimate as if they ruled something liberal-leaning.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

  3. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    If we cannot assume that someone is telling the truth under oath, how can we have any faith in our system of justice? How can any ruling in any case be considered accurate unless we put faith in what they say under law?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Add another to the "swallowed by megacompany" file

    There's a difference between a proposed merger and a finalized deal. There's a lot of proposed mergers out there. I'm just mentioning that this one is done. A lot G4's stuff is console-oriented. A lot of TechTV's stuff is from the BBC. DTV and Comcast are currently at a standoff over SportsNet Philadelphia. But hey, easy and simple just to call people buffoons, no?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    He walked past, he was recovering from an injury at some point. I didn't recognize him until his back was turned. I imagine his Push Power is so strong even my Jobbing Aura couldn't affect him. On the other hand, I sat and watched Benoit walk right past me talking to someone on a cell phone. I'm scared for his title reign. NoCalMike: Nader, or Green Party Candidate? Because a vote for Green Party Candidate is at least a vote to support the idea of multiple parties. A vote for Nader just says 'I keep checking the box that reads "Ralph Nader'"
  6. Jobber of the Week

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    I don't blame him for that. With that kind of evidence, I would have wanted to make them disarm, too. I would have gone about it differently, of course, but if it were up to me, there would be people over there looking for WMDs just as there is right now. The thing is, I wouldn't actually make light about the fact that I was misled. I wouldn't intentionally bring it up before a live audience and a nationally televised broadcast, and I wouldn't make humor of it.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    Because this administration lies, too. And so it's basically his word against theirs. As for which of his stories are the most credible, I take his most recent one, since it's the one he stuck to under oath.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Inappropriate sig

    I'm just going to mention that if you find a sig offensive, you can do what I do: Go into control panel and turn sigs off. Pages load so much faster now that I don't have to download 10 or 12 pictures of the various wrestlers you guys think are good or the chicks you think are hot.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    One & Only Smackdown! Thread (3-25-04)

    West-Coaster thought: Dupree comes to the ring with too much shit. When you need a dog and a flag and one of Ric Flair's bathrobes to get over, you're trying too hard. He practically needs a locker at ringside for all these props.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    Or, he's a liar. Which is kind of ironic as the book is about attacking liars. I do believe we can safely assume he's a liar, since he has told both sides of the same story now.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

  12. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    I actually agree with this. And with what Mike said as well. I don't mind unions so much in areas where there are competing businesses, though. The job still can get done and the pressure to not let the competition gain too much encourages negotiation (see: UPS strike in the 90s, although that one was kind of ugly.) Unions are kind of a pro/con issue. As a guy who follows the gambling industry (mostly for stock reasons), a casino in Las Vegas closed a few months ago and some blamed the Culinary Union, which does have a lot of weight and asked for their debt to be paid off, when the casino didn't have the money to pay it. However, for as much bitching as the Union by longtime fans of that casino for wanting their money and causing the business to shut their doors, the non-union employees got it worse, as management wasn't doing their duties in paying for health care, and suddently a lot of people found themselves in debt very fast.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

    I am the wrestling version of your roller hockey luck. It was the Friday night before WM XIX: I shook hands with Billy Kidman and he went from former CW champion (losing at No Way Out) to Velocity fodder the moment he came back. I also got Kanyon's autograph the same night. Look where he is now. Poor guy. Also met Hurricane weeks before HHH killed him. I only noticed Spanky and called to him while he ran away. The guy knew what was coming to him and still he could not escape my curse. Trish Stratus and Shelton Benjamin ran away before I could see them in good light, thank god. My voting record is just as horrible: I'm almost ashamed to admit I voted for Bill Simon (big conservative who told huge lies through his campaign) simply because I hated Gray Davis that much. He went down like the Hindenberg. I recently voted for Edwards and he quit before my vote could even be count. The only luck I've had is Arnold, it seems. So, all the conservatives here can rest easy: I'm going to ensure Kerry gets squashed.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    I've decided I'm voting for Ralph Nader.

  15. Jobber of the Week

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    And I found myself agreeing with that 100%. Oh, hooray. Guess what? He's not dead. He hasn't risked his life for some cause. He's just a public servant and doesn't put himself in harms way. That was the best Republican joke ever.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    I think these people aren't laughing.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    So there's an imbalance in the system. Imbalances happen. There's also businesses where non-union workers work themselves into bodily damage but take what the employer gives them. The main focus of this web site is one such environment. And if someone tries to start a union (see: Jesse Ventura) they're gone. That's simply an imabalance on the other end. It doesn't mean that I should call for the total abolishment of unions or the total aboloshment of corporations.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    Let's keep that in it's thread, please.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    Then let me address it completely: The problem is that Americans are stupid. Great country, stupid people. At one point a great number of them thought that certain people were fit to be slaves simply because of the color of their skin. And this is why the courts exist. Courts are not bound to rule to please the majority. That's why you do not vote for your judges, because they should not have to be expected to cater to voters. They are expected to rule in a way that most likely fits the proper interpretation of the constitution. So, the question is not whether the greater majority approves of gay marriage, but whether constitution excludes it. BTW, that post by "Stephen Joseph" was excellent and what I would consider ideal.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    No, stop being so ignorant. I wasn't supporting Franken's story, nor anybody's story. I WAS MAKING AN OBSERVATION THAT THEY CONTRADICTED EACH OTHER. "Franken's story" is actually a Time magazine cover story, as he simply summarizes the article and throws in his own opinion and jokes with it. NO I DID NOT. I EFFECTIVELY SAID "WOW, THESE ARE DIFFERENT." SHOW ME WHERE I SAID THAT ONE WAS RIGHT AND ONE WAS WRONG.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    Is that true? I mean, if you put complete control in the hands of most the big businessmen, the workers would be doing far too much work for far smaller wages. The unions are just the other end. The idea of capitalism is for both sides to try and get as much as they can for themselves and, by doing so, wind up with a balance in the middle.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    You're that in love with Bush? "Well, Zell buddy, even though you voted for a bunch of Democrats in the past, I'm such a huge Bush supporter and so interested in seeing him win this election, that I'll forgive all the work you've done against us in the past."
  23. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7

    That takes a lot of capital and investors aren't going to be interested as there aren't a lot of people advertising on wrestling already.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Notes from Smackdown:(*Spoilers*)

    They need to immediately turn Undertaker heel and pair him up with Bradshaw. Then start a new NWO-like clique of heels wearing these large-brimmed cowboy hats. Instead of someone turning heel by putting on the black shirt, the guy PUTS ON THE COWBOY HAT~~~!!! SMELL THE RATINGS Ah, nevermind.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7

    In the long run, neither does cable. I predict fiber going up to everyone's doorsteps. Regardless, it wouldn't be a problem for them if they came up with a non-Demand broadcast alternative.