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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Mania XXI @ Staples Center in LA

    It was very dead in the middle of many matches, it was very hard to believe you were watching WrestleMania and a blowoff match when the crowd was sitting on their hands. Austin/Rock got a lot of heat, though, as did Hogan/McMahon (for Piper's appearance.) Crowd was dead during the title matches and only really popped for the SSP and here and there for some of Booker T's offense. When HHH was controlling things, people just zoned out, someone called another person on their cell phone, and I was paying more attention to the cool breeze that suddently started blowing through the stadium. I had a good time though, because it was a heel section (anti-RVD, anti-Mysterio, anti-Shawn.) We got enough people chanting Y2J over the HBK chants to be actually discernable on the TV/DVD product.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The WWE PPV DVD Thread

    Gee, I can't think of any WWE DVDs I have that have been edited. Oh, wait. Just one. Scott Hall's entrance for WM18 is edited to have a "static" effect leading out of the black & white (the original show simply went to color without a transition.) Compared to the usual NWO static effect, this one looks really tacked-on and low budget.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    More on Edge

    I actually believe Starrcade 89 is worse than Starrcade 94, because at least 94 has a little appeal for marks. 89 puts marks and smarks asleep alike.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    NY Times employees' campaign contributions

  5. Jobber of the Week


    I'm going to laugh long and hard when all this shitting doesn't matter and people go vote for Kerry not because they like him, but because they hate Bush more.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Ayman al-Zawahiri possibily cornered

    Well, I haven't heard the above thing anywhere else, sounds a little kooky to me... Pakistan is claiming there's no American troops involved in this. Now, I don't know if that's simply something they're saying to keep their Islamic extremists happy by making it sound like they aren't cooperating with the US or not. But if it's not, Bush needs to dedicate all military resources in the area to getting over there right now. This guy almost definitely holds more blood on his hands for 9/11 than even Osama (bin-Laden mostly just funds the operation, al-Zawahiri is the guy who actually makes the plans.) Forget the politics, forget the arguing about the war. This guy needs to be captured if he's here, and if he gets away than it's an embarassment for all of us.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    More on Edge

    So, what happens if HHH is moved to SmackDown to fill in for the heel role? Edge could go burial-free. I suspect Vince will keep Edge and Orton on Raw though until he figures out which one he likes better, then jobs one to the other. And that match will be Anglesault's hell.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Benoit on Fox n Friends

    Yup. The announcement with no last name happened at Slamboree 98.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Mania XXI @ Staples Center in LA

    Philly is probably a rare chance of WM, because unless they did a ballpark, the only real building is owned by Comcast, which has what feels like five different teams (most/all they own) rotating through there all the time, and as a result Sundays are rarely not booked.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Benoit on Fox n Friends

    No, no. That's hardly the worst Bufferism of Bret. "Ladies and gentlemen, THE HITMAN....*longish pause* BRET....." No last name or anything, because Buffer forgot his name and could only remember the first.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Raw rating

    They can't totally expect the numbers to go up right away? They need to completely change the style and tone of the company to something other than "WWF Attitude Lite." There was no way they could have the company in ship shape in time for WMXX to pull off the lofty expectations they were hoping for, and no signings or retirees coming back will help either. They're certainly going down the right road though, stopping the SWERVE~! shit, paying off when they promise something, and putting the belt on people who draw in merch and ratings (see Guererro, too early to tell with Benoit.) I think the biggest problem in returning this company to 1998 is that the general public realizes there's a neverending story, and that Vince McMahon will never end a feud if he can sell you on the rematch. As the headline in an old issue of "The Onion" parody newspaper said, "Steel Cage Match Settles Nothing." And in the long term, that's going to be their problem.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    WWE News and Notes

    WOOHOO! I'm containing the maniacal laughter until they finally officialize it.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    The New Undertaker

    Actually, I believe for Bikertaker, the Tombstone signal was having the guy over his shoulder and making a thumbs down with his hands before placing them in position for the drop
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE News and Notes

    Yes, but I don't expect them to be in Sable's pants.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    WWE News and Notes

    How in the living hell do they get news like that fourth item?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    The New Undertaker

    It wasn't that bad. He started showing some signs of the old character when he turned to the referee and the ref jumped out of the ring and ran for the hills. Also, props to Kane for his big grinning reaction to the no-sell of the kick. "Ah, no. Hey man, my bad." They just need to evolve it over time, let his hair grow out longer, and slowly move him out of stuff like the biker gloves into the more usual clothing.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Paul Bearer admits he lied on his website

    Interesting how he went from complaining about how Kane never could get a proper push because the Undertaker would either shoot it down backstage or in the ring, and now suddently he's one of the greatest talents in the history of our business or some such jazz.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Brock Lesnar Speaks !!

    Yeah, I mean, he left on a good match and everything. No, no, no, wait.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    Wasn't one of the Best Of Seven matches at a house show? I never cared about WCW until after they went kaput (although I only became a mark in 99 so it's not like I was missing anything by only watching Raw) so perhaps it did. In that case, 3 and 3, or even 3 and 2 if the DQ one sucked?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Benoit DVD !!!!!!!!

    I wouldn't mind 3 of them on a Benoit DVD and the other 4 on a Booker T DVD.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Bush claims that Kerry wanted to gut intelligence.

    A "true blue" conservative? Wha? Last time I checked, even Marney likes him.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Benoit on Fox n Friends

    David Benoit is also an artist in the realm of contemporary ("smooth") jazz.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Do you think they changed the Brock-berg finish?

    This is how I think it went. I have no factual basis for this, but it's the only thing that makes sense as I doubt Vince wanted to actually have a bad match at the show: Lesnar assumed he was going to win. Then he left with little ahead knowledge. In order to salvage the situation and express his displaeasure, Vince books Goldberg to win. Goldberg is unhappy with how he's been portrayed as having to be able to actually sell other peoples' offense and shit. Goldberg has no intention to come back unless they pay more money than they want to. Agent tells Brock and Berg, "Hey, you and you have a match, and you *points at Berg* get the pin." Lesnar is angry at being jobbed. Goldberg is angry for not being superhuman. They both want to leave. And so, they agree to stick it to Vince by having the shittiest match possible right in the middle of McMahon's big show. Berg and Lesnar proceed to stink up the ring. Austin just goes with it and then follows the script, perhaps throws in the ramp finger just because. Vince comes out to apologize and cool the crowds down by talking about how it wouldn't be without you that we'd blah blah blah.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Bush claims that Kerry wanted to gut intelligence.

    That's exactly how just about all the idealogues react to politicians that try and be a moderate. Arnold was getting it, too.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Bush selling Lincoln Bedroom to donors

    It actually belongs to the government and, by effect, taxpayers. I think the government gets some say in things you mentioned like expansions and so on. Otherwise, we would have had a strip club built into the back of the White House sometime in the 90s.