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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Biggest card movements from Mania XIX to Mania XX

    I give biggest step up to Eddie, because he's actually going in as Champion and you're all dreaming if you think Benoit ever wins the belt.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Debra Auctioning Off Austin Wedding Ring

    You weren't alone. I didn't even read this thread and I saw that.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Feinstein........

    Someone want to bring me up to speed? I don't keep up and don't know what all this means.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Aaaaaaaaaand nevermind I seem to have figured it out. 2:48 PM: And it seems I can't find any place with the actual pictures.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

    Real quick guys: I reformatted my computer some time ago. Can someone tell me real quick where to get the best roster update and whatever the hell else I need to play, such as profile pictures and so on? I want to play this again after getting a new idea about the kind of fed I want to build.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Feinstein........

    This is what I'm afraid of. Nobody knows if he's having anal sex with 14 year olds. There's no documented proof anywhere that he's doing that. What we know is that someone got in an internet chat room with him and pretended to be a kid when they aren't, and encouraged him to come over, and after hesitation he pressed on with it. Obviously, it says something about his moral character that he'd follow through on that, and that's why ROH is smart in removing his baggage from themselves.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    Uh... I don't think you fully understand how WWE works or would make $$ off an ECW product. We're not going to be talking bingo halls and scratchy theme music being played off a worn-out boombox.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    Needs more bodies being dragged out of rubble, actually. NOTHING SAYS PATRIOTISM LIKE DEAD PEOPLE.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Feinstein........

    Well, some people like you will never be satisfied. I don't know how more clear you can be than to say "Oh, that guy? He's not involved anymore." You can sit around and shout "But it's wrestling!!!" all you want but even casinos have to run like legitimate businesses (at least since the mob's involvement was finished off in the 70s-80s.) You wouldn't want a guy like that tied to your records in real life. Imagine if there's enough against him that the police get involved. It won't be a secret then. Then what? What if the fed runs low on money because of reduced numbers and sales and needs to borrow money, and you've got a registered sex offender at the top of your totem pole? Bad idea. I believe he's gone because people there want to make money, and having him around is counterproductive to that.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Bringing Back ECW

    As long as it doesn't resemble such a goddamn pit that the last one did. With Vince, though, you can pretty much expect pyros and jumbotrons, so I doubt it will.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    The McCain-Feingold Bill

    The kind that makes money, I suppose.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    The McCain-Feingold Bill

    I just wanted to interrupt to ask you guys if I should change the channel to the NRA News Network or Moveon.Org World News. Thanks.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    Well, in 1996 we didn't have every idiot with broadband in his home and a video editing program. I'm sure if the internet was as widespread and accessable. And hey, even on today's internet, look hard enough through Google and you'll find the wacko you're looking for. And guess what can be found on that site, hmm? Or another... ...Or another.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Feinstein........

