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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

  2. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Edwards is getting interrupted like mad here.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    I hope it is. The rain just started, so there went the TV reception (DirecTV.) Tuning it in on radio right now.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    And now, Edwards makes the rebuttal on Sharpton's talk about special interests.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Thank god Edwards didn't allow Sharpton to interrupt him there. Kerry not putting the murderer of a 5 year old to death... Yeah, that'll play well in the media. Though I'm sure some did like that asnwer.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Someone needs to say something that can top Al Sharpton's zingers. Kerry understands the south? What?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Heh, I just say Gray Davis in the crowd. How's your vacation?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Kerry is saying that NOW he thinks the Defense of Marriage Act is constitional. Now he just tried to get the topic onto more important subjects, and the moderators no-sold it.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The Super Tuesday Debate

    Pretty dull format so far. Al Sharpton on race barriers. He just talked for so long that King finally interrupted with "But this is just your first quesion."
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Complete WrestleMania DVD collection

    These shows (as well as 19 and certainly 20) are out on individual DVD release and wil probably be left blank spaces in the box, to encourage you to go buy the other stuff and give them more money.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Clear Channel pulls Howard Stern from the radio

    I'm sure both listeners will be excited. The FCC has suddently been cracking down on morality with the same rationale that government always uses when it moves quickly. If people are talking/outraged about something, their elected officials will move swiftly on it to try and look useful. Nevermind that this doesn't need legislation.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Rherorical. What Bush says is rhetoric. What you're asking is rhetorical. On the other hand, mother nature dictates the 65 and older crowd isn't voting in THAT many more elections. Which is why I think this amendment would be the alcohol ban for the 21st century.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

  14. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting Column from National Review Online

    Uhh, Kerry didn't dodge the draft. Personally, I don't mind people who go into the National Guard to not serve. I'm a little miffed that a political trick was played to move GW to the very front, but overall, I could care less. You shouldn't use that as a BRAGGING POINT though.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    I'd just rather keep the concealed public weapons to the police, arnored truck drivers, etc etc. I don't trust our people or culture today to be able to do the right thing when it comes to everyone taking their gun to the mall.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    Sweet lord no. I have no problem with people owning guns to protect their homes. I've thought about that as well, and I can totally understand. I'm not very excited at the thought of anyone who owns a gun being able to carry it with them where every they please. Then you pretty much HAVE to own a gun.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Help Howie pay off campaign debts

  18. Jobber of the Week

    The Passion of the Christ

    CNN just had a rabbi, a Catholic priest, and a pastor at a roundtable talking about the movie. Priest and rabbi found it offensive because of the portrayal of Pilate as a weak-kneed leader doing what the Jewish crowd demanded of him, while the pastor absolutely loved it. I have to toss my lot in with this review, which slams it for not providing any background on why any of these events is happening. Either you know your bible or you're lost. Movies shouldn't do that.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Brock Lesnar Getting Heat For Big Ego

    WHAT!~??! ONLY 1.5 MILLION DOWNSIDE!?!?!? THAT'S JUST BARELY ENOUGH FOR THE STARPOWER OF BILLY GREYBEARD!!! ... And people think LESNAR is making too much money. I think Undertaker's downside is, what, a million? Fuck Goldberg gets that much and has enough left to buy his own plane ala Air Brock.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Happy With "New Style" Approach

    Thank GOD someone finally gets it! I've seen so many marks for the Angle/Benoit/Bret/Dynamite/Whoever style of mat stuff that I was getting unsure if anyone ever "gets it" that there's room for everything in this fed. Not just various forms of HHH (like we have right now) or even various forms of Benoit.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Should foreign-born citizens be allowed to...

    I'm beginning to think there's a lot of things that come out of this guy's mouth and "sound right", but are just freaky to read in print. Take this: "How much money can I expect when I come here because so many other governors are asking for money? I expect to get a lot of it, simply because I'm very persuasive. I am like a tick that hangs on it and will not let go until I get what I want." "You can't get everything you want, but ... you know the old philosophy – squeaky wheels get the grease, so I will ... be complaining and I will be asking for the money until we get as much as we can."
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Brock Lesnar Getting Heat For Big Ego

    Maybe he's actually pinching pennies now because of the plane purchase. Who the hell cares? I'm suprised more wrestlers didn't do this in the MNWars days when huge Turner contracts were the norm and everyone was making money (even if WCW wasn't)
  23. Jobber of the Week

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! Medic! We got a man who's caught a fever of conservative activist catchphrase.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    What was the moment of truth?

    Jericho when he lost Hell In The Cell vs HHH. I knew he was going to job at WM, I didn't mind that. The reign was an abortion anyway but I don't think Vince was trying to bury him like many do (Brock's second reign was horrible, too, and he's the golden child.) But when Jericho jobbed AGAIN in the cell, bleh. Booker, probably his moment passed by in WCW. I don't think RVD /EVER/ had it.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    New WWE logo debuting at Wrestlemania?

    I suspect it will be like it was at WMX7. JR and Heyman were at ringside, while Tazz & Cole (the Heat crew at that time) where up in the skybox over everyone.