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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    RPG Baddie Nominations~!

    Diablo: Diablo. It big, red, it has horns, and it can crush you. And it's Satan. If he doesn't win, then it ought to be Kefka. And if neither win, then it's a crying shame and I demand a recount.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Has Anyone Played Sonic Heroes Yet?

    Adventure 1 had a casino area that gave you a ring for doing well enough in either of the two pinball games. One was themed to Sonic, and one was themed to NiGHTS. It was lame though and nowhere near Casinopolis. This one is more like that. Running and jumping combined with pinball. Stage 2 adds bingo boards (make a bingo for rings) and is easier than hell to fall off of. I'm currently in the second half of Rail Canyon, and keep dying at one point where the camera spins around your characters like crazy and you get confused and can't tell if you should push forwards or backwards to make your characters keep moving and then you fall. Obviously, I push the stick in the wrong direction. I wish they could have added second stick camera control, though. The game seems to be configured for Dreamcast controllers, and Xbox comes closest to bringing back that feel, but the poor second stick just stays there unused while the R and L triggers move the camera around.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Has Anyone Played Sonic Heroes Yet?

    I've enjoyed it. I'm currently at Rail Canyon. The casino/pinball levels are awesome and haven't been seen since... I don't know. Sonic 2?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    I haven't seen it in years. Still, I don't often read Doonesbury but that strip totally makes my arguement for me with it's excerpts from the book.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    Zell defended his record on CNN today. I think you'd be against buddying up with him, as it looks like he voted for Carter. He seems not to be the left-wing "RINO" but my guess is he is having a money bag tossed his way from someone interested in Bush winning every now and then. He claims to vote for Democrats and vote against Republicans for many years, but for some unexplained reason, with this particular administration, he's got his face firmly planted on their ass. Not sure why. Worst administration since Nixon, IMO.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    George W Bush makes joke about lack of WMDs

    Alright, I laughed.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7

    No, they just need to make a broadcast, not on-demand, version as well. Current on-demand channels have plans for this, such as The Anime Channel and other VOD stations. It would be smart for WWE to at least sound interested in doing that as they make a lot of money from satellite people. DTV stopped carrying PPVs from No Mercy 2001 until No Way Out 2002. And unsuprisingly, everything from No Mercy to Royal Rumble had some sad buyrates until WM18 gave a brief boost. But then the HHH & Hogan eras began and everything fell apart.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Video packages?

    I thought the video package for Taker/Kane carried Taker's Indoor Rainstorm and Bouncing Hydraulic Lowrider Ring to **1/2 myself.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Judgment Day has come

    I think the new Bradshaw character could be entertaining giving mic time. I never cared for him backing the office, calling internet users twerps, or his constant need to spout out Republican views in every wwe.com column, but if he can entertain me on TV, all is forgiven. And this "successful Texas businessman" gig could be entertaining if played right.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    I don't think the polygamy will be an issue, as the government can cite that it could be exploited for tax purposes. Example: 500 people choose to form one large marriage so that they can pay less taxes.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    The stupid "slippery slope" arguement that once same-sex couples will be married, somehow some sort of seal will be unleashed that will allow the ACLU to come riding through and opening legislation for people to get married to their pigs, dogs, and oak trees.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

    But... At one point, your opinion on that issue was considered minority.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

  14. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    You can go ahead and call it cowardly, I guess I have no choice but to call it conservative, since it meant not getting involved in an issue that didn't affect us.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    Are you retarded or something? I was explaining why I found this stuff interesting. I wasn't trying to create an arguement from the Franken book. Again, I wasn't building an arguement off Franken, I was explaining WHY I FOUND THAT COMMENT TO THE PRESS INTERESTING. I suggest you grow a brain. As for the rest of your drivel, I just lightly passed over it, as you want to sit and argue with me that I find Condi Rice sticking her BUTT in the air amusing, which is an obvious sign that you're not worth my time.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    That doesn't have a hell of a lot to do with the war in Iraq, which is what all the OMG SHOCKING book stuff is about. Compared to post-Saddam Iraq, the whole Afghanistan thing went off pretty well.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7

    Thoughts: Interesting, but so far there's no infastructure in place for anything like this on satellite. They need to work in broadcast, instead of just On Demand.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The "Whooo" Easter Egg on the Flair DVD

    Did it's intended effect, I guess. Almost 20 years later and there's still someone noticing him.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Just so you know what you're voting for...

    In that situation, no, because the power struggle after the US leaves results in a bunch of fighting between the sunni, shiites, and others and the end result is some religious wacko at the top who's very likely to be violent and murderous about it. Welcome to where you started. Now that his original plan didn't work. Good job.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Oregon County bans marriages...

  21. Jobber of the Week

    Hamas leader killed by Israeli airstrike

  22. Jobber of the Week

    Am I hallucinating here or what?

    Whoa, and it seemed like just last year he was doing the reggae backup in that Beyonce song. No wait, that's another guy...
  23. "anyone" includes myself and the other American lefties that it seemed the sarcastic tone was aimed at. However, it could be aimed at any of the fringe people we've seen here from time to time, from h4u to "I just Googled this oh wait SWERVE~!" Kamui.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Former "Terrorism Czar" speaks out against Bush

    Condi accused him of exaggerating as CNN showed video of her walking outside and into a car. And boy, she does the "bend over and step in" way of entering instead of the "sit down on the seat and swing your legs in" method. All it needed was Sir Mix-A-Lot singing about big butts. Anyway, they're desperate now. I like how she didn't have the cajones to appear at this event yet is a thread away from saying Clarke lied under oath.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Who is getting the PS2 HDD?

    Ladies and gentlemen, the decline of the gaming industry.