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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week


    So Bagwell is Hardcore Holly then? Actually, no, wait, I loved Holly as "The Big Shot" when he was taking on Kane and being bumped around repeatedly. Damn.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    Kane was actually booked kind of strong through that feud though. He beat the hell up out of HHH and stuffed him in a car. It would have been more effective if he didn't shout about how he was going to rape him or something that insinuated that, but anyway... The home video was Gooker material, of course, but that was HHH making an idiot of himself and reflected more on himself than it did on Kane. Booker was NEVER made to look strong against HHH. In fact, he had HHH making racist statements and Flair offering him a job as driver of their limo. Normally, Flair can do just about any-fucking-thing in wrestling and I love it. I don't care how stupid or offensive, Flair can pull it off. But Flair sniping in racist statements at Booker was just... I don't know. It didn't work. But it was considered minor in the light that Booker would win and all of this wouldn't matter and would simply be dressing on the story of the match. And he lost. And his match absolutely killed the crowd.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    I got one thing to say that nobody else noticed: When HHH was talking about "members of the family" that you can't stand and don't want to invite to dinner, but you have to put up with them, there was a long focused shot on Hogan. Coincidence?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    WWE video game tourney

    We need to bring back D'Lo. If nothing else, Shelton vs D'Lo in the video game championship would be the dream match.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Ads Go Negative

    So your ringing endorsement of the tax cuts was not that they made any kind of negative or positive economic effect, but simply did nothing? Well, spending went up a bit, but it all went to the rich and then didn't move. Huzzah.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Ads Go Negative

    I never understood how this was supposed to hurt him, and that was when I didn't want Kerry to win. It doesn't help him, it doesn't hurt him, it's just.. There. Politicians are people, they use profanity like anyone else.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    OAO "WrestleMania: The Movie" Thread

    Hey cool, I'm on this.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    McMahon Again Considering Bringing Back WCW

    Most of the real money in wrestling comes from people who can't identify a wrestling style.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Triple H *defends* steroid use in wrestling

    WM 9. Several years after crowds gave him minor boos for his showboating and poor sportsmanship. Again, WM9. I'll agree, if only because defending steroids no longer makes HHH the smartest man in wrestling. Hulk's Arsenio interview sounds more believable than "Yeah, well it's not like they're heroin or anything."
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Triple H *defends* steroid use in wrestling

    Yeah, cause ain't nobody else manipulated Vince before!
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Vince McMahon Speaks On WM, The Rock, WCW, More

    I was going to say something about Uncle Eric sharing the hair color formula.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Ads Go Negative

    The problem is that the tax cuts didn't make anything happen. And rather than address that, he wants to say that the problem is that we didn't make thme permanent.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Feinstein........

    It's not unreasonable that someone with that kind of complex to make some kind of rosy ideal picture of how they think the world ought to work, and certainly lying about one's real life on the internet isn't unheard of. Though I'm at a loss why Rob would sit and manufacture himself a history using his RFWrestling screenname. It seems way too obvious in his shoes that one of the people he netfeuds with could have been setting this up in order to "out" him to the internet fanbase he depends/depended on for cash. Instead it's actually worse as he got on TV as well. As for the kid, well, Vince McMahon has given people worse gimmicks for life than "RF's Boy Toy." I give it 55% against 45% in favor of him lying. It's a close one because I'm familiar with trying to get a relationship with someone who doesn't want your affections, and they don't hang around and be your "friend" for two years despite all that. They leave a lot quicker. Plus, that and the screenname thing.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE: Day of Reckoning for the Gamecube

    I remember a developer talked about how players told them they want to be able to do more fighting outside of the ring. And he sat and talked about how they had an outside arena that was basically a Royal Rumble with an outdoors theme, etc etc etc. I don't think people necessarily wanted to see Goldberg give the jackhammer to Frank, an overweight 36 year old construction worker. Nor did they want to see The Rock vandalize a shopping mall and RVD throw a rent-a-cop off a high place to his appearant death.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Ads Go Negative

    In the wave of Bush using post-9/11 unity to set the chain of events into motion, only one or two politicians were objecting to these things. I remember reading of one woman who was the only one to vote against going to war in Afghanistan (which was probably the only thing we've done right so far) but some other people also jumped in now and then. It's possible they just didn't want to rush in reaction, but pundits of both sides (aside from the hippie no-war-at-any-cost people, who have little media or political represenatation) saw no problem casting them as stragglers trying to break unity.
  16. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...1840EST0177.DTL
  17. Jobber of the Week

    "Fock" Austin

  18. Jobber of the Week

    Liberal talk radio

    Uh, what? That kind of conflicts with the whole pot hippie thing.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    SD threads always suck compared to Raw threads. Everyone using satellite dishes nationwide gets the East Coast feed of Raw, while we're all stuck with our local UPN station to deliver it right on time at 8PM in our own time zone. This means that the only people posting to the O&O thread are the real east coasters.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Did you BRING that with you to a WWE show? Yes. HA HA HA!!! I bet you'd also wear the shirt for a band at THEIR OWN concert!.... don't be that guy... This reminds me of the days leading to last year's Mania, as I saw a guy walking along with a WWF Championship over his shoulder thinking he was king shit of the universe. My Mom looked at me and said, "You know, that's the kind of thing you take to a wrestling show, but not what you wear around outside the wrestling show."
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Triple H *defends* steroid use in wrestling

    Now you KNOW that Shane/Marissa is going to get 51% of the company. No way would Vince let that klutz fuck up what he's built, especially before Vince can do it first.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    WWE: Day of Reckoning for the Gamecube

    Yeah, but it's GameCube, which means the controller won't be made for a wrestling game and the game is likely to suck if it follows the WM games style. The good news on the horizon is that the Raw 2 team lost their jobs at Anchor right as the game shipped, so maybe someone who can make a decent wrestling game will be making the next WWE Xbox game?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Liberal talk radio

    If the radio show has anything with the creativity of Supply-Side Jesus or Operation Chickenhawk, the Franken show could be entertaining.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Smackdown thread - 3/11/04

    Well, Austin needs to get the ATV back. How am I supposed to say goodbye to Brock without one last Kong Dance at WrestleMania?