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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Do you care who wins the Presidential Election?

    Isn't it weird? Democrats are campaigning against spending while Republicans hop onto assault weapon bans. The world must have turned upside down somewhere.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting Column from National Review Online

    Fifteen most common words you hear in a new MikeSC thread: "Why couldn't this go in the other thread about what bad things Kerry is doing?"
  3. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    The simple thing is consent. You don't have consent to your own person when you're a minor. The amount of what you're entitled to as a minor is limited in the way of civil rights. It's been expressed that it's not good in the interest of the public for minors to watch violent films unattended, view pornography, smoke cigarettes, etc. At the same time, minors also aren't entitled to pay all the taxes their parents are paying, so at least there's some balance. But minors may actually wind up doing these things anyway, and they actually do. Unless you're said minor's parent, there's a limited amount of options at your disposal as to what can be done about it (with exceptions, like drinking, where something is declared illegal at that age and civil servants can get involved.) So while the state can't do anything about, for instance, a 15 year old looking at porn, it is legal to make it difficult for 15 year olds to look at porn. There's issues about it? My high school math teacher was a lesbian and her adopted daughter (said teacher is also adopted, as well as just about nearly everyone in her family) was a pretty cheerful person by what I know, without any kind of social defects because TWOMOMMIESOMG2004!
  4. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Yeah, state's rights people like me. We're so horrible. Uh.. Remind me again, when the hell I told you whether you should refer to them as he or she? I don't remember taking a position on transgenders, or encouraging you to. You pointed out a government recognizing gender changes, and I mentioned a case of the State of Florida doing the same thing, in a purely observational sense with no real opinion, and then you attack me for taking sides. I've never expressed an opinion either way on transgendereds. For all you know, I might be uncomfortable about that kind of thing. And as a matter of fact, I am. And you can take that as me finally expressing an opinion on the subject, by the way. Says who? Nothing but popular convention, as far as I know. Now, if you want to make marriage a religious ceremony only, or simply a title with no government benefit whatsoever over, say, same-sex civil unions, then I'll agree with you. Because then marriage doesn't imply any special legal standing, and it's definition is open to interpretation to be soley between a man and a woman. I wouldn't care so much if it was just a fight over a goddamned word. But there's more at stake than that.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Funny, I don't remember that one in the Constitution. You're misrepresenting the Presidential nominees. I don't think any of them have used the pathetic "slippery slope" arguement that you have and refuse to possibly see as illogical. Well, in the case of the case of these states, there's pieces of the constitutions that conflict with each other. Pretend you're a judge and you're looking at clauses in the constitution. One provides equal rights for all, and one defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Now, which has the greatest impact if taken away? Same-sex marriages occuring if you remove the man/woman marriage piece, or removing the equal rights piece? How can you not see that the equal rights portion is more important? Remove that and you open a far bigger can of worms, with potential for more social injustices than what you predict by allowing same-sex marraige, with the defendant arguing that the court ruled against equal rights for all, and thus everyone is not entitled to them? I'm going on a bit of a tangent here that's too probably too wordy for what you're asking, but it should be obvious to you. Making law and overturning law aren't the same. And again I want to just roll my eyes and then throttle you for thinking that judges ruling on the constitutionality of laws is somehow a liberal/conservative thing. Stop looking at things in black and white and wake up. Do you want the Supreme Court to stop judging whether something is constitutional or not, too? The Constitution is not invulnerable to attack in it's principles over time. Previously, we thought keeping women from voting and having slaves was constitutional. If we decide that public opinion is more important than the constitution, eventually we will lose a majority of what this nation was created on. But hey, current public trends are far more important than the Constitution. I say we rededicate the foundation of our country on our most valuable asset: Public opinion polls.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting Column from National Review Online

    Moveon is a PAC, not a news site. If you want a crazy beyond belief left-wing news site to compare things to, try IndyMedia.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Potential Problem for Somebody about Something

    I never even heard of the National Journal before this thread, FYI. And if I did, I don't remember it. I'm not saying that Kerry ISN'T some raging liberal, I'm saying that it suprises me that he's ranked higher than some other prominent names.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Legally, it has always been 2 consenting adults. Genders have been left to states. So, the point is?
  9. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    There's tax breaks involved for married couples. Anti-gay-marriage types proclaim that it's intended to help raise a child, but married couples without children are getting them, too. This isn't just a liberal/conservative thing. Would you believe there are moderates and even right-leaning people who are on my side of this arguement? This isn't just some sort of partisan thought. This is you being a dumbass. I'm right, and you know it. Are judges supposed to support the will of the people if the law is uncostitutional. Isn't upholding the constitution in legal dispute what judges are supposed to do? That's the entire goddamn point of HAVING A JUDICIAL BRANCH.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Uh, no. Marriage is between 2 consenting adults. Anything beyond that (gender) has been state territory until now. Which is the reason why 15 year olds aren't getting married. They aren't consenting adults. What the hell? CBS' documentary program 48 Hours this week had the adventures of a man having gender-changing surgery. Then s/he excited showed off a new driver's license with a big F in the gender box and a letter about how his gender is now officially recognized as female by the DMV. This was in Florida. So hey, it doesn't bother Jeb Bush, I guess.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Potential Problem for Somebody about Something

    I still think it's an election year thing. Pelosi, I'd believe. Kerry, probably not.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Potential Problem for Somebody about Something

    Hold on a second. Kerry backs a state marriage amendment and is the most liberal guy in congress? WHAT?
  13. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    No, but while I think it's disgusting, I don't really believe it should be illegal either. If you want polygamy, fine. Ditto. Voting is for adults. Legally, 15 year olds are not adults. I have no knowledge of drinking laws so I won't touch this one. Adding gays to marriage law would not make anything less arbitrary than it already is. Again, I don't know how marriage ever first got federal recognition without idiots of your mindset running around screaming about how now people are going to marry wolves in the forest because now that we've instituted for bride/groom couples we have to give marriage rights to every single person, creature, or thing. Stop it with this pointless, empty rebuttal.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Simple opposition to something is not the same as proposing the friggin' constitution be changed to fit your whims. And here's where the vital disagreement is. Activist judges my ass. Look, there's a reason why you don't elect your judges. They're not supposed to be beholden to what the majority wants. They shouldn't have a constituency to be playing to. Their job is to uphold the tenets of the constitution regardless of how it flows with public opinion. I'm not going to defend John Kerry at this time, I've learned better than to do that. But again, should we make constitutional amendments for everything someone doesn't agree with?
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Do you care who wins the Presidential Election?

    I thought he and Clinton were buddy-buddy and then Prez'es changed and shit started hitting the fan?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Starts in a few minutes on COMMIEPINKO NEWS NETWORK LOL2004. Anyone else watching? I'm interested to see if Edwards can get some steam going.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...1916EST0873.DTL Though it'd been a while since we had a good ol' gun discussion. I thought it was quickly fading into a non-issue with both parties (aside from the NorCal lib favorites like Feinstein, who can be found just about every year showing off some big-ass gun OMGBANITNOW that she's holding or pointing extremely wrong.) Never thought the Republicans would be the first one to stir the pot, though.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    If Russo had Stephanie's job

    Not the image they want to promote, especially with so much sponsorship from anti-drug advertising.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Storyline Arrests

    Austin's been arrested several times. Austin and HHH each (I think) have had Vince arrested once, Undertaker got arrested during the Ministry of Darkness angle (feuding with Vince) and then again in American Fatass gear around WMX7 (feuding with HHH.) Goldberg got arrested once in WCW and of course recently did again at No Way Out.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    If Russo had Stephanie's job

    As much as I hated Russo's WCW/TNA stuff, I still don't think his WWE stuff was REALLY that bad. He's gone now, and someone is still booking Mae Young skits, so I don't shift 100% blame to him for that.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    Laying low, or maybe someone in charge is showing amnesty, I don't know. I don't even know how many others besides me recognize it.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Well, I don't think it will "only" play well in this state (I'm not sure how well it will play in this state anyway.) If that's so, then whoever it was (Hatch? I can't remember) will have an issue flung his way come re-election time.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    An idiot who made a ton of debate gaffes and then claimed it was intentional. He still posts here with another username. But he avoids CE with good reason.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    And yet, last I checked, it was another state's Republican who propsed the amendment to Congress.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    My name is Jobber Of The Week and I approve of this message. Edwards made a good move at the finish talking about giving colledge educations again and again, although I think he made a mistake refusing to answer the "do you regret it" question. Previously he said he wouldn't have done it knowing what he knows now on WMDs, etc.