    At last, I have finally read this entire thread. I want to start off by saying I'm not an ROH fanboy. I don't think I've ever posted in this forum before and the only ROH shows I've ever seen was a few things I downloaded from alt.binaries.pro-wrestling, simply to see what all the fuss is about. Honestly, I'm too busy trying to learn history of 80s/90s WWF/WCW stuff than pay much attention to today's indies. I hate to make flames, give the award for Not Understanding Reality to 'trane, who seems to suggest that ROH should burn completely to the ground. By his logic, Volkswagen should no longer be around because their roots lie with Adolf Hitler and his attempt to make a "people's car." A company is a group of people, and even if the most prominent guy is canned, the company can (usually) endure. A news reporter has no legal authority to arrest people, so I doubt he's going to jail, but Rob is, for all intents and purposes, screwed now. Getting a job as a fucking copy machine guy is going to be difficult now, because as this spreads you won't have to look far in a Google search of the guy's name to see these charges and pictures. The guy is sleeze. I knew that from the moment I decided I didn't like his business model of lining his pockets by stealing other people's stuff, but whoa, he's sleezier sleeze than I expected. And yet, for sleeze, I kind of pity the guy. Don't take that too far, though. I don't think he hasn't earned what's coming to him, but having gotten a look at the psychological workings of people who share his fetish, my emotional response is more of a downtempo "Wow, truly a shame he wasted his potential by doing that" than the "KILL THE FUCKER" attitude a majority of people have for this kind of behavior. I also feel bad, but in a more genuine way, for the young man who played the role of Hijinx in ROH. As someone closer to his age than Rob's, I can only imagine what it's like to have yourself not only indirectly mentioned in a log like that, but also likely "outted" and declared to the world as a 30 year old's boy toy. I thought he was kind of cute myself, but yikes, not if I was in RF's age and position. So there's another case of damaged goods in this whole mess. I hope ROH can get over this and move on, because they put out something that enough people want to see that they've become a profitable venture, and the people who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into making it successful do not deserve to see it all flushed down for nothing because of another guy's psychological problem and inability to keep it in his pants. And now, back to the original discussion...... Hey guys, what do Burger King and Rob Feinstein have in common? 30 year old meat between 14 year old buns.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    AngelSlayer said he's a religious fundamentalist. Appearantly his personality or voting record would back such a claim, though it has only slight relevance to the topid at hand. Don't get carried away. This is about the only thing you said in this big rant that I approved of.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    Cerebus, would you mind if it was your friend draped under the flag in that scene? I'm trying to figure out where your disagreement is. That he simply isn't exploiting it as badly as some people say he is, or that people's deaths are open season for political marketing.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Martha Stewart found guilty on all four counts.

    But I don't think that really can matter as there's not a whole hell of a lot Clinton could do to look into a company's finances if he doesn't know they're doing something wrong. Though I think we actually agree on the same conclusion, but take different ways getting there. People assume Bush should have known since he and Lay were such good personal friends, and my only guess was that Lay wasn't telling anyone since his buddy Dubya and his friend Slick Willie at the greens knew about it. If he didn't tell Clinton, why do people assume he told Bush? And if he did tell Bush and was spreading the word, Clinton probably would have known The general answer is that I don't think a lot of people even know about the Lay/Clinton connection since the Bush one is harped on so much. Either that or both Presidents knew and were in on it. And that's all I got to say about that.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Martha Stewart found guilty on all four counts.

    They also forget that Ken Lay was good friends with George W (who calls him "Kenny Boy") AND Bill Clinton (golfing partner.) I'm just upset that the media is throwing so much attention on Martha and nothing on the other corporate crooks just because of who she is.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Stern says anti-Bush comments...

    Newswire stories have said the FCC has been pondering going after pay services as well, such as HBO or satellite radio. How much longer until people tune into the Sopranos and the picture changes to the scene of a forest while the guy is shot?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    The (in)actions of one idiot do not excuse another, especially when the other one is the one is the one on the ballot.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Martha Stewart found guilty on all four counts.

    Who the hell honestly gives a flip? How many guys from Enron still haven't gotten what they've deserved? The only reason anyone actually cares about this more than the other ones is because Martha Stewart is a prominent figure in the Ladies Home Journal circles. Give me a damn break.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Say goodbye to Super-Size

    NO~! Not the fries! I don't *WANT* a balanced lifestyle!
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    All the terrorists are flooding into Iraq now. As sad as it is to say, the costs of fighting terrorism is still being paid, but it's over there and not here. Except it was George W Bush's administration that missed all the suspicious warning signs about the hijackers that led up to 9/11. It's George W Bush's administration that planned to cut the 9/11 commission early and plans to only briefly visit with them. It may be time to rethink your definition of safe. Safe because of what happened leading up to 9/11, or safe because of what started a month afterwards? Because I can tell you that anybody, ANYBODY, in the President's position in October 2001 would realize that people were almost bloodthirsty to see some bombs in the desert and hear of some Arab extremists killed. And sure enough, it made everyone feel "safe" and the President scores popularity points.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Bush exploits 9-11

    Actually, you're behind on your easily-digestable soundbytes. "We caught Saddam" is version 2.0 of "terrorism."
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry's Veep

    Read harder: